Melbourne Colonial Dancers


Circassian Circle Pt 232 Bar Reel

Couples Big Circle

8 BarsAdvance & Retire twice

4 BarsLadies Advance & Retire

4 BarsMen advance turn around and advance to corner person

8 BarsSpin

8 BarsPromenade


Longwise 4 Cpls

Has a Signature tune

8BarsTop Lady sets twice to 2nd Man and turns 3rd Man 2 hands

8BarsTop Man set twice to 2nd Lady and turns 3rd Lady 2 hands

8 BarsTop cpl take inside hands and skip to bottom of set

Cast own side of dance back to the top

4 BarsForm 2 circles circle left

4 barsTop cpl cast to the bottom while others move up one place

Repeat 3 times.

Sydney Gazette of 1803 reported this was danced at a wedding in

the ‘Rocks’ area of Sydney

WELL HALL32 Bar Triple Time


Duple Minor Proper

8 Bars 1st cpl right hand turn 1 ½ time cast opposite side to 2nd place

Cross right shoulder to own side (nose to nose crossing)

While 1st cpl cast 2nd cpl lead up and retire to 1st place

8 Bars Above repeated with 2nd cpl

2 Bars 1st Corners cross right shoulder (1st man & 2nd lady nose to nose)

2 Bars 2nd Corners repeat

2 Bars Circle left half way

2 bars Turn single left shoulder

2 Bars 2nd Corners cross right shoulders

2 Bars 1st Corners cross right shoulders

2 Bars Circle left half way

2 Bars 1st Cpl Cast while 2nd Cpl lead up one place.

Dance collected 1701 by Playford, England

UPON A SUMMER’S DAYLongwise 3 cpls

Playford 1651

4 BarsUp a Double and back

4 BarsSet & turn single

8 BarsRepeat


4 BarsTake hands own line advance & retire

4 BarsBottom 2 men & bottom 2 ladies raise joined arms

While 1st cpl go down inside set then divide go out

under arch on own side to bottom of set. After 1st cpl

go under arch the 2 men & 2 ladies step up one place

16 BarsRepeat last 8 bars twice until all are in original place

16 BarsShort siding right set & turn single

Short siding left set & turn single

16 BarsChorus

16 barsArming right set & turn single

Arming left set & turn single

16 barsChorus


Melbourne Colonial Dancers version May 2016/2 Cpls in a line facing 2 Cpls

from original “Ithica School of Arts” dance.

Formation oscillates between Top and Side lines.

4 BarsHonour partner & corners

8 BarsHolding hands lines advance & retire, advance and pass through

Turn alone and face other line end improper

8 BarsHolding hands lines advance & retire, advance and pass through

And form side lines.

16 BarsRepeat as side lines finishing back in original place

12 BarsForm circle Spanish Waltz X3 ie balance fwd & back

then lady on left of man passes in front to his right side

2 BarsAll single pirouette to face corner (new partner)

2 BarsBalance fwd & back with new partner

16 BarsWaltz the set to man’s place.

Repeat 3 times for women to return to original place and partner.


Longways set of 4 couples,

cpls 1 & 3 improper

8 BarsUp a double and back, Right shoulder gypsy

8 barsDown a double and back, Left shoulder gypsy

8 BarsRight hand stars between 1 & 2, 3&4,

Cple 1&4 chase to other end man leading

While couples 2&3 left hand star

8 BarsRepeat last 8 bars

8 BarsSide a double and back men leading, gypsy right

On own side between 1&2 and 3&4

then side a double women leading, gypsy left

on own side between 1&2 and 3&4

8 BarsCples 1 & 4 Three quarter right hand turn

1st & 4th ladies take left hands to form wavy line

up & down the set. Side people under arches

clockwise back to place. Tops turn to place.

8 Bars2M & 3W and 2W & 3M right hand turn 3/4

form wavy line across the set women taking left hands

Top & bottom couples under arches back to place

Sides return to place

8 BarsTops face up, 4th cpl face down, side people face out

Out a double and back, gypsy person dancing with by right

8 BarsRepeat then gypsy left.

8 BarsOn side Reel of Four 5 changes, 2 hand turn partner

Half way to change sides

8 barsOn side Reel of Four 5 places back to partners place

Two hand turn half way to place

Modern version of an old Playford Dance using Handel’s Queen of Sheba Music


Longways Duple Improper

32b Triple time 3/2

A1Right star, Left star (12steps each)

A2Little casts (1 cpl cast, followed by 2nd cpl back to places 12 steps)

2 hand turn partners

B11cpl with 2 hands galop down (12 steps)

and back to face corners

B2To corners set & swing to progress

performed @ wedding in Sydney 1803

Collected Playford 1703

Colonial Quadrille48X4

Square Set

Australian Numbering

8 BarsCircle Left and Right

8 Bars1st Cpl visit the set (anticlockwise)

4Bars1st & 2nd Cpls cross over(can be 1’s btw 2’s or Ladies thru the middle)

the man turns partner under right arm to finish in opposit’s place .

4 Bars3rd & 4th Cpl also cross over.

8 BarsHalf grand chain starting right hand to partner

8 BarsLadies make a Right hand star, arms around partner to make a mill

Mill Left

8 BarsPromenade to place



3 Cpl in 4 Cpl set

4 Bars1st & 2nd Ladies face each other and set, men also

Change places with partners, ladies between the men

(Ladies turn away from each other, men turn towards

each other when turning into place)

4 BarsRepeat

8 Bars1st Cpl chasse down set & back, cast to 2nd place

As 2’s move up

1st cpl dance to face 1st corners

8 Bars1st Cpl turn 1st corners by right hand pass partner by right

Turn 2nd corner right hand pass partner by right

To dance to 2nd place own side

8 BarsAll dance Right Allemande (Regency/Tulloch turn)

All dance Left Allemande

Except 2nd time thru 1st cast to bottom of set

instead of Left Allemande

(Power’s 1820)

This dance is really a triple minor dance.


5 Couples longwise

4 BarsTop lady 7 bottom man salute

4 BarsBottom lady & Top man salute

4 BarsTop lady & Bottom man right hand turn

4 BarsBottom lady & top man repeat

4 barsTop lady & bottom man left hand turn

4 BarsBottom lady & top man repeat

4 BarsTop lady & bottom man 2 hand turn

4 BarsBottom lady & top man repeat

4 BarsTop lady & bottom man right Do-si-do

4 BarsBottom lady & top man repeat

16 BarsSerpentine figure

Top cpl right hand chain across top of set cast one place,

chain across by left hand cast one place continue

to bottom of set. All other cpls make an arch

Top cpl under arch to top of set

8 barsTop cpl cast away and all follow to bottom of set,

top cpl make an arch for all cpls to lead under

back to reform set

DUKE OF KENT'S WALTZ32bar waltz ad lib

Duple minor proper

8 BarsRight hand star & left hand star

4 Bars 1's take 2 hands waltz 2 chasse steps

down the middle & back

(2's may chasse up the outside and back)

4 Bars1's slow cast to 2nd place 2's lead up to 1st place

4 BarsAll take right hands with partners balance fwd & back

& trade places turning the woman under

4 BarsRepeat to places but with left hand

4 BarsAll right hand turn diagonal right person

4 BarsAll left hand turn partner.

PORT JACKSONAustralian/English

32 Bars Duple Minor


4 Bars1st & 2nd Cpls Right hand turn

4 Bars1st & 2nd Cpls Right hand star

4 Bars1st & 2nd Cpls Left hand turn

4 bars1st & 2nd Cpls left hand star

6 Bars1st Cpl lead down the middle & back

2 Bars2’s move up while 1’s cast to 2nd place

4 BarsRight Allemande (Regency or Tulloch turn)

4 BarsLeft Allemande ( maintain eye contact)

From Thompson’s Twenty Four Dances 1796


Dance & music by Colin Hume

Big Circle

8 BarsSet & turn single pass your partner turn next half

way pass that person to face original partner

8 BarsRepeat above in opposite direction

8 BarsRight hand turn then left hand turn (dance)

8 BarsLeft Do si Do, 3 changes of a grand change (dance)

Start again with 4th person.


Longwise 3 cpls

8 BarsAll Up a Double & back twice

8 BarsAll take 2 hands with partner

1st Cpl gallop up 4 steps, then 2’s then 3’s

All turn single men left & ladies right

8 BarsGallop back 3’s, 2’s , 1’s

All turn single men right ladies left

8 BarsAll long siding partner twice

8 Bars1st man & 3rd lady gallop to change places

(Right shoulder lead pass back to back)

Then 1st lady & 3rd man; then 2nd man & 2nd lady

All turn single up

8 BarsRepeat back to places All turn single down

8 BarsAll arm right then arm left with partner

8 BarsMen hey (reel)

8 BarsLadies hey (reel)

On last 2 bars of ladies hey men turn single

& acknowledge partner

HOLE IN THE WALL16 Bars Triple Time


Duple minor proper

8 Bars 1st couple cast meet below 2nd cpl and lead back to place

2nd cpl cast up meet above 1st cpl and lead back to place

8 bars 1stMan and 2ndLady change place right (nose to nose)

1st lady & 2nd Man change places right (nose to nose)

Circle left half way 1st cpl cast & 2nd Cpl lead up


Playford Vol 1, 1721



3 in 4 Cpl set

4 Bars1st Cpl set & cast off one place 2nd cpl move up

4 Bars1st & 3rd Cpls Right hand star

4 Bars1st Cpl set & cast up one place, 2nd cpl move down

4 Bars1st & 2nd cpl left hand star

8 Bars1st Cpl followed by 2nd Cpl lead down between 3rd Cpl

cast around them. Lead up to the top 1st Cpl cast to

2nd place 2nd Cpl finish in 1st place

8 Bars !st & 2nd Cpls full rights and lefts

Scotland 1772

Waltz Cotillion 4 x128 bars waltz

Quadrille set – numbering 1st couple back to band, 2nd opposite, 3rd to 1sts right and 4th to 1sts left

Couples 1 waltz inside the set to place / 16 bars
Ladies 1&2 balance forward and back and cross by right / 8 bars
Ladies 3&4 repeat / 8 bars
Men 1&2 repeat / 8 bars
Men 3&4 repeat / 8 bars
Couples 1&2 waltz partners to place / 8 bars
Couples 3&4 waltz partners back to place / 8 bars
(Sides divide to form top and bottom lines)
Lines advance and retire and pass through
(2 steps to advance 2 steps to retire & 4 to cross over) / 8 bars
Lines repeat to place / 8 bars
All balance waltz chain to place / 32 bars
All waltz partners to place / 16 bars
Repeat with each couple waltzing the set to start3 x 128 bars
When sides leading ladies 3&4 lead the cross over
And tops dividing to form side lines
Duple minor proper
4 Bars 1st Cpl lead down the set cast around 2nd Cpl to place
4 Bars The 2 men lead thru the women and cast back to place
4 Bars 2nd Cpl lead up and cast around 1st Cpl back to place
4 Bars The 2 ladies lead thru the men cast back to place
4 Bars 1st Corners set fwd turn right single back to place
4 Bars 2nd Corners set fwd right turn single back to place
4 Bars Circle left half way (make circle small)
4 Bars Fall away (4 steps) set forward & partners change places
Playford 10th Edition 1698
Tune’ Hunt the Squirrel’
Duple Minor
Corri & Dussek 1797
8 Bars1st man & 2nd Lady change places
1st Lady & 2nd Man change places
Repeat back to places
8 Bars1st & 2nd couples Right & Left hand stars
8 Bars1st Cpl lead down middle & back to place
Cast into 2nd place. 2nd Cpl follow the cast
and finish in 1st place
8 BarsRight & left allemande
CIRCLE WALTZ Circle dance 32 bar waltz
16 Bars Take hands in a circle, all balance into the centre and then out to place.
Gents then guide their left hand lady across in front of him to his right
hand side. The lady may move across or turn under his arm as in waltz
country dance. This movement is done four times.
8 Bars Facing your new partner, take an open hand hold. Sway into the centre and sway out, then drop hands and both do a single solo waltz turn
towards centre.
Repeat swaying out and then in and a turn back to place.
Finish in ballroom hold.
4 BarsCouples take two chasse steps into the centre of the circle,
and then two chasse steps out to place.
4 BarsWaltz around the circle, finishing in an open circle.