Championships Secretary 18 Hunts Road,
CB22 4RE
Dear Secretary,
Cambridgeshire AA, invites athletes from your Club/School to take part in the 2018 Track and Field Championships on May 12th at peterborough (see * below for 3000m, mile, and steeplechases). We will use electronic timing on the track, with a display clock and wind measurement, and electronic distance measurement for the long throws events.
Last years championships had another excellent entry level from both clubs and schools. We would like to encourage even more schools to enter this year. Athletes can count towards the scores for both their club and their school, provided that both club and school have entered a team, but please indicate both on the entry if possible, irrespective of which is actually putting in the entry. This ensures that the clubs do not lose out by us having the schools Trophy competition, or vice-versa.
Team selections for Intercounty events in the summer will be influenced by the results from these championships.
I enclose a full list of events and a provisional timetable for the main championship on May 12th. The timetable will be approximately correct but there will be several minor changes depending on the number of entries.
* Note that this year the 3000m Championship events for Under 15, Boys and Girls, Under 17 men and Women, Under 20 Men and Senior/U20 Women will take place on Wednesday May 23rdat the Evening Open meeting at St Ives. The Steeplechase Championship events will take place on Evening Open meetings - June 20th (Senior men 3k S/C) and July18th (U20/U17 men and U20/Sen Women). The Mile Championship will also take place on July 18th.
Under 17’s and under 20’s may elect to compete as seniors in the walk. This does not affect them competing in other events in their own age-group subject to the age-group limits secified in the British athletics rules.
Athletes wishing to enter the 3000m, Steeplechase, or Mile championships may do so with their main championship entry, or may enter separately (but entry must be made one week in advance – no championship entries will be accepted on the night at the Development meetings).
As usual, in addition to the individual events there are, running through the Championships, a number of Team events for which County trophies are awarded. Points for these Championships will be totalled from those entries which indicate Club and School names. Club and School must be indicated on the entry form in order that performances to be eligible for both Team Championship categories. (This applies only to athletes who are under 20).
Schools are asked to inform the championship secretary by e-mail if they wish to be counted in the schools trophy competition, but have asked their athletes to enter individually rather than via the school.
TimesFirst events (track & field ) - 10.00 am.Registration from 9.00 am onwards.
Age - groupUnder 13, under 15 and under 17 are defined by age on 31st August 2018
definitionsUnder 13 athletes must be aged 11 before 31st August 2018
Under 20 men must be under 20 on 31st December 2018
EntriesFor 2018, entry is online at Athletes and team managers are requested to use online entry wherever possible .Payment is made with Debit or Credit card. Team organisers may enter several athletes and make just one card payment at the end.
Please also indicate the school attended by athletes if possible (for the schools tropHy competition)
Paper entries can be made but should ,please only be as a last resort. Payment by cheque must accompany paper entries. BACS payments are no longer accepted.
Paper forms are available to download via the Cambridgeshire athletics website
Entry fees for 2018 are £4.00 for each athletes first event entered and £3.50 for each additional event
Entries for Club athletes must specify athletes EA URN numbers.
This does not apply toschools entries unless the athlete is also a member of a UKA registered athletics club
PaymentsOnline entry with debit/credit card payment. – preferred method
By post enclosing cheque with entry form (payable to Cambridgeshire AA).
If using the paper team entry form please do not mix up the age groups – one sheet for each age and gender please.
Closing DateTuesday May 1st 2018 (May 16thfor 3000m entries. June 13thfor Sen Mens S/C and July 11th for other s/c’s and the Mile)
VestsClub, School, County, Regional or National Team vest must be worn by Competitors.
The final timetable of events will be published as soon as possible after compilation of the programme and will depend on numbers of entries received.
Field event timings may change significantly depending on entry numbers. Track events will only vary slightly from the provisional timetable
Confirmation of Entry/timetable will be e-mailed
All details and links can also be found on the Cambs AA website .
Noel Moss (01223 833470) e-mail .