[Section B- Goals, Expansion, and Building] / Nevada Public Library
Mission Statement and Goals
Service Facilities-Size & Location


The Mission of the Nevada Public Library shall be:

“Transforming lives and building community through information, education, and recreation.”


The Nevada Public Library aspires to provide high quality, customer centered services that enhance the quality of life in our community.


Core values are the foundation upon which we provide library service, interact with our community, and make decisions.

·  Collaboration and Partnerships
We cultivate relationships and partnerships with community organizations that complement our mission, vision and values.

·  Equal & Open Access
We are open to all. We ensure access to needed information through library services or connections to community resources. We treat everyone with respect.

·  Excellent Service
We commit to providing accurate and reliable information, excellent programs and services, and a customer experience that is engaged, personal, and makes every customer eager to return.

·  Freedom to Know
We believe in the value of intellectual freedom and resist all efforts to censor library resources. We support the open exchange of information and ideas that represent multiple points of view.

·  Honesty, Trust & Integrity
We strive to protect the privacy of library customers and keep all inquiries for information confidential. We will operate in an open and honest manner and be accountable for maintaining financial integrity.

·  Innovation
We pursue innovation as a means to keep our services and technology contemporary and vibrant.

·  Lifelong Learning
We recognize learning is a continuous process. We offer services and programs that encourage learning, discovery and intellectual development for individuals throughout their lives.

·  Outstanding Well Trained Staff
We recognize that our library employees are a valuable community resource. We seek to attract and retain outstanding staff. We strive for excellence by maintaining and enhancing staff knowledge and skills through training and professional development.

·  Stewardship of Resources
We are committed to providing value and making wise fiscal choices. It is our responsibility to take care of materials and spaces effectively and efficiently.


Core Services are created to reflect the Mission, Vision and Core Values of Nevada Public Library.

·  Access to Information
We serve as the place that provides accurate, well-documented and reliable information to meet the needs of work, school, or personal curiosity. We provide the technology and resources for customers to access information from within and outside of library walls.

·  Adult and Senior Services
We offer and promote materials, programs, and services for adults as a way to foster lifelong learning.

·  Business and Public Management Services
We provide business services through resources to aid governmental and public agencies, the business community, investors, entrepreneurs, and those dealing with a changing work environment.

·  Children’s Services
We offer and promote quality materials, services, and programs to children and their caregivers as a way of fostering a lifelong interest in reading and library use. We recognize that early literacy is an important role the library plays in preparing children to be ready to learn to read.

·  Collection
We provide our customers with a useful, enticing collection that is centered on meeting our customer needs and expectations. We offer a collection of current, reliable materials that answers general information inquiries and includes current popular materials. We help our customers to find materials that match their interests. We connect to other libraries to make the world of resources easily available to our customers.

·  Community Referral Services
We connect our customers with existing information and services; we are active in the community as a way to be informed about community resources.

·  Community Spaces
We provide community gathering spaces and meeting areas that foster dialogue and exchange of ideas within our facilities.

·  Consumer Health Information
We offer resources, services and partnerships that help customers make informed decisions about health-related issues and enhance the wellness of our community.

·  Government Documents
We provide convenient access to information from federal, state and local government.

·  Information Literacy
We assist customers in identifying, locating, evaluating, and effectively using accurate information.

·  Local History & Genealogy
We believe that preserving our heritage impacts our future. The Cedar-Vernon County Genealogy Society Collection offers resources and services to those interested in local history and genealogy. We work cooperatively with local history and genealogical organizations.

·  Outreach to Our Community
We are proactive in offering and promoting library services and materials to people in our community who may not be able to visit branches or may not be aware of library resources that can make a difference in their lives.

·  Programming
We offer customer-centered programming that informs, educates, entertains, and connects people to our resources and services.

·  Teen Services
We provide dedicated staff and resources to meet the special interests of Teens while promoting lifelong learning and library use.

·  Well Maintained, Safe & Welcoming Facilities
We provide gathering spaces that are inviting, comfortable, enjoyable, and ensure a positive library experience.

Service Facilities - Size and Location

The Board of Trustees of the Nevada Public Library recognizes that the predominant service area of the District is within the boundaries of the city limits of Nevada, MO due to the main financial support of the library generated by the levied tax assessed to property owners within said boundaries.

Any person may use the library and its resources as defined in the policy manual section: Patron Services.

The library’s physical plant is located at 212 W. Walnut St, Nevada, MO

The building was erected in 1920 for the Moss-Urner Car Dealership. It was given to the library by the Finis M. Moss Charitable Trust, and the remodeling was paid for by private donations from individuals and businesses, a matching grant was donated from the Moss Trust.

The lower level of the building is leased to the Vernon County Historical Society. The Moss Trust aided the society in transforming the basement into the Bushwhacker Museum.

The upper level of the building is leased to a private organization, Cerner, as of February 2013. Remodeling and restoration of the space will be financially supported by the Cerner group as part of the Healthy Nevada Project.

The east end of the main floor is leased to The Second Edition clothing consignment store currently being used for library programming. (rev. 4/15)

The library’s main parking lot is located West of the library. This parking lot is shared by the Nevada Public Library, The Bushwhacker Museum, and the Franklin P. Norman Community Center.