Lesson 3: Coriolis Effect
In order to complete the following website, please got to the following website:
1. What is the objective of this lesson???
2. What is the Coriolis Effect????
3. Which direction do hurricanes spin or spiral in the Northern Hemisphere???
4. Considering you answer to the previous question, which way do you think water spirals down your sink /drain in the Northern Hemisphere???
5. Which direction do typhoons spin or spiral in the Southern Hemisphere???
6. Considering you answer to the previous question, which way do you think water spirals down your sink/drain in the Southern Hemisphere???
7. If the Earth wasn’t spinning, what kind of path or direction would a free-moving object such as wind, or a plane take or travel in???
8. As you know, the Earth does spin, and as a result, what kind of path or direction would a free-moving object such as wind, or a plane take or travel in???
9. How is wind or any other free moving object deflected in the Northern Hemisphere????
10. On the diagram to the right, draw the path of a free moving object (wind or plane in this case) in the Northern hemisphere without the Coriolis Effect (non-rotating Earth):
11. On the same diagram, now draw the path of a free moving object (wind or plane in this case) in the Northern hemisphere WITH the Coriolis Effect (Rotating Earth):
12. How did the path of the free moving object (wind, plane, etc.,) change with the Coriolis Effect????
13. How is wind or any other free moving object deflected in the Southern Hemisphere????
14. On the diagram to the right, draw the path of a free moving object (wind or plane in this case) in the Southern hemisphere without the Coriolis Effect (non-rotating Earth):
15. On the same diagram, now draw the path of a free moving object (wind or plane in this case) in the Southern hemisphere WITH the Coriolis Effect (non-rotating Earth):
16. How did the path of the free moving object (wind, plane, etc.,) change with the Coriolis Effect????
17. In the diagram to the right, draw the path of any free
moving object such as wind or a plane in both the Northern
and Southern Hemispheres:
18.How is the path of a free moving object in Northern
Hemisphere different from the path of a free moving
object in the Southern Hemisphere????
Summarize: Complete the concept map below