Main Line Unitarian Church

Rev. Neal Jones Rev. W. Bradford Greeley

Senior Minister Minister Emeritus

Offering Outreach Nomination Form

Thank you for recommending a deserving organization to become a recipient of Main Line Unitarian Church’s Offering Outreach program. Please fill out this form as completely as possible, save the file to your desktop, and email as an attachment to .

Offering Outreach grants typically have gone to organizations that are

1. Smaller rather than larger; our average grant size is under $2000, and we like to support programs that will benefit noticeably from our gift; sometimes, a small, focused program within a larger organization is a good choice;

2. Local rather than international, unless there is a Unitarian Universalist connection;

3. Well-established rather than just starting out;

4. Rated on Guidestar or Charity Navigator.

Your Name:

Phone Number:

Email Address:

Please use the fields below to provide the church with information about the organization you are nominating to be a recipient of MLUC’s Offering Outreach.

Name of Charity:

Street Address:

City, State, Zip:

Telephone Number:

Organization Website:

Name and Title of Principal Contact:

Email Address of Principal Contact:

What is the organization’s purpose? Whom does it serve?

How does the organization’s work align with Unitarian Universalist values and MLUC’s congregational Ends?

Why are you passionate about this organization?

What is the organization’s total annual operating budget?

What are its top three sources of income?

What percentage of its budget goes to administrative costs?

How many paid staff does the organization have?

What percentage of the budget goes to staff compensation?

Is it rated on Guidestar or Charity Navigator?

Does it have an existing relationship with MLUC? Are there MLUC members with an ongoing volunteer relationship with the organization?

Are there opportunities for church volunteers (individually or as a group) to provide “hands-on support” of this organization? Is there an opportunity for a long-term relationship between MLUC and this organization? Please describe these opportunities.

Is there anything else that we should know about this organization that would influence the selection process?

Thank you for your nomination!


Church Office 610-688-8332 · Fax 610-964-1195 ·