NEXT SUNDAY – 5th November
8.00am Early Communion Led by Stewart Taylor and Ruth Chamberlain (DW: David Brown)
9.00am Music Group and PA people arrive. Chair Helpers - please come for 9.30am
10.30am Family Service
Lead Tom Buchanan
Preach Catherine Ievins “What lies beneath?”
•Matthew 23:1-12 (p.938) •Psalm 43 (p.545)
•I Thessalonians 2:9-13 (p.1121)
Children’s Groups Phil’s Pheast (Lotty, Olga and Celia)
Prayer Ministry Martin Clark and Jenny Eustace
Flowers Pam Holland
Music Margaret’s Group
2.30pm Sunday People Food, fellowship, puzzles and Bible talk
Lindsey and team (DW: Lindsey Stanton)
6.00pm Youth Group Led by Ruth Holmes and Josh Harris
7.00pm All Souls and Saints Prayers
5th November / 12th November / 19th NovemberWelcome / Elizabeth Lawes, Angela Gaillard / Alistair and Jacob Barry / Stella O’Keefe, Derek Rawlings
Duty Warden / 8.00am David Brown
10.30am Alistair Barry / Robin Nelson / Alan Syrop
Registrar / Anke Friedrich / Polly Macartney / Andrew Hewitt
Projector / David Brown, Calum Brown / Roy Bradfield, Tor Beardwell / Philip Lawes, Linus Wustenberg
pa / Chris Fuller / Andy MacLellan / Roy Bradfield
Drinks / Paula Block, Eleanor Gray / Linda and Andrew Stannard / 24/7
Flowers / Pam Holland / Shirlyn Knighton / Jane Batten (auntie)
Listen to the morning’s sermon if you have missed, or wish to hear again, go to our website
www.stphilipschurch.org.uk: “Worshipping Together, “Discovery & fellowship”, “Sermons” and choose sermon
St. Philip’s Church Centre, 185 Mill Road, Cambridge CB1 3AN ( (01223) 414775
Office Hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8.30am-4.30pm Email
Facebook St. Philip’s Church Centre Twitter StPhilipsChurch@SPC_Cambridge Registered Charity Number: 1142474
St. Philip’s 2020 Vision : Transformed Lives
With God’s help St. Philip’s Church will be
Bursting at the seams Fulfilling our potential
A connected community Transforming people’s lives
29th October 2017
Last Sunday of Trinity
9.00am Music Group and PA people arrive. Chair Helpers - please come for 9.30am
10.30am All In Family Communion Service
Lead Michael Priestley
Communion Stewart Taylor
Preach Josh Harris, Ordinand “Getting it right”
•Matthew 22:34-46 (p.937) •I Thessalonians 2:1-8 (p.1121)
•Leviticus 19: 1-2 and 15-18 (p.115)
Children’s Groups All in
Prayer Ministry Roy Bradfield and Andy MacLellan
Flowers Jean Pierson
Music Group Martin and Bekki
Welcome: Christina and Finn Beardwell DW: David Brown Registrar: Ken Sparkes
Projector: Robin, Leo Brown PA: Roy Bradfield Drinks: Sibylle Hutter, Angela Gaillard
Please do stay after the service for tea and coffee and to chat and meet others
Children and Youth have their own group programme in the upstairs rooms starting half way through the service. There are 5 groups arranged by the school Key Stage 1, 2, 3, age ranges
Communion is for all, you can receive either kneeling or standing - at the front rails or at the back. Let your server know if you want gluten-free wafers or non-alcoholic wine at the front rails
You may have a prayer of blessing by keeping hands to your side.
Offerings can be put in the collection plate on the wooden table by the back row of seats which is taken up to the Lord’s Table during the service. All gifts are very gratefully received. Please read the leaflet on Giving to consider how you can support our work, in Christ’s Name, at St. Philip’s. We pray our giving is touched by the Lord’s generous grace
Prayer Ministry There is opportunity for prayer after the service in the front Chancel area, which is now designated as a child-free quiet space. Come forward for prayer or to talk about anything
The Crèche is available for parents, with audio links to the service
Photos may sometimes be taken for publicity, let the photographer know if you do not want this
Events and Notice
HARVEST SERVICE Over £800 was collected for Tearfund and Emmanuel International - thanks
Building relationshiPS with local Muslims Mission Committee believe some learning will be useful; so in the new year we will organise a Saturday morning training session. Please pray
Saturday 2nd December 10am-5pm
We open our Church Centre for the 100s in Mill Road. We need an army of people to welcome, give leaflets/Lookouts/candy canes, make conversation, show around, oversee activities, serve, and help clear at end. Any ideas for a Christian display in the Chancel?
Help with Christingle at 3.45pm
Candy Canes Please provide boxes for us to give out, put in the box in the lounge. See Lindsey to help at this event and witness opportunity
JOIN A SMALL GROUP We have space in several of our groups that meet regularly for fellowship, prayer and to share God's Word. See lounge for dates, locations, contacts, etc.
Prayers for our looking to cover areas of responsibility among our children and youth Thanks to Ruth Holmes and Josh Harris leading our Sunday evening youth group. See Stewart if you can help with coordinating our Sunday children’s team, or get involved with our church School assemblies, prayer space or lunch club
Cambridge Churches Homeless Project
Our Church will be open Saturday nights again from Saturday 9th December until Saturday March 31st 2018. We work with City Council, Jimmy’s, local churches and a synagogue, in taking turns to provide a welcome, hot supper, and a safe place to sleep for up to 15 homeless guests. If you can volunteer to help on some Saturday nights, please let Karl know
GIFTS We pray that our giving is touched by the Lord’s generous grace. We have regular DDs, salaries, and bills
CAN YOU HELP OUT? Volunteers needed to paint the Taylor Room. Tea, coffee and sandwiches provided. Please let Karl know
CHURCH WEEKEND AWAY Every other year we plan a weekend for the Church family. Next year it’s 22nd - 24th June. We’d love everyone to come to help build our community in Christ
HAVE YOU left your coat in the corridor? If they are still there at the end of November they will be taken to the charity shop
This Wednesday 2.00pm
Jean Pierson’s House, 142 Brampton Road
Led by Margaret Rawlings
Cancer Research fundraising concert
This Saturday 7.30pm Trinity College Chapel
Faure Requiem and other works by Ireland, Finzi and Howells FREE ADMISSION
Wednesday 8th November 6.00pm Lounge
Enjoy company, food, music, reflection, chat, music. Have a word with Lindsey to help out
Thursday 9th November 7.30pm Church Centre
One of the best acoustic guitarists in the world Tickets: (357851
Friday 10th November 1.00 pm Lounge
Enjoy tea, toast and chat about life and faith; Friendly atmosphere, with games and activities
Street Prayer and Visiting
Saturday 25th November 9.45am Prayer Room
(Roy 243190
2483 doors knocked, 1110 doors opened
Tips given and you won’t be alone!
Keep praying for people in your street
Saturday 25th November
7th Day Adventist Church, Hobart Road
Sunday November 26th 4pm
Come and hear Maggie and Tim Gaved as they share about their work with Wycliffe Bible Translators
Tuesday 28th November 7.30pm
St. Barnabas Church, Mill Road
An evening with best-selling author Rob - inspiring teaching and stories to touch your heart…… this evening could change your life!
Tickets £6 (special £4) www.careforthefamily.org.uk/wisdomhouselive
Wednesday 6th December 3.45pm
St. Philip’s School
Helpers required to serve at the school with serving drinks, setting up and overseeing tables of children making their Christingles
Pray for….
Matthew 22:37-38Jesus replied “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment”
Please pray for: Stella O’Keefe, and Andrew Paton and their families ªFamily and friends of: Sally Dugan who died on Monday; Wendy Maskell who died on Tuesday; Bruce Saunders who died on Thursday; Donald Bates (funeral at 12.45pm on Tuesday at the Crematorium) ªDick Buck, Mike and Charlotte Griffiths, Jim and Judi Griffiths, Shirlynn and Graham Knighton, Geoff and Doreen Jackson, Henk and Angela van der Molen (Henk in hospital during his therapy), Sue Guist, Liz Philips (cancer), Barry Woodman (who only has about a month on this earth), Selina Garner (recovering from a severe stroke) ªLinda (a regular in the Café) whose father, in his 90’s, is in hospita)
For Romsey Mill who will lose a third of their funding and therefore their staff as a result of the County Council’s decision. Over these last months Neil Perry (CEO) has put in an astounding amount of work and effort to seek to help the Council understand. We are all very disappointed. The Mill Trustees will seek to consider the way forward
7.00am Early Morning Prayers (Prayer Room)
9.15am Morning Prayer (Prayer Room)
9.15am Staff Meeting and Prayer (Prayer Room)
10.00am Craft Café (Café) an opportunity to enjoy creativity and chat
12.45pm Funeral of Donald Bates (Crematorium)
1.00pm Tuesday Talks (Prayer Room)
7.00pm Alpha Course: Why did Jesus die? (Lounge)
9.15am Morning Prayer (Prayer Room)
10.00am Tots’ Time (Lounge) Other adults to come along and chat will be welcome
2.00pm Wednesday Fellowship (Jean Pierson’s House, 142 Brampton Road)
3.30pm Shout Aloud (Church Centre) Key Stage 2 children all welcome
ªPlans for next year’s Christian Family holiday (28th July-4th August 2018) and whether your family might like to come
10.30am Friday Friends (Lounge)
8.00am Prayer Breakfast (Prayer Room or upstairs)
7.30pm Cancer Research Fundraising Concert (Trinity College Chapel)
We pray weekly for the residents in the Parish this week Hobart Road and Hope Street that they will be drawn to know and worship God