My Aged Care for Commonwealth Home Support Service Providersin Victoria
My Aged Care is a key feature of the Commonwealth Government’s changes to aged care which seeks to deliver a better, fairer, sustainable and nationally consistent aged care system. The system will provide older people with more choice, easier access and better care.
What you need to know
From August 2016, Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP)providers in Victoria will receive electronic referrals for service via the My Aged Care system.
Service providers need to know about:
- My Aged Care portals for accessing the system;
- the central client record;and
- electronic referrals for service.
The My Aged Care system includes three web-based portals which are described below.
- Provider portal: service providers will use the provider portal to manage the electronic referrals they receive and review and update the client record with information about the services they are delivering. Service providers can also use the provider portal to request that an assessor undertakes a review or a new assessment.
Service providers will also use the My Aged Care provider portal to self-manage information about the services they deliver. This information will be publicly displayed on the service finders on the My Aged Care website ( and be used by My Aged Care contact centre staff and assessors to refer clients for service(s).It is essential that information is accurate and up to date to ensure accurate referrals.
- Assessor portal: assessors will use the My Aged Care assessor portal to manage referrals for assessment, conduct assessments using the National Screening and Assessment Form (NSAF), refer clients for service, and review and update client records with the support plan and assessment outcomes.
- Client portal: clients (and their representatives) can use the My Aged Care client portal to see their interactions with My Aged Care, including screening and assessment outcomes, plans and service information. Clients will also be able to view and update personal details. Clients and their representatives will be able to access the client record through myGov.
Central client record
People seeking access to aged care services will have a client record created by contact centre staff. The client record will includeclient details (and carer or representative details), details about previous assessments and support plans, and information about service(s) received. Clients will be asked to provide consent to enable their client record to be shared with assessorsandserviceproviders.
Electronic referrals for service
For Commonwealth funded services, assessors will use the assessor portal to work with clients to send a referral to the client’s selected service providers.
Clients can choose to have an electronic referral sent to service providers in order of preference, or broadcast to all available service providers.
Alternatively, a client can be issued with a referral code which they can provide to a preferred service provider. The referral code provides the means for the service provider to access the client record to assist the discussion with the client about services.
Service providers will use the provider portal to manage electronic referrals in the following ways: accept referral, reject referral or place the client on a My Aged Care hosted, but service provider managed, waitlist. Service providers will contact clients directly only after accepting an electronic referral.
Prior to accepting the referral you can view the information available in the client record. This includes:
- Personal information
- Identity information and status of identity check
- Current notes and observations
- Support plan (or action plan if the client has been referred direct for service)
- Services in place
Contact details can be viewed once a referral has been accepted.
Provider Set up And more information
You will need to have an AUSkey before you access the My Aged Care provider portal. AUSkeyisan electronic authentication tool used by the Australian Government for organisations seeking to access a number of Government online services. Provider organisation administrators can start organising access for AUSkeys at any time. Further information on this process, including a questions and answers factsheet can be found at
After signing your CHSP agreement, you should immediately complete your organisation’s set up. This process should be finalised by 1 August 2016 to ensure people seeking access to Aged Care Services for the first time, or people whose needs have changed, can be referred to your organisation through My Aged Care. Additional information on My Aged Care, including quick reference guides, videos, webinars and guidance material for Service Providers can be found at