/* tthreads.h */

#ifndef tthreads_included

#define tthreads_included

#include "setjmp.h"

typedef struct Thread_s {/* a Thread */

void (*initFn)(void *);

void * initArg;

jmp_buf context;

int tid;

struct Thread_s *next;/* for readyq */

int enqueued;/* used as bool, for checking */

} Thread;

/* Thread Queue */

typedef struct {

Thread *head, *tail;

int count;

} ThreadQ;

void initThreadQ(ThreadQ *tq);

extern void enqueueThread(ThreadQ *tq, Thread *t);

extern Thread *dequeueThread(ThreadQ *tq);

extern ThreadQ readyQ;/* ready queue (fcfs) */

/* initialize thread system; all threads put on "freshQ" */

extern void makeThreads(int n);

/* start new thread running (*initFn)(initArg) */

extern int initAndScheduleThread(void (*initFn)(void *), void *initArg) ;

/* switch context (from readyQ) & enqueue self */

/* start threads, returns when all threads have terminated */

extern void startThreads();

/* thread termination, or can just return */

extern void terminateThread();

extern int getTid();/* get thread id */

extern void yield();/* volunteer for preemption */

extern void contextSwitch(ThreadQ *resched);

#endif /* tthreads_included */

#include "stdio.h"

#include "assert2.h"

#include "tthreads.h"

Thread *threads, *currentThread = (Thread *)0;

static int numThreads = 0;

ThreadQ readyQ;

static ThreadQ freshQ;/* queue of fresh (never run) threads */

jmp_buf mainContext;/* context of main thread */

void initThreadQ(ThreadQ *tq) {

tq->head = tq->tail = (Thread*)0;

tq->count = 0;


void enqueueThread(ThreadQ *tq, Thread *t) {


assert2(!t->enqueued, "Attempted to enqueue an already already enqueued thread!");

assert2(!t->next, "Attempted to enqueue thread with a next????");

if (tq->head) {/* queue not empty */

assert2(tq->count > 1, "corrupt queue count!");

tq->tail->next = t;

tq->tail = t;

} else {/* queue was empty */

assert2(tq->count == 1, "corrupt queue count!");

tq->head = tq->tail = t;/* insert singleton */


t->enqueued = 1;


Thread *dequeueThread(ThreadQ *tq) { /* return 0 if no thread enqueued */

Thread *t = (Thread *)0;/* thread to return */

if (tq->head) {/* if Q non empty */

t = tq->head;/* get thread */

tq->head = t->next;/* remove from queue */


if (t) {

assert2(tq->count > 0, "corrupt queue count!");


assert2(t->enqueued, "Thread dequeued twice without reqeueing????");

t->enqueued = 0;

t->next = (Thread *)0;/* forget next (not on queue) */

} else {

assert2(tq->count == 0, "corrupt queue count!");


return t;



Yield cpu.

Reschedule onto <tq> if not zero.

System terminates if no thread is ready.


void contextSwitch(ThreadQ *tq) {

assert2(currentThread, "Can't context switch away from main!");

if (setjmp(currentThread->context)) /* save context, return 0 unless restore */


if (tq) /* don't resched if tq=0 */

enqueueThread(tq, currentThread);

currentThread = dequeueThread(&readyQ); /* next thread to run */

if (currentThread) {

longjmp(currentThread->context, 1);/* restore other thread's context */

} else {/* no ready threads -- terminate */

assert2(freshQ.count == numThreads, "At least one unterminated thread orphaned! (would deadlock)");

longjmp(mainContext, 1);/* done, return to startThreads */



void terminateThread() {/* kill self */

assert2(currentThread, "TerminateThread called from outside thread context!");

currentThread->initFn = (void *)0;/* make ready for new work */

contextSwitch(&freshQ); /* put back on queue of fresh threads */



Start executing ready threads.

Returns when all threads have terminated.


void startThreads()


assert2(!currentThread, "Threads already started!");

if (!setjmp(mainContext)) {/* start threads */

currentThread = dequeueThread(&readyQ);

assert2(currentThread, "No threads to run???");

longjmp(currentThread->context, 1);

} else { /* all threads terminated */


threads = currentThread = (Thread *)0;

initThreadQ(&readyQ); initThreadQ(&freshQ);



/* mutually recursive helper functions for makeThreads() */

void _makeThreads2(int, char*, jmp_buf*); /* forward declaration */

void _makeThreads1(int n, jmp_buf *initContext)/* allocate 64k on stack */


char stackSpace[(1<16)];/* reserve 64k on stack */

_makeThreads2(n, stackSpace, initContext); /* ref to stackSpace (don't optimize away) */


void _makeThreads2(int n, char *ignored, jmp_buf *initContext) /* save context; 2nd arg is ignored */


Thread *t = &threads[n];

t->tid = n;/* set tid */

enqueueThread(&freshQ, t);

/* initial context */

if (setjmp(t->context)) {/* setjmp returns 0 unless target of longjmp */

for (;;) {

assert2(t->initFn, "thread not initialized");

(t->initFn)(t->initArg); /* will continue here first time run */

/* thread terminated! */

terminateThread();/* kill self */



if (n > 0)/* make other threads! */

_makeThreads1(n-1, initContext);


longjmp(*initContext, 1);/* "return" to makeThreads() via longjmp */



Create pool of <n> threads (only call once)

New threads are blocked until they are initialized.

Initialize new threads using initAndScheduleThread()


void makeThreads(int n) {

jmp_buf initContext;

assert2(!threads, "makeThreads called multiple times!");

numThreads = n;

threads = (Thread *)calloc(sizeof(Thread), n);

assert2(threads, "allocation of thread memory failed");

if (!setjmp(initContext))

_makeThreads1(n-1, &initContext);



Prepare a thread for execution.

Returns tid

Only call once per thread


int initAndScheduleThread(void (*initFn)(void *), void *initArg)


Thread *t = dequeueThread(&freshQ);

assert2(threads, "Threads not yet created (call makeThreads())");

assert2(t, "No available threads.");

int tid = t->tid;

assert2(tid >= 0, "tid must not be negative!");

assert2(tid < numThreads, "tid out of range!");

assert2(!t->initFn, "Thread initialized more than once!");

t->initFn = initFn; t->initArg = initArg;

enqueueThread(&readyQ, t);

return tid;


int getTid() {

assert2(currentThread, "getTid can not be called outside of a thread!");

return currentThread->tid;


void yield() /* voluntarily offer to preempt */


if (readyQ.count)/* if readyQ not empty */

contextSwitch(&readyQ);/* make self ready */


// threadTest.c

#include "tthreads.h"

#include "stdio.h"

typedef struct {

int workerNum;

} TWork;

void worker(TWork *w)


int workerNum = w->workerNum;

int i;

if (workerNum) {/* start worker <workerNum>-1 */

TWork *nextWork = malloc(sizeof(TWork));

nextWork->workerNum = workerNum -1;

initAndScheduleThread((void*)(void*)worker, nextWork);

yield();/* vollunteer for preemption */


for (i=3*workerNum; i >= 0; i--) { /* iterate 3*<workerNum> times */

fprintf(stderr, "workerNum=%d, at iteration %d (tid=%d)\n", workerNum, i, getTid());

yield();/* vollunteer for preemption */


fprintf(stderr, "worker %d (tid=%d) terminating\n", workerNum, getTid());




int main()


int numThreads = 3, i;


TWork *work = malloc(sizeof(TWork));

work->workerNum = numThreads-1;

initAndScheduleThread((void*)(void*)worker, work);

startThreads();/* start working! */

printf("Threads Terminated\n");


work = malloc(sizeof(TWork));

work->workerNum = numThreads-1;

initAndScheduleThread((void*)(void*)worker, work);

startThreads();/* start working! */

printf("Threads Terminated\n");

return 0;


// setJmpDemo.c

#include "setjmp.h"

jmp_buf jb;



int n = 0;

int r = setjmp(jb);

printf("setjmp returned %d\n", r);

if (r == 0)





longjmp(jb, 10);


// mutex.h

#include "tthreads.h"

typedef struct {

int numAvailable;

ThreadQ waitingThreads;

} Mutex;

void mutexInit(Mutex *m, int available);

void mutexLock(Mutex *m);

void mutexUnlock(Mutex *m);

// mutex.c

#include "mutex.h"

void mutexInit(Mutex *m, int available) {


m->numAvailable = available;


void mutexLock(Mutex *m) {

yield();/* just to mix things up a bit! */

while (m->numAvailable == 0) {

contextSwitch(&m->waitingThreads); /* block */


m->numAvailable = 0;

yield();/* just to mix things up a bit! */



mutexUnlock(Mutex *m) {

yield();/* just to mix things up a bit! */

m->numAvailable = 1;

if (m->waitingThreads.count != 0) /* make another thread ready */

enqueueThread(&readyQ, dequeueThread(&m->waitingThreads));

yield();/* just to mix things up a bit! */


// mutexTest.c

#include "tthreads.h"

#include "stdio.h"

#include "mutex.h"

Mutex m;

void worker(void *ignored)


int i;

for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {

fprintf(stderr, "==thread %d outside critical section!\n", getTid());



fprintf(stderr, ".thread %d in critical section!\n", getTid());

yield();/* mix things up */

fprintf(stderr, "..thread %d still in critical section!\n", getTid());

yield();/* mix things up */

fprintf(stderr, "...thread %d about to leave critical section!\n", getTid());


fprintf(stderr, "==thread %d outside critical section!\n", getTid());




int main()


mutexInit(&m, 1);


initAndScheduleThread((void*)(void*)worker, 0);

initAndScheduleThread((void*)(void*)worker, 0);


return 0;
