An animal kingdom in Europe
is disappearing
Facts and Figures about Species decline in Europe
Compiled by the WWF European Forest Programme April 2003
The violent change in forest quantity and quality over the last few centuries has brought a great number of forest dwelling species to the verge of extinction. Many species are about to disappear from several European countries, perhaps from the whole continent. Many forest animals are dependent for their survival on natural and undisturbed forests for their habitat and their prey base. They are vulnerable to forest roads criss crossing their territories, hunting, human settlements and logging activity which disturbs them and their prey and deprives them of their natural habitat.
Half of Europe’s Forests have already disappeared. Natural forests and those richest in biodiversity are in decline. Europe’s forest protected area network is not sufficient and does not ensure long-term protection of all forest types and associated species. Endangered animal and plant species are still struggling to survive in protected areas that are either too small or too widely scattered
Unique habitats have been lost and thousands of forest dwelling species have become endangered. Forest dwelling species in temperate and boreal forests in Europe are threatened at an alarmingly high level. Among mammals, typically 20-50% and among birds 15-40% of forest dwelling species were categorised as threatened as part of a UN/ECE/FAO assessment of the temperate and boreal forests of the world.
Europe has already lost the wild horse or tarpan and the European bison and is now trying to reintroduce them. Today, with less than 200 living in Portugal and Spain, the Iberian Lynx is now the worlds most endangered big cat and is on the brink of extinction. The Siberian Amur tiger with 450 animals remaining, is endangered. The wolf, once abundant across Europe today only exists in threatened remnant populations and listed as vulnerable. The populations of Imperial Eagle, Bonelli Eagle, Capercaillie and Black Stork have been severly declining due to loss of natural undisturbed forests and hunting. Most of Europe’s remaining wolves, bears and European lynx can today be found in Eastern Europe. This reflects the large tracts of undisturbed forests that still exist in these countries and require urgent protection. Carnivores can be seen as “barometers” of the health of the environment, requiring large forests for their habitat with plentiful prey species.
The loss of original forest in selected countries
The data in this figure has been compiled from the following sources: lost forest cover – European Forests and Protected Areas: Gap Analysis. UNEP – World Conservation Monitoring Centre. July 2000; current forest cover – Temperate and Boreal Forest Resource Assessment (TBRFA) 2000; plantations & pristine forests – Temperate and Boreal Forest Resource Assessment (TBRFA) 2000& WWF European Forest Scorecards 2000.
Threatened mammals
Source: Temperate and Boreal Forest Resource Assessment (TBRFA) 2000
Threatened Birds
Source: Temperate and Boreal Forest Resource Assessment (TBRFA) 2000
- WOLF (Canis lupus)
- SIBERIAN TIGER / AMUR TIGER (Panthera tigris altaica)
- IMPERIAL EAGLE (Aquila heliaca)
- BONELLI EAGLE (Hieraaetusfasciatus)
- CAPERCAILLIE (Tetrao urogallus)
- BLACK STORK (Ciconia nigra)
- FIR ( Abies alba)
- IBERIAN LYNX (Lynx pardinus)
- EURASIAN LYNX (Lynx lynx)
- BEAR (Ursus arctos)
WOLF (Canis lupus)
Status :CITES Listed Appendix II
Original distribution
The wolf had the largest distribution area of any terrestrial mammal worldwide in recent historical times. It occupied the whole Northern Hemisphere north of 20 N, including the entire North American continent, Eurasia and Japan. Following extermination efforts by man, the species' range is greatly reduced today. Originally found throughout Europe, at the end of the 18th century, wolves were still present in all European countries with the exception of Great Britain and Ireland.
Distribution more recent
During the 19th century, and especially in the years following the Second World War, wolves were exterminated from all central and northern European countries. During the sixties, wolf distribution was smaller than it is today, with small remnant populations in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, and Finland, and more numerous populations in the east.
In the last twenty years, the species has been recovering naturally in several parts of Europe: a positive, though uncertain trend of re-colonisation of France, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden and Norway.
- Hunting
- Poaching
- Human encroachment
- Habitat fragmentation
Wolves require large spaces away from human settlement. Today the main refuges for wolves are in northern European countries and in Eastern European countries with larger tracts of virgin forests
Specially threatened – wolves in Norway
In the mid 20th century almost exterminated, coming back over the last few years. In 2001 approximately 13-18 wolves were tracked in Norway.
The national board of the Norwegian Forest Owners' Federation, which controls 78 per cent of the country's timber sales, has declared that it will not tolerate any breeding wolves in Norway and is calling for the extermination of all breeding wolves in Norway.
It has also called for bear, lynx and wolverine populations to be reduced.
More information can be found on
The wolf has totally disappeared in Switzerland, GB, Ireland, the Netherlands and Belgium. Austria: rarely, only single individuals, no population!
- Preserve natural forests areas that are large enough to provide a habitat for wolves, away from human settlement – network of protected areas of adequate size and quality - in particular Network of protected areas in the Carpathians
- Preserve the natural wealth in Eastern Europe. Make protected areas affordable for Eastern countries
- Stop forest owners shooting the last wolves in Norway
- Raising public awareness and acceptance
- Stop poaching
Current numbers of wolves
Bulgaria: 800 -1000 - population trend neutral/stable
Romania: 2500 - population trend positive
Latvia: 900 - population trend neutral/stable
Estonia: less than 500 - population trend negative
Lithuania: 600 - population trend positive
Sweden: 50-70 - population trend positive
Finland: 100 - population trend neutral/stable
Norway 13 – 18 - population trend negative/ highly threatened through hunting
Poland: 600-700 - population trend positive
Czech Republic: less than 20 - population trend positive
Hungary: less than 50 - population trend neutral/stable
Slovakia: 350-400 - population trend neutral/stable
Slovenia: 30-50 - population trend positive
Source: Action Plan for the Conservation of Wolves in Europe (2000)
Croatia: 100-150 - population trend positive
SFR- Former Yugoslavia: 1000 - population trend neutral/stable
Bosnia-Herzegovina: 400 - population trend negative/decreasing
Belarus: 2000-2500 - population trend neutral/stable
Ukraine: 2000 - population trend neutral/stable
Germany: 5-10 - population trend neutral
France: 30-40 - population trend positive
Italy: 400-500 - population trend positive
Spain: 2000 - population trend positive
Portugal: 200-300 - population trend neutral/stable
Switzerland: none
Greece: 1500-2000 - population trend neutral/stable
Macedonia: 1000 - population trend positive
Albania: 250 - population trend positive
Source: Large Carnivore Initiative
SIBERIAN TIGER / AMUR TIGER (Panthera tigris altaica)
Status: IUCN: red list status: endangered
Original distribution
- Initially in the 19th century not more than a third of the habitat dwelled by the Amur tiger belonged to the Russian Far East. At the end of the 19th century the Russian population number around 500 individuals.
- With the beginning of the 20th century.(around 1940s) a period of profound decline began leaving the Russian tiger population at less than 50 individuals.
- Between 1950s and 1980s a partial restoration of Amur tiger range: the population grew up to 250.
- At the present time the basic habitat of the Amur tiger (90%) is restricted to the Russian Far East where the tiger population became stabilized by 400-450 individuals.
Source: WWF Russia
Current distribution in Europe
Russia: 450 in the Russian Far East
Major threats
Increased logging and construction of roads. The forests outside the protected areas are being exploited unsustainably for timber and other forest products. Large-scale cutting of oak and pine forests -- prime autumn-winter habitat for wild boars -- is a very serious concern. Also being heavily logged are the floodplain forests, which serve as the tiger's main hunting ground during summers. Logging roads are being laid in vulnerable areas, such as small river and creek beds. Not only are these roads environmentally intrusive, they also provide easy access to poachers and hunters.
Forest fires. Of late, forest fires have destroyed vast areas of forests in the Russian Far East. Serious forest fire outbreaks occurred in 1998 and 1999.
- Poaching and Illegal trade. Poaching currently represents the most immediate threat to wildlife. Increasing numbers of tigers are killed for their pelts and tiger parts, especially bones, needed for traditional Asian medicine. Tiger pelts fetch over US$5,000, and bones up to US$3,000 per kg, making them attractive items in this economically stressed region.
- Unplanned industrial development. The current fast pace of economic deregulation and absence of long-term resource management plans are imposing new threats on the whole region, in particular on Siberian tigers. The current political and economic situation (Mass unemployment, low salary level,...) has resulted in an accelerated exploitation of resources in the region, Unplanned industrial development, especially timber harvesting and mining, destroys or degrades the critical habitat of these animals. It is essential that a landscape-scale strategy for tiger conservation, incorporating a system of core reserves, habitat corridors, and buffer zones that allow varying degrees of resource exploitation, and indigenous reserves, be developed.
The Amur Tiger, the biggest cat in the World, was near extinction (30-40 specimen) in 1940s. Many efforts and decades were needed to increase its number up to 450 individuals. But at the same time we had lost more than 1/3 of its historical range in North East China, Korea Peninsula and on the left bank of Amur River.
The modern distribution of Amur tiger at Sikhote-Alin mountains covers 15 million hectares, and about 1,3 million hectares of them were under the protection of different level nature protected areas (NPA). From 1990, WWF family has been working actively to stabilize the situation in cooperation with Russian Government, regional agencies, and other international environmental organizations, mostly by the anti-poaching emergency actions.
The Amur region of the Russian Far East contains the most biologically diverse forests in Russia. They are among the most diverse non-tropical forests in the world. Because much of the region has escaped periods of glaciation, it became a climatic refuge for numerous species and communities now found nowhere else in Russia, or the world. This level of endemism, combined with the region's unique biogeographic location, has resulted in unusual assemblages of plants and animals. Siberian tigers, Amur leopards, and Himalayan black bears are found, together with reindeer, sable, wild boar, brown bears, lynx, and salmon. The forests contain numerous edible and medicinal plants, including wild berries, Siberian pine nuts, wild ginseng, other medicinal herbs, and mushrooms, providing natural resources for several indigenous populations.
Wildlife populations in the Amur region are declining rapidly in the face of intense poaching pressure and habitat loss. The threat posed to species such as the Siberian tiger and Amur leopard is of global significance. The Russian Far East region of Primorski Krai and Khabarovsk Krai represents the last remaining habitat of Siberian tigers. Current estimates of tiger numbers range from 200 to 300. Only strict protection measures for their population and habitat will allow recovery.
- Create new nature protected areas to implement the Strategy for Conservation of the Amur tiger in Russia
- Adopt the legislative base to implement the new forms of nature protected areas and create the precedents of ecological corridors to form the Econet in Amur tiger range.
- Provide starting support for newly established nature protected areas and create opportunities for sustainability of Amur Tiger Econet.
- Prevent illegal logging and illegal hunting and provide information about illegal trade. At the same time the socio-economical situation of the area has to be considered.
- Increase public awareness of Amur Tiger Econet program and minimize human-tiger conflicts.
IMPERIAL EAGLE (Aquila heliaca)
Status:IUCN-Red List: vulnerable
Population estimate: 2,500-10,000/ Population trend: Decreasing
It is a lowland species that has been pushed to higher altitudes by persecution and habitat loss. In central and eastern Europe, it breeds in forests up to 1,000m and also in steppe and agricultural areas with large trees. In the Caucasus, it occurs in lowland and riverine forests and semi-deserts. Birds seem to prefer wetlands for wintering.
Aquila heliaca is a typical forest dweller. It breeds in Slovakia, Croatia, Yugoslavia, FYRO Macedonia, Greece (probable), Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey, Moldova, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Iran, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and China.
Main European Distribution in Spain and Eastern-Europe
In Austria the last successful breeding pair was reported in 1810. After a period of 190 years the next successful brood was reported in 2000, followed by a breeding attempt in 2001 and an other successful brood in 2002.
Passage or wintering birds from eastern populations occur in the Middle East, east Africa south to Tanzania, the Arabian peninsula, the Indian subcontinent and south and east Asia. Some European birds winter in Greece and Turkey. The population is probably only a few thousand pairs. There has been a rapid decline in Europe and probably in Asia. In Europe, the non-Russian population is estimated at 224-318 pairs, with populations in Hungary5 and Slovakia now increasing. The population in European Russia may total 600-900 pairs1 and in Kazakhstan 750-800 pairs2. Although currently stable, the Russian population is predicted to decline in the next three to five years3.
Major threats
- Habitat Loss/Degradation - Agriculture (ongoing)
- Habitat Loss/Degradation - Extraction (ongoing)
- Human disturbance (ongoing)
- Harvesting (hunting/gathering) (ongoing)
- Biggest problem in Austria: illegal hunting (2003: 1 bird shot, 1 bird poisoned)
- Accidental mortality (ongoing)
It is estimated that this species' small population has declined by more than 10% in three generations, primarily as a result of the loss of mature native forest and persecution in parts of Europe and probably in Asia. This qualifies it as Vulnerable.
- Implement beneficial forestry policies.
- Maintain large trees in open land and protect old slope woodland
- Prevent mortality from nest robbing, illegal trade, and poisoning and powerlines.
- Conduct surveys to identify breeding and wintering sites, and migration routes.
- Improve protection of species and sites.
- Increase the availability of prey species.
- Raise public awareness.
BONELLI EAGLE (Hieraaetusfasciatus)
Status:. It is listed on Annex I of the EU Wild Birds Directive and Appendix II of the Bern and Bonn Conventions and CITES convention.
Bonelli's Eagle inhabits Mediterranean landscapes with low or little vegetation, the species is almost totally absent from mountainous areas or dense forests. Prey species mainly comprise mammals and medium-sized birds. Resident.
Large decline throughout almost all of its European range, with a global population now numbering less than 2500 pairs.
The European population numbers 862-1072 breeding pairs. Spain holds about 65% of the European population, the rest having an irregular distribution in the Mediterranean basin.
Major threats:
- Habitat loss and destruction
- Food loss
- Human disturbance (at nest sites)
- Persecution
- Electrocution
New infrastructures, constructions and associated activities (reservoirs, quarries, mining and built developments) can cause irreversible habitat loss. In Spain 20% of territory desertions result from such developments. Forestry operations also cause problems, e.g. in Portugal. Loss of mixed farming in favour of increased specialisation is expected to be a serious factor in future.
- Elimination of direct persecution by the enforcement of existing hunting and conservation regulations - essential
- Identification and modification of dangerous powerlines which have caused Bonelli's Eagle deaths - essential
- Protection is required in the most important breeding and dispersal areas, with designation of key IBAs as SPA to be included in the NATURA 2000 network and subject to management plans - high
- Promotion of land-use policies to avoid deterioration of breeding and dispersal habitat (and disturbance) - high
- Increase prey populations by strengthening and enforcing hunting regulations and regulation of hunting activities - high
- Development and implementation of a programme to monitoring population size, distribution and trends, juvenile dispersion, causes of mortality, etc.) - high/medium
- Undertake public awareness and educational campaigns - medium
More information:
CAPERCAILLIE (Tetrao urogallus)
Original distribution
In former times capercaillie lived all over Europe and northern Asia, from the Pyrenaen Mountains to East Siberia and from Balkany through the Polar Circle. In the last 100 years strong reduction of the popultation. Only small remnant populations remain.
Distribution current
The biggest populations are found in Scandinavia and Northern and Eastern Russia.
However forest fragmentation and increase of young forests in the Southern Finland have collapsed the population of Capercaillie by 60 % during last 40 years.