DVI General Business Meeting

April 3, 2008

Boston. MA

Attendance: Ellyn Ross (PA), Phyllis T. Simmons (MD), Loana Mason (IL), Shirley Wilson (SC), Bonnie Lawrence (AR), David Ross (PA), Derrick Smith (TX), Carol Allison (AL), Mary Jean Sanspree (AL), Diane Pevsner (AL), Jane Conrad (AL), Susie Thomas (AL), Bob Brasher (KY), Janie Blome (KY), Sandi Baker (KY), Megan Marnien (PA), Cindy Mock (PA), Kay Ferrell (CO), Pat Kelly (TX), Stuart Wittenstein (CA), James Olson (CO), Meredith McArdle (MD), Heather Johnson (MD), Stuart Wittenstein (CA), Sheila Amato (NY), Cay Holbrook (BC), Donna McNeer (MN), Effie Laman (TX), Ella Taylor (OR), Roseanna Davidson (TX), Alana Zambone (NC), Jan Day (UT), Angela Dickerson (CA), Robert Krebs (PA), Amy Parker (TX), Nora Griffin-Shirley (TX), Chad Wilburn (UT), Elizabeth Eagan (TX), Elizabeth Baird (SC), Joani Madarash (guest NY), Peter Sullivan (guest MA), Debbie Sullivan (guest MA), Jacob Sullivan (guest MA), Benedict Sullivan (guest MA), Abigail Sullivan (guest MA),

The DVI General Business meeting was called to order at 6:15PM by President Phyllis Simmons and the agenda was distributed.

Adoption of Agenda and Minutes - Motion to accept the minutes from the DVI APH meeting held in Louisville, Kentuckyand changes in the agenda to move CEC nominations down in agendawere made by Nora Griffin-Shirley and second by Mary Jean Sanspree.

Awards: The Virginia Murray Sowell Student of the Year award was presented to Susie Thomas (AL), by Ellyn Ross. Teacher of the Year award was presented to Cindy Moch by David Ross. David stated that Cyndi has been very instrumental in state CEC DVI. Dr. Derrick Smith was presented the Dissertation of the Year award by Ellyn Ross. The title of Dr. Smith’s dissertation was “Assistive Technology Competencies for Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments: A Delphi Study”. Dr. Sheila Amato received the CEC Clarissa Hugs award. The 2008 Exemplary Advocateaward was presented to Neil Kuniansky and Peter Sullivan from Duxbury Systems. Peter is the “brain” behind the actual creation and development of the computer software that many of us know affectionately as “Perky Duck.” Peter and Neal have played a direct role in connecting dots and helping us to prepare more qualified Braille teachers. The Distinguished Service award was presented to Dr.Penny Rosenblum by Ellyn Ross and Stuart Wittenstein accepted the award in Penny’s absence. Donna McNeer was recognized by CEC as Outstanding Leader in the Field. Donna gave a heart warming acceptance speech which makes us all proud to be in the vision field.

Recognition of New Officers: President Simmons recognized new officers for the next term: Loana Mason-President, Karla McKechnie-Secretary, New Directors: Janie Blome, Lisa Moses, Diane Pevsner, and Jim Olson. Positions open for next year are: Treasurer, Representative, and Four Directors.

National CEC Board Member Report: Lou Tutt presented updated information of CEC membership changes. Lou stated there will be seven board of director positions available and applications must be in by April 28th. President Elect position is open and membership-at-large has three positions open. Lou encouraged DVI members to apply. Lou informed DVI that student members now serve for 2 years on CEC board.

Division Officers Report:

President’s Reports: Phyllis Simmons presidents report captured inspiring Past President’s messages of DVI (Kay Ferrell, Donna McNeer, Stuart Wittenstein, Mary Jean Sanspree and Ellyn Ross.

President Elect Report: Loana Mason, president elect conveyed gratitude and appreciation for all PAC members on reviewing proposals in a timely manner. During the summer of 2007. Loana reported that there are 19 presentations related to visual impairment at the April 2008 CEC International Convention and Expo. Loana stated that without the commitment of the reviewers DVI would not have such powerful presentations. Reviewers were Heather Johnson (MD), Karla McKechnie (CO), Carey Phillips (Trinidad & Tobago), Meredith McArdle (MD), Jim Olson (CO), Phyllis Simmons- PAC Chair (MD), Derrick Smith (TX), and Shirley Wilson (SC). Loana stated that May 27, 2008 is the due date for 2009 CEC proposals. Dr. Audrey Smith’s lecture entitled, Vision Therapy and Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments: Roles and Controversies was selected as the DVI showcase presentation.

Treasurer Report: Bonnie Lawrence treasurer’s report: Beginning balance 2007 $9,533.95, total income $19,227.15 total expenses $17,795.47 ending balance $11,001.63. 1st quarter 2008 total income $2,590.55; expenses $2,457.08; ending balance 1st quarter $11,135.10. The detailed treasurer’s report will be posted online along with the approved 2009 budget. Motion was made to accept treasurer report by Stuart Wittenstein and seconded by Mary Jean Sanspree. Motion carried.

Representative Report: Derrick Smith reported that CEC is doing well and DVI dues will increase by 3 dollars. Students will be permitted to pay student rate for 2 years after graduation. Presentations were presented on School Climate & Bullying. Strategic Plan for CEC is to validate goals and outcomes of CEC organization.

Committee Reports:

Legislative Action Committee & CAN Report: The year has been slow for Congressional actions related to IDEA and other disability-related issues. DVI membership has been alerted re: Javits Act reauthorization on behalf of CEC; commentary on proposed changes to Part C regulations of IDEA on behalf of DEC; and efforts to increase the funding for deaf-blind technical assistance projects during FY’09 on behalf of the National coalition on Deaf-Blindness. Legislative priorities for CEC are posted on the CEC policy websites.

Constitution and Bylaws: Report presented by Jim Olson. Additions were made to add Ellyn Ross to the list of DVI Presidents.

Diversity: No report.

DVIQ:Sheila Amato reported that four issues of DVIQ were published in the last year. Please visit cecdvi.org to receive copy of DVIQ. Derrick Smith has developed procedures that will be posted to the website.

Governmental Relations: No report.

Helen Keller/DVI Art: Diane Pevsner and Carol Allison reported that 40 entries were received and 22 pieces will be displayed. Application and deadline for next year’s art will be posted in the DVIQ. Diane and Carol encouraged more participation from states.

Membership: Meredith McArdle and Heather Johnson reported that the membership was 550 as of December 1, 2008. They will be recruiting DVI presenter to join DVI during the convention.

Archives: Pat Kelly reported that DVI materials are safe in the Virginia Murray Sowell Center at Texas Tech University.

Publications:Bob Brasher reported that NAMAC users have more than doubled during the past year. Most states now have coordinators.

National Agenda Steering Committee:Janie Blome reported that Goal 8 has been the focus and increase of parent participation in IEPs.

Professional Standards: Mary Jean Sanspree reported that all standards were approved as evidence based. There were 150 responses to survey Monkey. Standards will be presented to directors at CEC. Linda Alsop and Alana Zambone have been asked to complete standards for Interveners. These standards will fall under DBVI.

Public Relations: Mary Jean Sanspree reported sponsors for the DVI Social were AFB 500.00, DPHP 2500.00, and UAB School of Education 600.00. Perkins School for the Blind provided lunch for board members during board meeting on Perkins campus. A quilt donated by Perkins School for the Blind will be on display during the social and then returned to the Helen Keller Art booth for auction during the convention.

Solutions Forum: Loana reported AFB solution meeting focus was on technical assistance trainings.

Old Business:David Ross reported the record system has been approved. David stated that DVI does not owe taxes because we did not earn $2500.00 per year. David suggested that DVI look at position of finance officer in next year to handle tax and finance issues for DVI.

New Business:Nora Griffin-Shirley asked that O&M and Career Specialist bet listed on the website and student ambassador for DVI.

Adjournment:Mary Jean Sanspree made the motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Derrick Smith and passed unanimously.