APPLE Toolkit
- staff guidance -

Getting Started with WebCT Vista and the APPLE Toolkit

------PART 1: Logon to WebCT------

Access WebCT

  1. To access WebCT and the APPLE Toolkit type in the following web address:


2. You can also follow the process below to access the Toolkit;

  • on line services ( in the red tab at the top of the home page)
  • web CT (in the left taxonomy of the page)
  • log in to web CT

You will then be asked for your user ID and password to log in (these are the same as you use for your PC).

------PART 2: Home Page------

You are now on the Homepage!Notice on the left hand side of the page course tools and my tools. You should click on the arrow to the left of these to expand each menu.

General pointers

Do not click the back arrow in the toolbar above WebCT to go back to a previous page (if you do you will have to re-enter WebCT).

To get you back on the Home Page, click on Course Content under Course Tools.

Course Tools

Course Content

Click on this and you will see in the main centre screen, icons to take you into all of the APPLE Toolkit content that you should access and work your way through.

Click on the arrow to the right of ‘course content’ and this will show you a list of all the content in the toolkit.

You can then use this list or the icons on the course content homepage (mentioned above) to access different parts of the toolkit.

Remember, you can also scroll down the whole of the home page to see the full content of the Toolkit (some of it might be hidden).

When clicking on a link, remember that this can take time so try not to hurry and wait.


This is an online communication tool.

Click on this and you will see the option of a ‘questions forum’ in the main centre screen.

This will then take you to the page where you can create, read, answer or print messages and discussions.

You can use the discussion forum to ask any questions about the toolkit or administration. Others who have access to the toolkit will be able to answer these online for you to see, whilst you are in the toolkit.

Jessica Dall/Charlotte Richards will access this discussion forum every Friday to answer any questions she has been asked.

You can also access the discussion forum via an icon on the ‘course content’ home page.

You are able to manage your own message inbox.

To post a message to the discussion board, simply click on the button ‘Create Message’. Enter a Title and your message then click on post.

Discussions can also be expanded to enable to see all the discussions threads. Click on the checkbox next to Subject and then select the ‘Expand All’ button.

Web Links

You can also access this via an icon on the ‘course content’ home page.

When you click on this, it takes you directly to useful web sites.

Who’s Online

This shows you everyone who is working on the Toolkit at the same time as you.

You have the option to send a chat invitation, which means you can ask other users questions.

You also have the option to make yourself invisible, visible/ available and visible/ unavailable so that other users know whether you are able to chat via WebCT.

My Tools

My Progress

This keeps a track of the parts of the Toolkit you have accessed and when you last accessed them.


This is for you to keep and add notes about the Toolkit as you work through it.

------PART 3: Finding out more------

This link will also help you get started and understand a bit more about web CT:

Additional Development

Next Online Taster:

More detailed information: Introducing the new WebCT Portfolio tool

Additional Resources

WebCT Vista Staff Pages:

Academic Development homepage:

Never hesitate to holler for help! Your friendly online learning adviser is:

Located in Academic Development (please see WebCT Staffwebsite).

Or for information about the project/ content of the toolkit, contact:

Jill Meighan, Head of Corporate Learning and Development on your web CT discussion

forum (if you can’t use this or need an immediate reply mailto: or extn 5046)

WebCT, Go on, Give it a Go!

APPLE Toolkit

Guidance for staff

As new member of staff who has an admin focused role, your line manager will be arranging for you to have access to the APPLE Toolkit. This is an online Toolkit designed to support your induction and training at a local level.

Your line manager will confirm with you when you have been given access to the Toolkit.

To access the Toolkit and navigate around it, you should use the guidance notes ‘Getting Started with WebCT Vista and the APPLE Toolkit’.

You can also open up documents in a new window and print them off if needed.

Not all parts of the Toolkit will be applicable to your role. You should therefore discuss with your line manager what is relevant and then pick and choose the elements as they come up.

You should then meet with your line manager on a regular basis (as agreed in relation to your induction) and discuss, if needed, the following;

  • How you can/ have overcome any barriers to you working through the Toolkit
  • If the guidance is enough help for you to work through the Toolkit
  • What elements of the Toolkit you have worked through
  • Has this helped you pick up your role quickly and without having to ask others for much help
  • Any problems or questions that you have

You can also discuss with your line manager elements of the toolkit that you haven’t worked through yet and you think you should maybe consider looking at next (you can use the checklist in Appendix A to help with this).

You can also discuss with your line manager, content that you think could be added to the toolkit (using the checklist in Appendix B to help) and either of you can feed this back to Corporate Learning & Development.

Appendix A – Toolkit Checklist of Content Covered

Content / Information covered & discussed with manager / Comments and time taken to complete
APPLE checklist1
- get to know your school/dept
- document and checklist
APPLE checklist2
- get to know your University
- document and checklist
APPLE checklist3
- get to know your work environment
Exam board cycle
Jargon buster
Academic cycle toolkit
Enquiry to graduation
Systems bulletin boards
Academic Regulations for Boards & Awards
Suspension of studies
Transfer guidance
Withdrawal guidance
University calendars
Useful websites
Toolkit news
Discussion forum

Appendix B – Content to be added

(already agreed to be developed & added) / Information discussed with staff member
Comments on what you would like to see in this section
Staff development for administrators
- what can I do next?
- how can I progress my career?
Temporary administrators
- overview & checklist
- a link to general induction FAQ’s
- Toolkit FAQ’s
Toolkit news
- what’s been added recently & what’s going to be added
Useful websites
- more links
Quick quiz
- a summary quiz to test learning during 1st year
Administrator roles
- brief overviews of what some roles involve
Exam Administration
- school administrator process
- student affairs process
- brief overview of procedures & admin
Organising a meeting/ event
- brief checklist of who to contact and what for
Research for administrators
– link to relevant part of intranet site

Appendix B – Content to be added … continued

R&S for administrators
– link to relevant part of intranet site
- checklist of anything specific to this role