The Arizona Schuetzenverein Presents Rimfire Schuetzen
Where: The Phoenix Rod and Club, 915 W Olney Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85041 (Smallbore Range)
When: Saturday October 29, 2016 and November 19, 2016. Shooters may arrive at 8:00 AM to register and sight in their rifles. The event will begin at 9:00 AM.
Course of FireBenchrest:50 shots bench rested any sights no restriction on scopes or magnification. 30 shots bench rested iron sights, open sights, peep sights and tube sights.
Course of Fire Offhand: 26 Shots offhand or with cross sticks open to any sights, scopes or iron.
Rules:Only single shot rifles as defined by the American Single Shot Rifle Association are permitted. A single shot rifle is defined as a breech loading cartridge rifle without magazine or provision for additional cartridges, in which the action must be operated, and in which a cartridge or shell must be manually inserted for each shot. Bolt-action rifles are specifically excluded regardless of age or model. The action may be of the falling block, tipping block, rolling block, tip up or any similar type whether made recently or in years past. Examples of commonly used rifles; Ballard, BSA Martini, Haenel, Stevens (44, 44 ½, Walnut Hill), Remington #4 and Winchester 1885
This event is only open to 22 short, long or long rifle cartridges. No, 22 Magnum or 17 Caliber rimfires.
Additional Information:BSA Martini rifles with Parker Hale Peep Sights are available to loan to shooters who wish to participate, but do not have a rifle. It is requested that those using the loaner rifles use Standard Velocity/Match Grade ammunition in the loaner rifles.
Shooters need to bring eye protection and ear protection. It is suggested that shooters bring a staple gun, rifle rest/sandbags and a spotting scope.
Cost to participate is $7
For additional information please contact Scott Elliott,
Monthly Schuetzen events will continue to be held at The Ben Avery Range throughout 2016. Please contact Byron Goff at or Scott Elliott for further details.