Application for Community Partner/Civil Society Organisation bursary to attend Living Knowledge Conference, Dublin, 22-24 June 2016.
Weare keen to encourage community partner organisations and civil society organisations to participate in this conference.
We are offering 12 free community organisation places at the conference (one per organisation) as follows:
-7places for members of Irish-basedcommunity organisations
- conference fee and dinner only for Dublin-based community organisations
- conference fee and dinner with train/bus travel and 2 or 3 nights’ accommodation in the Harcourt Hotel for non-Dublin-based community organisations(
-5 places for members of internationally-basedcommunity organisations (covering vouched travel costs up to €800, 2 or 3 nights’ accommodation in the Harcourt Hotel, and conference fee and dinner). We will prioritise community organisationswhich have submitted proposals to present at the conference, particularly those whose proposals are accepted.
Please fill out this application and return it to , by 7 January 2016.The deadline for submissions of proposals for conference presentations is the same date - see If you would like to discuss what you might propose to present at the conference, please contact us by mid-December so we can help you shape your ideas into a presentation – you can submit for posters and ultra-short presentation formats which might appeal to you if this is your first conference presentation.
Please note:
-Funding is offered to cover costs of attending the Living Knowledge 7 conference: i.e. conference fee and conference dinner, and for non-Dublin-based applicants only, reimbursement of reasonable travel expenses and accommodation to allow people to attend.
-Bursary recipients must register themselves for the conference using the online registration process – they will be given a code to register with.
-Travel should be arranged by the applicant, DIT staff will book accommodation. Bursary recipients are asked to use the most cost-effective method of travel. (If the organisation would struggle to fund travel costs upfront and claim the money back afterwards, please contact us to discuss this if you are awarded a bursary.)
-Receipts for all expenditure will be required – expenses cannot be reimbursed without these receipts. As the conference is publicly funded by EU taxpayers, claimants are asked to keep expenses to a minimum.
-Bursary awardees will be asked to produce a short blog/reflection, artwork, poem, video diary, or other creative piece about their experience of the event, by mid-July 2015, which we will promote on the conference website.
Please complete this application form if you would like to apply for funding.
More information can be found on the conference website by contacting .
Community Partner Bursary Application Form – Living Knowledge 7, Dublin, 2016.
Telephone Number:
Why do you want to attend this event/ conference? (250 words max)
How will other participants benefit from you attending this event/ conference? (250 words max)
Have you submitted a proposal to present at the conference?
If yes, please give details (title and brief summary, including any co-presenters):
Details of travel and accommodation (for non-Dublin-based applicants only):
Travel and Subsistence estimated cost (please note all travel should be thelowest cost option, with advance booking. Please indicate nearest airport if international):
Accommodation: (either 2 or 3 nights can be booked in the Harcourt Hotel) Dates required?
Signature of applicant:Date:
For completion by the applicant’s line manager (or equivalent):
On behalf of the organisation I agree to support the person named above in attending the Living Knowledge conference in Dublin in June 2016.
Role in organisation:
Signature of line manager: Date:
Please email this completed form to by 7 January 2016.
Thank you for your interest in theconference. We will be in touch once the applications have been reviewed.
Application for Community Partner/Civil Society Organisation bursary