Commerce and Information Technology Program—Hillcrest High School
Instructor: Brett Bowen Conference upon request: 342-2817

Course Description

Accounting is a one-credit course for students in grades 10-12 designed to help students understand the basic principles of the accounting cycle. Accounting is valuable for students who have a variety of career objectives. This course provides an introduction to basic financial accounting, including analyzing and recording business transactions, preparing and interpreting financial statements, demonstrating generally accepted accounting principles, and performing banking and payroll activities. Accounting is in the Finance career cluster and counts as a prerequisite for WBL—Cooperative Education.
Students are encouraged to join and actively participate in Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)—an organization that is a co-curricular component of this course. FBLA enhances classroom instruction, develops leadership skills, and provides opportunities for professional growth and service. The $20 FBLA fee includes membership in national, state, and local chapters; subscription to Business Leader magazine; and FBLA T-Shirt.
Credit: 1 Prerequisite: None Course Fee: $25/FBLA $20

Materials and Text

TEXTBOOK: Century 21 Accounting 9e, Multicolumn Journal, South-Western, Cengage Learning, 2009.
OTHER RESOURCES: Workbook, Study Guide, , Internet; MicrosoftOffice 2010, Modules.
SUPPLIES: Blue or black pens, pencils, ruler, calculator (optional); 3-ring binder (2- inch) with paper.
Course Goals
To gain knowledge and skills to become competitive employees in a global economy
To integrate the Accounting curriculum with other academic areas, thereby enabling students to become successful citizens in a diverse and technological society
To assist students in developing their abilities to analyze, communicate, manage, and lead
To provide learning experiences that are project-based and require higher-order thinking, communication, management, and leadership skills
Prepare students for the accelerated changes taking place in the competitive business world
Provide activities which build leadership skills

Grading and Assessment Procedures

Students are working towards the attainment of high-level, employable competencies. Student assessment will be based on group work, individual completion of projects and portfolios, project presentations, written reports, tests of students’ knowledge of business concepts and skills.
The nine-week grade will be determined by the following:
  • 50% Portfolio, Professional Development Modules & Specialization Modules Completed
  • 50% Tests
  • 20% Mandatory Final Exam (end of first nine-week term and a comprehensive final examination at the end of the second nine-week term
Grading Scale: A 90-100%; B 80-89%; C 70-79%; D 60-69%; F 59% and below
Semester grade: The sum of the two nine weeks’ averages will be multiplied by two and added to the course final exam grade. The total will be divided by five to get the course final grade. Mandatory comprehensive final examinations are administered to all students except those students meeting the exemption criteria. The final course grade for students in grades 9-12 who meet exemption criteria will be determined from the average of the two nine weeks’ grades.
All assignments and modules must be completed by the due date. Various topics will be introduced each week. A detailed calendar covering each day’s topic and assignments is provided at
Culminating Product(s): Examples of student projects are listed on syllabus attachment.
Available Industry Credentials: National Financial Capability


All Tuscaloosa County Board of Education policies will be followed. (See student handbook for attendance, tardies, exam exemption policy, academic misconduct, discipline policies, make-up work, and computer/Internet usage.) All requests for special accommodations for this course are welcome from students and parents.
Personal Electronic Devices: Technology can be a valuable educational resource. Students are allowed to use electronic and technological devices at SPECIFIED times and ONLY when authorized by the teacher for an instructional purpose. Devices such as smart phones, Kindles, Nooks, laptops, and iPads are items that studentscan use at the designated time.If a student is using a device inappropriately (not in accordance with classroom instruction or TCBOE policy), consequences will be enforced as statedin the Code of Conduct Handbook.
Attendance Policy—Consistent attendance is very important for student success. Punctuality as well as attendance is important. Students should be signed in (located on the receptionist desk) and seated when the bell rings for class.

Philosophy/Essential Functions

Students are expected to meet course goals listed below and demonstrate an understanding of these underlying concepts.
  • The instruction will be conducted in a “company” setting with a lab that simulates a computerized electronic office. An emphasis is placed on workplace safety and skills. One of the main responsibilities is to bridge the high school experience with workplace reality. Students become employees within the class or company.
  • The students’ work is self-directed (within parameters) and does not progress until they have successfully
completed a competency/skill. Business and computer terminology must be mastered for subject understanding.
  • The course requires extensive Internet research for various projects and completion of computer and work-based simulations/modules.
  • Students will work in teams to complete several projects that enable them to learn how to work independently to plan, develop, and complete a variety of workplace tasks.
  • Assignments will require students to draw upon academic skills in reading, mathematics, science, and language.
  • Students will be given opportunities to successfully meet all course standards.
  • Students learn how to evaluate their own progress and make adjustments as needed throughout the course.

Professional Behavior Expectations

  • Professional behavior and respect will be expected from all students at all times. Since a company’s success depends on the ethical behavior of its employees (students), any unprofessional/unethical behavior cannot and will not be tolerated. Examples of unwarranted behavior include cheating, stealing, disrespect toward the teacher and other students, inappropriate language, sexual harassment, misuse of technology, misuse of company resources, wasting company time. Any breach of ethical behavior in class will result in a student conference with the teacher, parent contact, and/or administrative referral.
  • Students are responsible for reading and following the Tuscaloosa County Schools Guidelines for Use of Networked Information Resources and Electronic Mail. Individual users of the Internet and email are responsible for their behavior and communications over these networks. Violations in policy may result in a loss of access as well as other disciplinary or legal actions.
  • Upon arrival to class, students should sign in at the Office Manager’s desk and proceed to assigned workstation to begin work. Students are expected to come daily prepared with all working materials. Daily work assignments with projected completion dates and assessment should be accessed at the beginning of class at http;//
  • Backpacks/purses are to be placed under tables; students must remain at assigned workstation during class.
  • Absolutely NO eating, drinking or gum allowed in the classroom including unopened items and drinks.
  • All work must be labeled with appropriate identification and must be neat and legible.
  • Emergencies do arise and when found necessary for you to leave the class, you must have a pass and sign out.
  • At the conclusion of the work period, clean your workstation area, place all materials back in their proper place, log off the computer, and push your chair under the desk.
  • Mondays are designated as Motivational Days to increase professional development. Wednesdays are designated as Professional Business-Dress Day.
  • Students are encouraged to join and actively participate in Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). This cost is $20/year (membership in national, state, and local chapters; subscription to Business Leader national magazine; and T-Shirt).
  • It is up to you to use your time each day to the fullest; remember that a company can only survive with all students functioning at their best. So, give 110% productivity for the entire class time and be a success!

Outline: Student will demonstrate knowledge in
Calculator/Keypad Skills and Technology
Career Opportunities
Accounting Procedures
Ethics / Banking and Cash Control Functions
Payroll Functions
Tax Preparation
General Accepted Accounting Principles

It is the official policy of the Tuscaloosa County Board of Education that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, handicap, sex, religion, creed, national origin, or age, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefit of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program, activity, or employment.

I have carefully read and understand all of the provisions that are presented in this grade disclosure contract. I agree to abide by all company rules throughout the school year.


Student Signature Parent Signature Date

Parent Email: ______Parent Phone: ______