April 2009

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A Note from the Pastor

Dear Friends,

My family and I have had

a rough few weeks and I am glad

things are starting to look better for us. We have been battling illnesses and busy schedules it seems for the whole month of March. It is great things are slowing down. Just this last week everyone in the house had a cold followed by everyone having the stomach flu. I have been sick, Autumn has been sick, and the kids have been sick. These times really make Autumn and I appreciate each other more. When one of us is not feeling well the other has to pick up the slack with the kids and daily chores. I know when I was feeling really bad, Autumn was great in how she handled everything.

The Bible tells us that God does not give us anything we cannot handle. I believe that statement is a little misleading. There are many things in life we cannot handle on our own, but with God’s help we can get through anything. God does not help us merely to survive. He helps us to thrive. We have to remember that our strength always comes from God and we must always praise Him for that. So, next time you are in a hard spot remember God is there to lift you up. Do not rely on yourself, but on God.

Your friend,


Session Minutes

The Session met on February 11, 2009 at the church. The meeting was opened with prayer by Jane Leonard. Elders present were Ryan Wagner, Alan Foster, Gary Kimberly, Jane Leonard, Linda Purdin, and Jackie DeAtley. Jane Leonard was moderator for the evening.

The treasurer’s report was approved as read. The clerk’s report from the January meeting was amended to include the installation of officers and communion.

EAC: It was decided to wait until further notice about paying the EAC dues for the church.

Five special offerings for 2009 were approved. They are as follows: Peace, One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecostal, Joy, and Crop Walk.

The use of the church for the wedding of Erin Shupert and Matthew Trefz on July 11, 2009 was approved.

Ash Wednesday service will be held at the Mowrystown church on February 25.

The session responsibilities for the year are as follows: Missions – Ryan Wagner, Compassion – Jackie DeAtley, Worship – Jane Leonard, Fellowship – Linda Purdin, Spiritual Growth – Gary Kimberly, and Christian Education – Alan Foster.

Confirmation Classes will be starting.

The EAC will hold a Business Learning Day on March 21, 2009. The next session meeting will be held March 11.

The meeting was closed with prayer by Jane Leonard

Jackie DeAtley, Clerk, pro tem

The Session held its regular meeting on March 11 at 6:30 pm.

The meeting was opened with prayer by Nate. Elders present were Jackie DeAtley, Gary Kimberly, Alan Foster, Jane Leonard, Linda Purdin, Ryan Wagner, and Betty Beam, clerk.

The treasurer’s report was approved as submitted by Jackie DeAtley, treasurer. It was decided not to pay the Eastern Area Council dues for 2009. It was also decided to pay $1000 on the faith fund and to give $100 to a member for travel for treatments. Permission was given for the treasurer to write checks for the Easter breakfast.

The clerk’s report was approved as read.

Minister’s Report: Nate reported that the confirmation class is going very well. There are 10 youth from the Seaman and Cherry Fork churches in the class. Nate reported that the Committee on Ministry meeting was well attended. He also reported on the previous Presbytery meeting.

Committee Reports: The projector screen in memory of Beverly Williams has been delivered to the church. Nate is to look into purchasing a projector not to exceed $3,000.

Other Business: It was approved for Nate to order a set of confirmation books for the elders and the clerk. Eastern Area Learning Day has been postponed. No make-up date has been set.

Nate volunteered to order the

palm branches for Palm Sunday.

Anyone who wishes to purchase

flowers for Easter should notify Jane Leonard.

The Mother/Daughter banquet will be held May 1.

The meeting was adjourned until the next regular meeting on April 8, 2009 at 6:30 pm, followed by a joint meeting with Seaman at 8:00.

The meeting was closed with prayer by Nate

Betty Beam, clerk

Presbyterian Women

The Cherry Fork Presbyterian Women met on Wednesday, March 4, in the social room of the church.

Jane Leonard, vice moderator, opened the meeting.

Sarah K Blythe was the hostess. She read the history of St. Patrick’s Day and an Irish Blessing. She read about the Presbytery of Cincinnati which includes 85 congregations with 16,195 members from Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio.

Betty Baldridge had our lesson, “The Dead Are Raised” from Luke 8:40-56.

Sarah K., assistant secretary, read the secretary’s report.

Jane read the treasurer’s report. We collected the least coin offering and the contingency. The least coin offering will be dedicated at the spring gathering.

Eleven members answered the roll call by bringing a donation for the pregnancy center.

We will talk more about the quilt project at the next meeting.

Jane reminded us about Paul Harover’s 90th birthday on Sunday, March 15.

We will discuss the Easter plates at our April meeting.

The Mother/Daughter banquet will be Friday, May 1, 2009. The committee members are Debbie Miller, Jackie DeAtley, Penny Tolle, and Sue Fulton.

Jane had a prayer for the ones on our prayer list and we signed cards for all of them.

Debbie Miller will be hostess for the next meeting on Wednesday, April 1, 2009. Dorothy McIntire will have Lesson 6.

Meeting was adjourned.

Sarah K Blythe served refreshments.

Assistant secretary,

Sarah K Blythe

Prayer Joys & Concerns

Pat Mullenix family

Betty & Debbie Beam

DHL Employees

Paul Harover

Joan Ayres

Christine Bryant

June Tumbleson

Georgia Thomas family

John Brewer family

Nelson Atkinson

David Work

Lavonne McCoy

Janet Wardlow

David Worley

Jodie Gullette family

Steven Newbauer

Judy Mason

Peggy Foster

Colleen & Neil Shoemaker

Lori Baldridge

Melinda Humphrey

Barbara Smith

Matthew Leonard

Derek Woodall

Amy Queen

Robin Elliott

Denver Shoemaker

Dave Henderson

Jim Tolle

Harold Wagner

Sue Call

Manzo Family

Brittany Whalen


Grant Alexander Fletcher was born to Brandi and Mark Fletcher on March 3, 2009. He weighed 7 pounds and 19 ounces. Great grandparents are Homer and Jean Eldridge.

Payton Grace Whalen was born to Brittany and DC Whalen on March 11, 2009. She weighed 8 pounds and 12 ounces. Grandparents are Randy and Penny Tolle.


Thank you so much for the lovely basket and cards I received for my recent foot surgery! I thank God that I belong to such a caring congregation. May God bless you for everything you do for others.

Thank you!


I want to thank the caring committee, Kim and Doug, for the beautiful flowers. My surgery was on Thursday and they had trouble finding me at home on Friday so you know all went well. Also thank you to everyone for the cards and concerns. God bless!

Ruth Ellen

Thanks for the beautiful flowers. I am recuperating nicely here at Lindsay’s.


I want to thank everyone for their prayers, calls, get well cards, Kim and Pauline for the good food, the caring committee for the pretty flowers, and everyone that sent Debbie a birthday card. Everything was appreciated. May God bless all of you.

Betty and Debbie

We want to thank the caring committee once again for the beautiful bouquet of flowers. Nelson should be finished with radiation in two weeks. Your cards, concerns, and prayers have been greatly appreciated.

Nelson and Nancy

I want to thank everyone that sent the beautiful cards when I was in the hospital and at home. Thanks for all your prayers and concerns. They were greatly appreciated.

Thanks again,

Evelyn M. Grooms

Thanks to the caring committee, Doug and Kim, and for the cards, calls, and food during my illness and surgery.



Hello everyone,

I just wanted you to know that I have decided to give up housekeeping on my own and live with my daughter Lindsey and her husband David in Peebles. I had been falling at home, but I feel a lot better now. They make sure I drink a lot of water and eat three squares a day.

I probably will not be attending church in Cherry Fork anymore, but I will always cherish the friends that I have made there. Thank you so much for all the cards and phone calls.

My new address is: 1949 Inlow Ave., Peebles, OH 45660. And the phone number is: 587-3081.

June Tumbleson

Upcoming Events

Greeters for April:

4/5: Jared Shupert Family

4/12: Phil Shreffler Family

4/19: Danny Bryant & Brandon McClellan

4/26: Brent Harper Family

Alter Flowers for April: Sarah K & Russ Blythe

Caring Committee for April: Diana Shreffler & Sarah K Blythe

April 19 & 26: Great Eastern Area Pulpit Exchange

April 20: EAC Meeting/Providing homes for foreign exchange students at Christmas

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