Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the

Emergency Medical Services Professions

Site Visitor Application

If you would like to be considered as a CoAEMSP site visitor, please complete and return this application, along with a current CV and two (2) letters of recommendationto CoAEMSP. To be eligible to become a site visitor, individuals must complete CAAHEP's site visitor quiz,( attend the Site Visitor Training Workshop, and meet the qualifications of a site visitor (at end of this document). Applications are reviewed during the CoAEMSP’s February, May, August, and November Board meetings.

Contact Information









Preferred Mailing Address Work Home

  1. Are you now or have you been a program director or medical director for a paramedic education program? Yes No If yes, Program Director Medical Director
  1. Is/was the program CAAHEP accredited? Yes NoUnder Consideration

Program Name, City & State:
If you are not currently the program director or medical director for a paramedic program, when did you serve in that capacity?

  1. Have you attended a site visitor workshop? Yes No
    Date(s) & Location:
  1. Are you EMT-Paramedic Certified Yes No
    Are you a Board Licensed Physician? Yes NoSpecialty
  1. List your experience in EMS education (training, training programs, dates of experience)

Please answer the following questions:

  1. CoAEMSP asks that you participate in at least 3 site visits every 24 months. Do you have any personal or professional impediments to conducting at least 3 site visits every 24 months?

Yes No

If yes, please explain:

  1. What is your experience in accreditation? Describe your involvement with self-study development, self-study reviews, annual report preparation, and site visits.
  1. Would you be comfortable interviewing physicians, college presidents, CEOs or deans?
  1. Why would you like to serve as a site visitor for CoAEMSP?
  1. Is there anything else you would like the CoAEMSP to know when considering your application?
  1. CoAEMSP is electronic based and mails the Program’s Self Study Report on a thumb drive. In addition, the Site Visit Report and all correspondence is conducted via email. Are you willing to conduct CoAEMSP business via electronic means? Yes No

Return this application, a current CV,and two (2) letters of recommendationone of the following ways:

attn: Jennifer Anderson Warwick, MA

January 2010



Suite 111-312

8301 Lakeview Parkway




January 2010

Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the

Emergency Medical Services Professions

Site Visitor Qualifications

Paramedic Educator

  • Employed as an educator in a CAAHEP accredited paramedic program, at least 30% employee to the program.
  • At least two (2) years of full-time experience or five (5) years of part-time experience as a paramedic educator in a CAAHEP accredited paramedic program.
  • Knowledgeable about education issues, especially curriculum, exam development, program evaluation, and student evaluation.
  • Minimum of a Bachelor’s degree.
  • Qualify as a program director under current CAAHEP Standards.


  • Actively involved in a paramedic education program.
  • Knowledgeable about education issues.
  • Qualify as a medical director under current CAAHEP Standards.

In addition to meeting the above requirements for paramedic educator or physician, all site visitors are then required to:

  • Successfully complete Site Visitor exam on
  • Successfully complete any required Site Visitor Updates (with post update exam.)
  • Consistently achieve acceptable quality assurance reports.
  • Attend any required CE sessions provided by the CoAEMSP (web-based, in-person, or other format) to ensure continuous compliance with CAAHEP Standards.
  • Participate in a minimum of three (3) site visits in a 24-month period.
  • Attain successful completion of the Site Visitor Training Workshop under current CAAHEP Standards or acceptable alternative as identified by Site Visit Subcommittee.
  • If retired and not currently working in a CAAHEP accredited paramedic program, has worked in EMS education within the past five (5) years.

Note: all requirements are subject to the discretion of the Site Visit Subcommittee and the CoAEMSP Board of Directors.

January 2010