Studentship application

This form must be submitted along with all the other documents required by the institution hosting your chosen project. Please add your personal statement to the end of this form.

Personal details

Email address

Project details

Project title
Host institution / Choose an item. /

Education and qualifications

Bachelors-level degrees awarded and grade/classification

(For 4 year integrated masters (MSci, Mgeol etc) please report your third year mark here). If you are applying from outside the UK, please provide evidence of what your degree is equivalent to in the UK system.

Start date / End date / University / Subject / Qualification awarded / Class/grade awarded

Masters-Level degrees and grade/classification

(Please indicate if result is predicted). If you are applying from outside the UK, please provide evidence of what your degree is equivalent to in the UK system.

Start date / End date / University / Subject / Qualification awarded / Class/grade awarded
Academic Prizes: please list all academic prizes you have been awarded at University.
Publications: please list any papers you have published, including authors, date, title and journal, and whether peer reviewed. Papers that have been submitted or accepted for publication are acceptable, but please do not list papers in preparation.
Conference Participation: please list academic conferences you have attended, the venue and whether you attended, presented a poster, gave a talk, or were a co-author on a presentation.
Extra-curricular research experience: please list any voluntary or paid research experience that is in addition to required elements of your degree programme (e.g. internships, research experience placements, research assistance).
Project-specific experience/aptitude: please list anymajor pieces of independent research you have undertaken (dissertations, research projects, theses) and indicate specifically any that are particularly relevant to the project for which you have applied. Please also indicate your role in formulating the research proposals/questions/programme. If you have skills or experience (analytical, laboratory or others) that are particularly relevant please also list these.
Teamwork:please outline your experiences of working in a team; for each indicate your role in the team and how you judged whether this work produced a successful outcome.
Personal Statement: please add your personal statement here.