The Scholarship and Training FundFinancial Regulations (Incoming Staff Mobility) -2015/2016 academic year

1)The Scholarship and Training Fund co-financing shall be paid as a subsistence and travel and insurance lump sum;

2)The co-financing is awarded to cover additional, but not total costs relating to the mobility and stay at the Lublin University of Technology;

3)The staff mobility atthe Lublin University of Technology shall take place in the period between 01.07.2015 r. – 30.09.2016. The time of travel is not included in the period of mobility. It is set that the period of mobility for incoming staff is 3 days.

4)Mobilitieswitha zero grant under Scholarship and Training Fund are invalid. The amount of co-financing depends on the period of mobility and is paid as a lump sum. The staff members are entitled to receive the following lump sums:

Type of cost / Lump sum
The co-financing for Partner Institution staff coming to Poland / 150 EUR (634,86 PLN) per day
750 EUR (3174,30 PLN) per week
1250 EUR (5290,50 PLN) per month
Additionally: 500 EUR (2116,20 PLN) per person for travel and insurance costs.

The Scholarship and TrainingFund Exchange rate is 4,2324 PLN

4)At least two weeks before the mobility period, the incoming staff member is obliged to send to the International Exchange Officethe Individual Teaching/Training Program,signed by all the parties.

5)At least two weeks before the mobility period, the incoming staff member is obliged to complete an online ex-anteevaluation form.

6)The incoming staff member is obliged to sign the Scholarship and Training Fundfinancial agreement. At least two weeks before the mobility period, he/she needs to send 2 copies of financial agreement signed by the mobility participant to the International Exchange Office.

7)On the basis of the financial agreement, after accepting all its conditions and completing formalities described in points 4, 5 and 6, the staff member will collect the co-financing in the following bank: BankPekao S.A. (Branch), KrakowskiePrzedmieście72, 20-076 Lublin, Poland.

8)Within 14 days from the mobility period completion, the staff member is obliged to present in the International Exchange Office the certificate confirming the mobility period spent at the Lublin University of Technology. The final grant amount shall be calculated on the basis of a Confirmation Letter from the Lublin University of Technology confirming the length of stay and after completing formalities described in point 9.

9)Within 14 days from the mobility period completion, the staff member is obliged to complete an online ex-post questionnaire.

10)Persons with disabilities can obtain additional funds. The rules concerning obtaining additional funds for staff members from Partner Institutions are described in the Guidelines for Applicants, available here

Type of cost / Disabilitytype / Lump sum per person
Na dzień / Na tydzień / Na miesiąc
The co-financing for disabled staff members from Partner Institutions coming to Poland / DisabilityCertificate / 225 EUR (952,29 PLN) / 1125,00 EUR (4761,45 PLN) / 1875, 00 EUR (7935,75 PLN)
Additionally : 500 EUR (2116,20 PLN) per person for travel and insurance costs.

11)The Individual Participant declares that he/she has not obtained any other funding to finance the same costs under any other community programs or under other European Commission’s initiatives, including Erasmus Plus.

12)The Lublin University of Technology reserves the right to change The Scholarship and Training Fund Financial Regulations (Incoming Staff Mobility) -2015/2016 academic year.