Brandeis UniversityJudith A. Jackson, M.S., CGC

Human Reproductive 781-340-8139 (call or text)

and Developmental Biology

Course Description: The course will cover basic human embryology as well as human reproduction. Specifically, the focus of the course is on prenatal screening and diagnostic options available to couples to gain more information about the health of their developing fetus. We will discuss testing options such as maternal serum screening, non-invasive prenatal testing, ultrasound examination, and amniocentesis, as well as chorionic villus sampling. We will discuss birth defects and their etiologies. The concepts covered in class will be reinforced utilizing case presentations. Many of the cases are ongoing cases at a high risk Maternal Fetal Medicine department in a hospital in the Boston area. Special emphasis will be given to providing support to patients who learn prenatally that their fetuses are affected with a genetic disorder, chromosome abnormality, or congenital anomaly.

Text: The Developing Human 9th edition written by Keith Moore and T.V.N. Persaud

Grading: There will be six exams. The lowest grade will be dropped. The exams will comprise 90% of your grade. There will be problem sets throughout the semester. Homework will account for 10% of your grade. It is due at the beginning of class. Homework will not be accepted late. The lowest homework grade will be dropped. The final exam is not cumulative. Most exams will be during the last 30 minutes of class.

Policy Regarding Cell Phones and Computers: Cell phones and computers can not be used in class. If the policy regarding computers will have a detrimental impact on your ability to learn, please contact me and we can discuss this issue.

August 26th (Class 1)

Prenatal Screening and Diagnostic Procedures

•Integrated Screening

•Sequential screening

•First trimester screening

• Maternal Serum Screening (Quad screen)

• Non-Invasive Prenatal screening (NIPS)


•Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)

•Percutaneous Umbilical Blood Sampling (PUBS)

•Introduction to Targeted Ultrasound Examinations

• Case presentations

September 2nd (Class 2)

Targeted Ultrasound Examination

Ultrasound Findings and their Implications

•Thickened Nuchal Translucency

•Thickened Nuchal Fold

•Echogenic Foci


•Choroid Plexus Cysts

•Echogenic Bowel

•Shortened Femurs

•Absent Nasal Bone

•Case Presentations

September 9th (Class 3)

The Beginning of Human Development

•Uterus, Uterine Tube, and Ovaries

•Female Reproductive Cycle

•Transportation of Gametes

•Maturation of Sperm

•Viability of Gametes


•Cleavage of Zygote

•Formation of Blastocyst


September 16th(Class 4)

Formation of Bilaminar Embryonic Disc (second week)

Formation of Germ Layers and Early Tissue and Organ Differentiation (third week)

•Completion of Implantation and Continuation of Embryonic development

•Development of Chorionic Sac

•Implantation Sites of Blastocyst

•Summary of Implantation

•Summary of Second week

•Gastrulation: Formation of Germ Layers

•Neurulation: Formation of Neural Tube

•Development of Somites

•Development of Intraembryonic Coelom

•Early Development of Cardiovascular System

•Further Development of Chorionic Villi

September 23rd(Class 5)

Organogenetic Period: Fourth to Eighth Weeks

•Phases of Embryonic Development

•Folding of the Embryo

•Germ Layer Derivatives

•Control of Embryonic Development

•Highlights of Fourth to Eighth Weeks

•Estimation of Embryonic Development


September 30th No Class (National Society of Genetic Counselors) lecture recorded

October 7th (Class 6)

The Fetal Period: Ninth Week to Birth

•Estimation of Fetal Age

•Highlights of Fetal Period

•Expected Date of Delivery

•Factors Influencing Fetal Growth

•Procedures for Assessing Fetal Status

• Summary of Fetal Period

•Case Presentations

October 14th (Class 7)

Placenta and Fetal Membranes and Birth


•Parturition (Childbirth)

•Amnion and Amniotic Fluid

•Yolk Sac


• Multiple Pregnancies

•Summary of Placenta and Fetal Membranes


October 21st (Class 8)

The Nervous System

•Neural Tube Defects

•Formation of the Neural Tube



•Spina Bifida




•Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum


• Microcephaly

Urogenital System

•Development of Urinary System

•Development of Suprarenal Glands

•Development of Inguinal Canals

•Summary of Urogenital System

October 28th (Class 9)

Cardiovascular System

•Fetal Circulation

•Transitional Neonatal Circulation

•Patent Foramen Ovale

•Ductus Arteriosus


•Atrial Septal Defects

•Ventricular Septal Defects

•Transposition of the Great Arteries

•Tetralogy of Fallot


November 4th (Class 10)

Birth Defects

•Classification of Birth Defects

•Teratology-Study of Abnormal Development

•Anomalies caused by Genetic Factors

•Anomalies caused by Environmental Factors

•Anomalies caused by Multifactorial Inheritance

•Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia

•Pharyngeal Abnormalities

•Digestive System Abnormalities

•Skeletal Abnormalities

•Muscular Abnormalities

•Limb Abnormalities

•Anomalies of Limb

•Eye and Ear Abnormalities

November 11th

What Options Are Available when a Fetus is Abnormal




•Palliative Care

• Grief and Bereavement


November 18th (Class 12)

Visit to South Shore Hospital

•John Fiascone, M.D., Chief of Neonatal Intensive Care “Prematurity”

•Tour of the NICU

November 25th(No class) Thanksgiving break

December 2nd


Birth Control Party

Final exam last day of class