San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District
Supplemental Application Form
Conservation Management Practices: CORN, GRAIN, AND SILAGEFarm Name: / CMP Plan Years: / to
Maximum Crop Acreage:
Fallow Acreage Last Planted in Corn, Grain, or Silage:
Land Preparation/ Cultivation / Select at least one of the following CMPs.
Note: 100% of the maximum crop acreage must be covered by the selected CMPs.
Bed/Row Size or Spacing, ac Mulching, ac
Chemigation/Fertigation, ac Multiple CMPs in Another Category
Combined Operations, ac Night Farming, ac
Conservation Irrigation, ac Precision Farming (GPS), ac
Conservation Tillage, ac Transgenic Crops, ac
Equipment Change/Tech. Improvements, ac Other (approved on a case-by-case basis), ac
Integrated Pest Management (IPM), ac
Please describe the specifics of the practice(s) chosen above:
Harvest / Select at least one of the following CMPs.
Note: 100% of the maximum crop acreage must be covered by the selected CMPs.
Equipment Change/Tech. Improvements, ac Night Harvesting, ac
Green Chop, ac Shuttle System, ac
Multiple CMPs in Another Category Other (approved on a case-by-case basis), ac
Please describe the specifics of the practice(s) chosen above:
Other / Select at least one of the following CMPs.
Note: 100% of the maximum crop acreage must be covered by the selected CMPs.
Application Efficiencies, ac Night Farming, ac
Bulk Materials Control No Burning, ac
Integrated Pest Management (IPM), ac Surface Roughening, ac
Irrigation Power Units Transgenic Crops, ac
Mulching, ac Wind Barrier, ac
Multiple CMPs in Another Category Other (approved on a case-by-case basis), ac
Please describe the specifics of the practice(s) chosen above: