Objectives: Students will:
- Choose an animal currently residing at the Ft Worth Zoo.
- Research information pertinent to the animal's:
- Characteristics, behaviors, communication among/between species
- Native habitat, abiotic range of tolerances, size, location, current vs historic
- Niche in their natural environment, trophic level, generalist or specialist
- Specialized adaptations
- Life cycle, mating behaviors, how are young raised
- Food & water requirements, predator/prey, seasonal considerations
- Endangered status with explanation of causes, conservation efforts, Red List info
- Level of intelligence, interaction with humans
- Design an interactive animal behavior study based on research
- Complete an observational animal study with special emphasis on how you would implement the interactive study
- Evaluate & photograph current zoo habitat
- Design an improved zoo habitat based on your research of animal's needs
- Present their research and results to class for peer review
Prior to field trip:
- Choose an animal you would like to study
- Complete research focused on habitat, adaptations, characteristics, behavior, endangered status
- Design an interactive animal behavior study based on hypothesis developed during your research: looking at cause, function, development, and/or evolution of that behavior
At the Zoo
- Students will have approx 3 1/2 hours to complete research
- Observe animal for a minimum of 30 min - recording all behaviors on data sheet
- Make special note of behavior you would be evaluating in your interactive study
- Change or solidify your experimental design based on your observations
- Photograph animal and the current zoo habitat
- Critique the animal’s current habitat. Include vegetation, size, number of animals in the same habitat, and quality of containment. What are your personal reactions to the type of habitat it currently has. Based on your research how well does the habitat meet the animals needs?
- Use knowledge from research to begin designing an ideal zoo habitat balancing animal's needs with public's desire to observe the animal. Make notes and sketch your initial ideas
After the field trip:
- Develop a presentation to include
- Your research - think interest, not length. Don't necessarily need to include all research info
- Pictures of your animal and its current zoo habitat.
- Pictures of the animal's nature habitat
- Results of Observational Behavioral Study
- Full explanation of the Interactive Animal Behavior Study you designed. What is your hypothesis, why/how did you choose what to study, how would you implement, control & constants, what is the goal, what is expected outcome, etc
- Your zoo habitat redesign with critique of current zoo habitat
- Present your project to class for peer review. Your fellow students will be evaluating
- Content
- Creativity
- Interesting facts from research & observational study
- Interactive behavioral study design
- Habitat redesign – critique of existing, model/drawing of redesign, and explanation