NICA invited to participate in Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain

Fifteen artists from the National Institute of Circus Arts (NICA) will open each evening’s performance of the 34th Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain in Paris. NICA is supported by the Australian Government, and by offering a Bachelor of Circus Arts, NICA is the only training institute of its kind. The performances are a very exciting opportunity for Australia’s national circus school to participate in the prestigious international circus festival.

The Festival whose title in English translates to “The World Festival of the Circus of Tomorrow” takes place in Paris from 24 – 27 January and is one of the most important circus events of the year. Since 1977 it has presented a broad range of innovative young artists from all over the world. Over the years, the Festival has discovered some of the most extraordinary circus artists and there is fierce competition amongst emerging performers to be selected.

NICA is very proud of 25 year old graduate Lewie West, who has been selected to perform at the Festival and will be competing alongside 2000 international circus artists. After graduating from NICA in 2008 and specialising in handbalancing and acrobatics, Lewie returned to his hometown of Brisbane to work with cutting-edge contemporary circus company, Circa. Lewie’s highlights so far have included touring internationally with Circa and performing at La Tohu Canada, The New Victory Theatre, New York and the Barbican UK.

It was at this Festival that another NICA graduate, Emma Henshall, won the gold medal for her daring and graceful swinging trapeze act in 2009.The Festival affords the profiling of circus from the Southern Hemisphere, where art meets sport, and will showcase the youthful vibrancy of Australia’s unique, visually stunning and courageous circus arts approach.

NICA acknowledges the many philanthropic supporters, whose generosity has made it possible for young Australian artists and NICA to have this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to perform in front of a large international audience. Among the many organisations and individuals are the Joan and Peter Clemenger Trust, the Hugh D. T. Williamson Foundation, the Pratt Foundation, The Ian Potter Foundation and The Myer Foundation.

NICA CEO and Director, Pamela Creed said, “the NICA artists are excited by this extraordinary opportunity, and we are excited for them as they will be representing Australia at the prestigious international festival.”

For more information about NICA visit:

The National Institute of Circus Arts is supported by the Australian Government

Media Enquiries

Maria Rizzo, Marketing & Communications Executive, National Institute of Circus Arts (NICA)

Phone: (03) 9214 6518 / 0410 679 694 Email: