US Junior National Team

US Junior National Team

Application Information for 2015

(Please Read Carefully)

The Junior Team Executive Steering Committee (JTESC) would like to invite juniororienteers(born in 1995 or later) to apply for the 2015 US Junior National Team (JNT) – the new name for the Junior Standing Team (2013-2014). The team will consist of approximately 12 young men and 12 young women committed to training at a high level for the sport.

The Junior National Team isnot the same as the team which will represents the USA at the Junior World Orienteering Championships, aka the JWOC Team. Furthermore, one does not have to be a member of the JNT to be selected for the 2015 JWOC team. However, the JNTwill prepare athletes well for JWOC,as well asother competitions, and is designed to help athletes get the training and coaching opportunities to become internationally competitive athletes. For more information on the JNT and JWOC Team selection, please see the Orienteering USA website. You may also contact US Junior NationalCoach Erin Schirm with questions (;845-364-1752).

Selection of the JNT will be conducted by JTESC,which will use the performance targetsdescribed below as guides to selecting qualified juniors.

Performance Targets


Racing Performance: Have a ranking and/or experience racing on advanced level courses(Brown, Green, Red and Blue courses are advanced level in the US)

Navigational Skills: Be able to apply the fiveskills of precise and rough map reading, precise and rough compass bearings, and distance estimation, on an orienteering course.

Technique Knowledge: Have some understanding of the following terms: hand-rails, catching features, collecting features, attackpoints, relocation, and route choice identification.

Physical Fitness:

You should be able to run for at least 50minutes continuously, be comfortabledoing physical training at least four days a week and meet the following fitness standards:

Time (minutes)
Distance / Men / Women
1 mile / 5:10 / 6:30
3 kilometers / 10:15 / 12:55
5 kilometers / 17:50 / 22:15

These times should be from an official race on the track, a USATF certified road race or cross country race to insure that the distances are accurate, or by time trial with a coach present.

Please note if you have not yet met the times above, JTESC and Coach Erin encourage you to apply for the JNT anyway.

Athlete Expectations

Athletes on the Junior National Team will be expected to perform the following tasks:

  1. Have an up todate training log on Attackpoint.orgat the end of every week; for this purpose, each week will start with Monday and end with Sunday.
  2. Follow a well laid-out training plan approved by theJunior National Coach (JNC).
  3. Communicate immediately with the JNC if you cannot train due to injury, sickness, or any other reason.
  4. Participate inone monthly team conference call.
  5. Participate in threesmall training group calls each month; communicate with captain of the group when you cannot attend.
  6. Perform course reviews at local meets or training events with juniors running white, yellow and orange courses.
  7. Help at Team fundraisers as asked by the JNC and organizing volunteers.
  8. Write public communications and blog posts as asked by the Junior Team Administrator or JNC.
  9. Set courses, training exercises, or lead orienteering educational activities at one event per year.
  10. Vote for captains of the JNT; this will be organized by the JNC.
  11. Fill out an athlete profile form which will be provided by JNC

Additional responsibilities for JNT members chosen to be Captains:

  1. Encourage teammates in their training.
  2. Keep an eye out for teammates’ behavior that could result in violations of JNT policies. Proactively help these athletes make better decisions before damage is done. Consult JNC as needed.
  3. Make sure athletes in your training group are aware of phone call times and dates. Communicate with the JNC if an athlete in the training group cannot attend a call.
  4. Model appropriate behavior, for the JNT.


US Junior National Team

2015 Application

Athlete Information:

First / M.I. / Last
Street Address:
City / State / Zip code
Date of Birth: / Gender (M/F):
School: / Grade / Year:
Home Phone: / Cell Phone:
E-mail Address:
Primary Orienteering Club: / Orienteering USA Member #:

Parent / Guardian Information:

For duplicate information, write “same” or “same as …”

First / M.I. / Last
Street Address:
City / State / Zip code
Phone #s - Home: / Cell: / Work
E-mail Address:

Other Parent / Guardian Information:

For duplicate information, write “same” or “same as …”

First / M.I. / Last
Street Address:
City / State / Zip code
Phone #s - Home: / Cell: / Work
E-mail Address:

2015 Application


Current / Recent Performance

If you do not know your numbers, you may leave the answer blank; include what you do know. Feel free to provide any additional information that you think is relevant. For running times please provide date, race location, and name of race.

Track /Road Running Times: / 1 mile / 3 km / 5 km
On which class(es) do you have an OUSA ranking?
On which courses do you compete at national and/or club events?

Orienteering Reference:

If one is a parent /guardian, please enter in next section

First / M.I. / Last
Street Address:
City / State / Zip code
Phone #s - Home: / Cell: / Work
E-mail: / Primary O-club:

Secondary Orienteering Reference:

If a parent /guardian, just enter relationship

First / M.I. / Last
Street Address:
City / State / Zip code
Phone #s - Home: / Cell: / Work
E-mail: / Primary O-club:



Please respond to the following questions:

Q1.What personal orienteering goals do you have? What would you like to accomplish as an orienteer on the Junior National Team?

Q2.Name and describe three orienteering skills that you execute well on an orienteering course.

Q3.Name and describe three orienteering skills that you would like to improve upon in the next year. Describe specific aspectsof each skill that are challenging for you.

Q4.What do you feel are your greatest strengths as an athlete?

Q5.Describe your physical training in the last three years. How has it progressed in those three years? How many days a week do you train? How much volume do you average per training day?

Q6.What large orienteering races have you attended? What orienteering training camps have you attended?

Q7.If you have had injuries that have prevented you from training recently, please describe here.



Do you participate in any other sports? If not, skip questions Q8 – Q10. (be sure to answer Q11.)

Q8.In which sports besides orienteering do you participate, and at what level of competition?

Q9.How will your other sports impact your orienteering training and competing?

Q10.Please provide the contact info for your coaches in other sports. (The Junior Team Coach may contact them to find out more about you, let them know about your desire to be on the JNT, ask for their support, and see if we can work something out.)

Personal Statement

Please provide a personal statement (100-200 words) to help the JNCget to know you. Discussing this with other orienteers you know might help you develop your thoughts.

If you are not a National Team 2014 member, you might wish to address these questions:

  • What do you like about orienteering?
  • What resources are you lacking for training?
  • What do you dream of accomplishing in orienteering?
  • What else would you like the JNCto know about you?

If you are a 2014 Junior Standing Team member re-applying for 2015, please address these questions:

  • Describe how you feel you have impacted the Team in this past year.
  • Describe how the Team has impacted you over the past year.
  • In 2015, what do you want to contribute to the Team, and what can the Team give you?
  • Please share your motivation for reapplying for the Team.
  • Please share any personal skills such as photography or leadership that you use to support the Team.

Please type on the page below

Athlete Contract

In order to be considered for selection to the US Junior National Team, you must agree to the following conditions. Please initial on the lines provided to indicate such agreement.

If you are using the Word version, please type your initials (UPPER CASE).

1. / I will traineach week based on the volume and specificity agreed upon with the JNC. I will set training expectations for myself each week and month that work towards accomplishing my personal orienteering goals and the goals of the JNT.
2. / I will attend at least twoof the nationaltraining camps set up by or designated by the JNC. I agree to prioritize the camps set up by JNC over other designated camps. I agree to attend the 2015 JWOC Selection Races. I agree to run in enough nationally sanctioned races to maintain a USA ranking score. (four races are required for a official ranking)
3. / I agree to adhere to all IOF and international rules of competition for the sport of orienteering. I agree to adhere to all OUSA safety and behavior policies at official team functions, camps, events, and on all official team trips. I agree to follow any further safety and behavior expectations set by the JNC in addition to OUSA policies. I agree to wear the designated OUSA uniform for the following races: JWOC Selection Races, JWOC, JWOC spectator races, and any other time Iamofficially racing in international competitions for the USA. I agree to keep all online profiles free of images and verbiage that could portray me as violating this contract and OUSA behavior policies in any way. I agree to abstain from taking illegal drugs and participating in any illegal activity while on the US junior national team.
4. / I acknowledge that training on the national team will require certain sacrifices at times, and I willingly agree to make those sacrifices to become a better athlete and fulfill my commitment to the Team. I understand that travel to races and training camps is affected by my standing with teachers and administrators at my school. I agree to proactively work with and communicate with my teachers and school administrators, employers, and secondary sport coaches, as applicable, so that I can uphold my commitments to the US JNT.
5. / I agree to perform all requirements as described above in the athlete expectations section of this application. In cases where it is not possible to meet all requirements I agree to proactively communicate with the JNC to work out alternative ways to fulfill the requirements. I agree to behave ethically and maturely at all times while on the JNT. I agree to respect the wishes and traditions of people I come into contact with while on the JNT.
6. / I acknowledge that failure to comply with the above conditions may result in consequences meted out by OrienteeringUSA and/or the JNC.. These consequences include, but are not limited to, those describedinAddendum1of this application, which I have carefully read.


By signing below, I attest that the information being submitted on this application is substantially my own work, and is a truthful representation of my ambitions and my character. I further attest that I am familiar with and agree to all the conditions, as initialed, in the Athlete Contract.

If using the Word version of the application form, sign by typing full (first middle last) name on the signature line and leaving the printed name line blank.


Signature: / Date:
Please print name:

If athlete is under 18 years of age:

Parent / Guardian

Signature: / Date:
Please print name:


Please submit the application to, Erin Schirm, US Junior NationalCoach, by any of these methods:

  • Mail it, with a postmark no later than Saturday December 20, to:


243Liberty St, Apt3

Petaluma,CA 94952

  • Scan it, and e-mail it (preferably as a PDF file) to , no later than Tuesday December 23.
  • If you are using the Word version of the application form, e-mail the completed form as a Word document (.doc, .docx) file to , no later than Tuesday December 23.

Please feel free to contact Coach Erin Schirm ( or 845-364-1752) at any time with questions, or if you are having trouble completing the application.


Violations of Athlete Contract and Associated Consequences

Level1 Violations: Failure to meet training team expectations

Examples could includeconsistent failure to log training, not attending team and or training group calls, and failure to communicate with captains and coaches when unable to fulfill team expectations.

A Level1Violation is given to an athlete in place of a third warning by the JNC about meeting training and team expectations.

Consequences for a Level1 Violation: Athlete mustcomplete a task related to the violation as assigned by the JNC.

Level2 Violations: Minor behavior issues and failure to meet larger team and training expectations

Examplescould include posting inappropriate pictures on personal online profiles that are visible to the public, attending less than twoof the national training camps,and failure to make intelligent decisions during key training periods.

A Level2Violation is given after an athlete has received threeLevel1Violations, fails to complete consequences for a Level1Violation after two official reminders, or otherwise fails to meet larger team expectations.

Consequences for a Level2Violation may include: Suspension from the Team pending the completion of a task or tasks assigned by the JNC, 2-6 hours of community service as designated by the JNC, and loss of team funding and sponsorship support.

Level3 Violations: Severe behavior issues

Examples of a Level3Violationcould include, testing positive for performance enhancing drugs, endangering the life or well-being of a teammate due to poor decision making,creating undue extra work for coaches, chaperones andother adults, and teammates due to poor decision making.

A Level3Violation is given after an athlete has receivedthreeLevel2Violations, has failed to perform the consequences of a Level2Violation after two official reminders, or has violated the behavior expectations of the JNC and/or OUSA in extreme ways.

Consequences for a Level3 Violationmay include: Expulsion from the Team pending the completion of multiple tasks set by the JNC, being sent home from an official team trip, repayment of benefits received from the team, banned from competing on a US team for up to three years, pending evidence thatthe athlete’s behavior has changed.


Exceptions may be made under circumstances that are reasonable and communicated well in advanced of the conflict or issues. In situations where an athlete has made a mistake and proactively communicates that mistake to JNC consequences may be reduced.These exceptions will not exempt an athlete from team expectations. The JNC will work with the athlete and his/her parentsto help him/herfulfill Team requirements in alternative ways.

Please acknowledge you and your parent/guardian have read and understand the contents of thisaddendum by initialing Condition 6 of the Athlete Contract.


Permissionto Travel


Medicaland Emergency Contact Information

~ In the case of siblings, please complete one form for each athlete ~

Section A: To be completed for all participants:

Orienteering is an outdoor athletic activity. Athlete has the following special allergies or medical problems: ______

Athlete’s Hospitalization Carrier and Policy Number:______

TWO parent/relative emergency contact phone number(s):______&______

Section B: to be completed for all participants under age 18. At least one signature is required:

______, the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) name/s

Parent/Legal Guardian of ______, hereby authorize(s) (Name of Athlete/s)

junior national coach andOUSA officially designated coaches and adults to chaperone their

son/daughter during national

(Name of Athlete/s)

orienteering training camps, trips and races, which may include interstate and international travel.


Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian Date


Parent / Guardian Volunteering Opportunities

Please review the following list of areas in which help is needed for the Team, and select at least one in which you would be interested/willing to contribute:

Enter “X” to select

Team fundraising
Coordinationfor the team members in your area
Team travel organization
Driving and chaperoning team members at national race events
Team publicity and media communications
Other (please specify):
Notes(anything you wish to convey):
