Name: ______

In the Shadow of the Six Day War

Time Magazine

  1. What three Arab states fought Israel beginning on June 5th, 1967?
  1. Palestinians in a refugee camp anticipated a swift Israeli loss. What was the name of the refugee camp?
  1. The soldiers that Palestinians saw advancing towards the camp were not King Hussein’s army but were from what army?
  1. As the Israeli army took territory in the West Bank 350,000 refugees fled to ___?___
  1. What war continues to shape the Middle East?
  1. How was the Egyptian air force destroyed?
  1. Where did the Israelis attack the Syrians?
  1. What nation did King Hussein rule?
  1. The war ended in 132 hours and Israel _____ in size.
  1. What did it take to define Palestinian identity?
  1. The Six Day War hastened the downfall of Arab secularism. What is Arab Secularism?
  1. The Six Day War opened doors to the new idea of Islamic Radicalism. What is Islamic Radicalism?
  1. The author realized, after talking to Omar, that Jews and Arabs are “fatally alike” in that they both suffer from a powerful and justifiable sense of victimization. Why do Jews feel this? Why do Palestinians?
  1. Omar’s father only returned once to the house that he lost as a result of the Six Day War, but he still keeps something. What does he keep?
  1. The Six Day War caused Palestinians to lose faith in the ability for Arab States to do what?
  1. Who did Palestinians pin their hopes on instead of Arab states?
  1. What caused Arafat and his colleagues to lose touch with the reality of Palestinian life?
  1. What was the intifadeh?
  1. What sparked the intifadeh?
  1. What is a rite of passage for young Palestinians?
  1. How long did the first intifadeh last?
  1. What sharpened the Palestinian’s sense of identity and rage?
  1. In 1994 the Palestine Liberation Organization and Israel signed the Oslo Accords. What did the Oslo Accords accomplish?
  1. Despite his winning of the Nobel Peace Prize, what did Arafat secretly do? (Doing this has undermined the fact that he had won the Nobel Peace Prize).
  1. What Israeli Prime Minister signed the Oslo Accords with Arafat?
  1. Did Omar ever think that peace was attainable?
  1. What is Fatah?
  1. Disappointed by the Old Guard, many younger Palestinians are turning to ____?____ as an alternative.
  1. West Bank shops sell DVDs of what?
  1. Omar’s generation threw stones, what does the new generation seek to do?
  1. What is the generational divide that splits Palestinians?
  1. Omar is impressed by Islamists, but has doubts about them as well because…?
  1. Forty years after the Six Day War what do Jalazon residents know?