Soccer How-TosSmall-Sided Games
1 v 1 to Small Goal
/ 1 v 1 to Two Goals- Goal in a grid, players may circle the goal; Play for 1-2 minutes
- Defensive responsibility is to get “Goal Side” between attacker and goal
- Offensive responsibility is to shield the ball, make an angle and accelerate past the defender – “Attack the goal”
- Play at top speed for 1-2 minutes. No goalkeepers, small cone goals
- Teams of three, rotating roles
- A1 plays against B1 – encourage shooting
- A2 & B2 act as servers, rolling balls to teammates from end line
- A3 & B3 chase balls – keep game moving
1 v 1 to Goal / 1 v 1 - Midfield Server
- Start with defender back-peddling – NOT stealing the ball
- Next, have both players go 100%
- If defender steals the ball, she passes to the next offensive player – on touchline
- Practice on both wings and middle of the field
- X is Attacker, O is Defender; O marks X
- X must move to create space, at times with her back to the goal
- Server (S) passes to X
- X will either turn and attack defender, or pass back to server and try to get open again
- X should make diagonal runs back for the ball, at a 45 angles to make space
4 v 1 in a Grid / 3 v 1 in a Grid
- Keep away in a small area – 10 by 10
- Start with defender walking, then half speed, then full speed
- Ball MUST stay in the grid! – Control the ball!
- Pass to “live” players – avoid passing to “dead” space
- More movement than 4 v 1
- Player making pass supports the pass
- Player not receiving pass must quickly move through dead space
- Emphasize proper supporting distances and proper angles.
Line Soccer – 1 v 1 / Line Soccer - Diagram
- Setup two parallel lines of cones – 10-20 yards apart, cones every 4-6 feet
- Girls lineup on each line – each between a set of cones – their “goals”
- Number girls in the line 1 to 5
- Coach calls a number and serves the ball
- The two called players go 1 v 1; remaining players defend their goals
- Player MUST make one back-pass to her “team” before taking a shot
- Goals are scored on defended mini-goals only – shots below the knee
- Add end goals, players can score on sides or ends!
- Call two numbers for 2 v 2
- End goals only. Players run around perimeter, around goal and then attack the ball
- Serve balls in the air!
Drills_N-v-N.docAugust 2004Page 1 of 4
Soccer How-TosSmall-Sided Games
2 v 2 to Two Lines & 2 v 2 to Two Goals
/ 4 v 4 to Goal – Across Zones2 v 2 to Two Lines
- Pairs of players on field 20 yards long by 15 yards wide; one ball
- Object is to dribble the ball across the opposite end line
- If one team succeeds, they step on ball and leave it for other team
- Add small goals on each end line with cones 2-3 yards apart
- Now players should at every chance
- Restart by scored-on team dribbling out of own end
- Set up 4 zones from one end of field (Zone 4) towards goal (Zone 1)
- Assign Defenders to each Zone: 2 in Zone 3, 1 each in Zones 2 and 1
- Attackers begin in Zone 4. Each attacker has a ball
- Attackers must dribble through zones 3 and 2 before being able to shoot in Zone 1
- Defenders can only defend in their assigned zone
- Emphasize:
Pressure & Cover,
Don’t collapse on defense
3 v 3 / 4 v 4
- Field is 30 yards long by 20 yards wide; cone goals – 4 yards wide
- Restarts by kick-in or throw-in from side lines; regular goal & corner kicks
- With or without Keepers (adjust goals accordingly)
- Options:
- Free play – regular 3 on 3 game
- No passing in attack zone
- No passing at all! – promotes aggression for the ball
- Silent team – only one team can talk!
- Field is about 40 x 20 yards, cone goals – 4-8 yards wide
- With or without Keepers (adjust goals accordingly)
- Kickoff from midfield – after goal, kick-in from back line
- No throw-ins, kick-ins instead; regular goal & corner kicks
- Emphasize diamond shape
- Option: Shadow Defense – no stealing or tackling, just pressure
Team Game to Emphasis Passing / 1 v 1
- Players on the sidelines are passers, cannot go into the field
- Must make two passes before you are able to score
- 5 passes equals two goals
- Must keep ball below knee height
- Use all the field area – pass backwards, sideways, forward
- Dribbling: each player has a ball; confined space – grid or center circle
- Dribble into the open space, avoid other players while staying in grid
- Coach becomes a defender – moves through the grid stealing any loose balls
- Players must shield the ball from each other. If a player finds a loose ball, they can kick it out of the grid. If a player dribbles out of the grid, they are out. Last player in the grid wins.
- Time two defenders, see how long it takes to knock all balls out of grid. Have a competition to find the quickest defenders
- Using a grid, spread team on the different sides and keep two defenders inside the grid. One at a time, call for each side to dribble across the grid to reach the other side. The defenders try to steal balls as players make their way across the grid.
- Shield in pairs – One player tries to shield the ball from his partner while staying inside the grid. To start, the defender cannot tackle from behind – must run around the front and steal.
- Dribbling at speed with fakes
- Each player on their own across the field
- With a defender back peddling, but not stealing
- With a defender trying to steal the ball
2 v1 Movement
- X2 checks in or out to crate space from O
- X2 runs in front of the defender into the space to receive the ball
- X2 runs behind the defender to receive the ball in the space
- X1 takes O in one direction and X2 runs behind him/her with the ball into the space he/she created
- X1 shields the ball from O, X2 runs in the other direction, receives the ball from X1 as they cross, and moves into the space ceated
Drills_N-v-N.docAugust 2004Page 1 of 4