Environmental Science
Course Outline
Tutor: Mrs. Cherie Roberts
Email:Course Website: wowscience.net
Text:-Holt Environmental Science Student Edition 2013
- Various supplemental literature and handouts provided by the tutor.
Course fee: $350.00Lab fee: $40.00
Course Objectives: This course is designed to combine the best parts of field-based ecology classes and discussion-based environmental studies classes. Students in this class will explore the diversity of Creation and our place as humans (and specifically as Christians) in it. Field observation and practical applications will be emphasized as well as critical thinking, class discussion and personal evaluation of many complex and controversial environmental dilemmas. Students will be challenged to formulate their own personal opinion of how to best steward God’s Creation. The course requires an interdisciplinary style since such varied topics as earth science, economics, ecology, agriculture, human health, sociology, law and politics, and religion are involved in today’s environmental questions. Class assignments will include discussions, labs, extra reading, field trips and personal opinion papers.
Course Content:Tentative Test Date:
Chapters 1 & 21: Intro to Environmental Science, History & PolicyWeek 3
Chapter 5: EcosystemsWeek 5
Chapters 7: Aquatic Ecosystems Week 7
Chapters 8 & 9: Natural Populations & Human PopulationsWeek 10
Chapter 10: BiodiversityWeek 12
1st Semester ExamWeek 14
Chapters 12 & 13: Air & Air PollutionWeek 16
Chapters 17 & 18: Energy-Renewable & Non-renewableWeek 19
Chapter 19: WasteWeek 21
Chapter 11: WaterWeek 22
Chapter 14: LandWeek 24
Chapter 15: Food & AgricultureWeek 26
2nd Semester ExamWeek 28
•Be prepared and on time to class.
•Be attentive and cooperative during all classes and field trips.
•Participate in class discussion in an orderly, respectful manner.
•Complete each assignment on time and to the best of your ability.
•Master the assigned material for tests.
•Be able to produce mature, well-written essays and opinion papers.
•Learn how to use proper lab & safety procedures & write up lab observations
Course Website:
In an effort to provide as much instructional assistance as possible, even outside of class time, Mrs. Roberts uses a course website at The course syllabus, weekly assignment sheets, pertinent resources and study aides, and copies of all supplemental materials will be posted on the site.
Students will need their textbooks, a 3-ring binder with lined paper for notes, and a pen or pencil each day in class. Students are expected to take notes of every class presentation and should keep all notes, tests and quizzes, returned assignments and labs in their notebooks. Students will also need a compositionbook or spiral notebook to use as an observation and lab journal.
We will be conducting most of our labs during class time at Bridge Tutorial. The supplies needed for these labs will be purchased by Mrs. Roberts through the class lab fee fund. There will occasionally be labs that need to be done at home due to a longer time span of observation. The supplies for these labs will need to be purchased by the students (these are common items from grocery stores or hardware stores.) If any specialized items are needed, they will be provided through the lab fee.
30% Tests
30% Opinion essays, labs and projects
30% Section and Chapter Reviews
10% Mid-term and Final Exams
100-90 A89-80 B79-70 C69-60 D59-0 F
Academic Integrity Policy:
Students are expected to exercise honesty in all of their work. Unless otherwise told, students should assume that all work should be done individually. This applies to lab assignments, homework and tests. A grading key will be sent to parents via email with every test. Parents are asked to keep the key secure before and during the exam. Parents will be given the option of using the key to grade the exam at home, or to use the key to simply spot check the exam prior to it being turned in for a final grade. Mrs. Roberts will poll parents as to their desired grading option when the first exam is sent home.
Late work policy:
All work on your weekly assignment sheet (homework, lab reports and tests) must be turned in at the beginning of the class period on the day it is due. As high schoolers, you will be held to a high standard regarding your work. For every two class days late, an assignment will automatically lose a full letter grade (one class day late, the assignment will lose a half letter grade). Late work will not be accepted after the 4th class day on which it was due.
Please detach, sign and return on the 1st day of class:
“I agree to the Academic Integrity Policy and Late Work Policy for Mrs. Robert’s Environmental Science Class through Bridge Tutorial Ministries.”