- Shortlist Considerations
Pleasecheck thefields withcompanyexperience, resources, andexpertisewhich your firm is applying for shortlist considerations, or provide a similar table within your REOI/SOQ submission.
TABLE 1- AREA OF FIRM EXPERIENCE FOR CONSIDERATIONDesign & Construction Assignments / Planning Assignments
Discipline / Yes / No / Yes / No
a)Within the Respondents Submission, provide individual summary tables for each discipline, using the table formats (Table 2 and 3) provided in Appendix B.
b)Eachdisciplinewillbeevaluated independentlyand separate shortlists may becreated for design and construction versus planning assignments.
- Company Profile (Evaluation Criterion 3)
a).Legal Structure of Respondent
Year Established ______
Names and titles of authorized signatory(ies)
c)Number of Years organization has been in business as a Civil Engineering Consultant
d)Annual value of engineering consulting work related to civil infrastructure projects only, for the past 5 years:
Year / Value($)
e)Reputation & Past Performance:
- Has your firm within the last 5 years failed to complete a contract, or been terminated by the client?
- Has your firm within the last 5 years been in a lawsuit regarding assignment performance, payments or scheduling? (If yes then provide a list of assignments)
- Within the last five years, has any officer or principal of your firm been an officer or principal of another organization when it failed to complete a contract?(If yes then provide a list of assignment, along with the firms officer or principal involved)
f)If your firm does not have an office within 100km of the City, as part of your submission please include a memo (maximum two pages) outlining the operational strategy of operating in the lower mainland.
g)Provide three overall references for the firm, with preference to long-term clients, as opposed, toproject specific.
Name / Organization / Contact- Key Personnel(Evaluation Criterion 4):
a)Please provide the firms principal(s)and managers. Please include resumes separately as an appendix, and a maximum of 2 pages resume per staff member.
Name: / Title/Position: / Years with Firm / Discipline of Experience (based on Table 1)b)Please complete Table 2 provided in Appendix Bidentifying discipline specific personnel, whom should include, Project Managers for each discipline, Senior Engineers and Technologists and lead construction inspectors, and their respective relevant area of expertise. Please include resumes separately as an appendix, and if staff members are common to multiple disciplines please provide one resume only that addresses all disciplines.
- Demonstrated Experience of Staff for Selected Discipline (Evaluation Criterion 5)
Please complete Table 3 provided in Appendix B for each discipline, demonstrating the project experience of the named staff. Please use projects completed within the last 5 years, and ensure the projects listed correlate to the staff members named in Table 2.
- Demonstrated ability to complete assignments on time and within budget( Evaluation Criterion 6)
Please provide information on how your company will address this requirement:
- Value Added Information
What other information is not requested here but which you think the City should consider in evaluating your firm?
Submitted By:
1.Full Legal Name of Firm
Business Address
3 / Phone No. / Fax No.
4 / Email:
5.I/We confirm that this Submission is accurate and true to best of my/our knowledge.
This Submission is submitted this ______day of ______, 2014.
I/We have the authority to bind the Respondent.
(Name of Respondent)(Name of Respondent)
(Signature of Authorized Signatory)(Signature of Authorized Signatory)
(Print Name and Position of Authorized(Print Name and Position of Authorized Signatory) Signatory)
Sample Table Formats
Table 2 – Discipline Specific Personnel
Table 3– Demonstrated Discipline Experience of Personnel
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Name/Position / Sanitary / Water / Drainage / Transportation / Bridges
For Example:
Lars Ulrich, P.Eng., Project Manager / X / X / X / X / X
James Hetfield, P.Eng., Senior Engineer / X / X / X
Robert Trujiilo, P.Eng., Design Engineer / X / X / X
Jason Neusted, ASTTBC, Design Tech. / X / X
Kirk Hammett, ASTTBC, Design Tech. / X
Cliff Burton, P.Eng., Transporation Planner / X
Dave Mustane, P.Eng., Structural Engineer / X
Ron McGovney, P.Eng., Design Engineer / X / X / X / X
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Table 3 - Demonstrated Discipline Experience of StaffDiscipline / Project / Description / Year / Consulting Fee / Client / Client Reference / Staff Involved
For Example: /
Sanitary / Crescent Beach Sewer Rehabilitation / D&C of sewer rehab program using trenchless means / 2013 / $ 140,000 / Surrey / Victor Jhingan,
604-591-9999 / Lars Ulrich, P.Eng., Project Manager
Water / Operation Save H2O / Water conservation initiative / 2014 / $ 30,000 / Burnaby / Sig Bernat,
604-591-5555 / James Hetfield, P.Eng., Senior Engineer
Drainage / Ravine Stability Assessment / Assessment of ravine instability sites / 2012 / $ 90,000 / Richmond / Tindi Sekhon,
604-591-8888 / Robert Trujiilo, P.Eng., Design Engineer
Drainage / South Newton McLeod Pond / D&C of a 6000 cu.m storage detention pond / 2011 / $ 175,000 / New Westminster / David Hislop,
604-591-8899 / Jason Neusted, ASTTBC, Design Tech.
Transportation / Fraser Highway Arterial Widening / 1.5Km widening to 4 lanes of Fraser Highway / 2011 / $ 200,000 / Langley / Pat Zoerb,
604-591-8877 / Kirk Hammett, ASTTBC, Design Tech.
Bridges / Annual Bridge Structural Assessment / Annual Bridge Structural Assessment / 2013 / $ 150,000 / Surrey / Ross Burkholder,
604-591-2222 / Cliff Burton, P.Eng., Transportation Planner
Transportation / Light Rail Transit Plan / LRT concept along Fraser Highway and along 104 Avenue / 2014 / $ 190,000 / Surrey / Paul Lee,
604-591-8869 / Dave Mustane, P.Eng., Structural Engineer
Transportation / Traffic Signal Optimization / Optimizing signal timing along King George Boulevard / 2014 / $ 30,000 / Surrey / Amer Afridi,
604-591-4444 / Ron McGovney, P.Eng., Design Engineer
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