Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the
Emergency Medical Services Professions
Site Visitor Application
If you would like to be considered as a CoAEMSP site visitor, please complete and return this application, along with a current CV and two (2) letters of recommendationto CoAEMSP. To be eligible to become a site visitor, individuals must complete CAAHEP's site visitor quiz,( attend the Site Visitor Training Workshop, and meet the qualifications of a site visitor (at end of this document). Applications are reviewed during the CoAEMSP’s February, May, August, and November Board meetings.
Contact Information
Preferred Mailing Address Work Home
- Are you now or have you been a program director or medical director for a paramedic education program? Yes No If yes, Program Director Medical Director
- Is/was the program CAAHEP accredited? Yes NoUnder Consideration
Program Name, City & State:
If you are not currently the program director or medical director for a paramedic program, when did you serve in that capacity?
- Have you attended a site visitor workshop? Yes No
Date(s) & Location:
- Are you EMT-Paramedic Certified Yes No
Are you a Board Licensed Physician? Yes NoSpecialty
- List your experience in EMS education (training, training programs, dates of experience)
Please answer the following questions:
- CoAEMSP asks that you participate in at least 3 site visits every 24 months. Do you have any personal or professional impediments to conducting at least 3 site visits every 24 months?
Yes No
If yes, please explain:
- What is your experience in accreditation? Describe your involvement with self-study development, self-study reviews, annual report preparation, and site visits.
- Would you be comfortable interviewing physicians, college presidents, CEOs or deans?
- Why would you like to serve as a site visitor for CoAEMSP?
- Is there anything else you would like the CoAEMSP to know when considering your application?
- CoAEMSP is electronic based and mails the Program’s Self Study Report on a thumb drive. In addition, the Site Visit Report and all correspondence is conducted via email. Are you willing to conduct CoAEMSP business via electronic means? Yes No
Return this application, a current CV,and two (2) letters of recommendationone of the following ways:
attn: Jennifer Anderson Warwick, MA
January 2010
Suite 111-312
8301 Lakeview Parkway
January 2010
Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the
Emergency Medical Services Professions
Site Visitor Qualifications
Paramedic Educator
- Employed as an educator in a CAAHEP accredited paramedic program, at least 30% employee to the program.
- At least two (2) years of full-time experience or five (5) years of part-time experience as a paramedic educator in a CAAHEP accredited paramedic program.
- Knowledgeable about education issues, especially curriculum, exam development, program evaluation, and student evaluation.
- Minimum of a Bachelor’s degree.
- Qualify as a program director under current CAAHEP Standards.
- Actively involved in a paramedic education program.
- Knowledgeable about education issues.
- Qualify as a medical director under current CAAHEP Standards.
In addition to meeting the above requirements for paramedic educator or physician, all site visitors are then required to:
- Successfully complete Site Visitor exam on
- Successfully complete any required Site Visitor Updates (with post update exam.)
- Consistently achieve acceptable quality assurance reports.
- Attend any required CE sessions provided by the CoAEMSP (web-based, in-person, or other format) to ensure continuous compliance with CAAHEP Standards.
- Participate in a minimum of three (3) site visits in a 24-month period.
- Attain successful completion of the Site Visitor Training Workshop under current CAAHEP Standards or acceptable alternative as identified by Site Visit Subcommittee.
- If retired and not currently working in a CAAHEP accredited paramedic program, has worked in EMS education within the past five (5) years.
Note: all requirements are subject to the discretion of the Site Visit Subcommittee and the CoAEMSP Board of Directors.
January 2010