Incident Reduction Plan (IRP)
School:______BEDS Code:______
District:______Superintendent’s Name:____
Building Principal Name: ______Signature:______Date: ______
Please identify three or four factors that contributed to the school’s designation as Persistently Dangerous (PD). Based on the identified factors, establish three or four actionable and measurable goals that will address the factors contributing to the PD designation. The accomplishment of the identified actions and goals should enhance and/or improve the safety of students and school personnel while nurturing a positive learning environment, climate, and culture.
This plan should include periodic reviews, ongoing monitoring, measured outcomes, and data collection used to assess the impact of the IRP implementation and establish next steps to achieve and sustain the desired results/goals.
Complete numbers 5 & 6 at end of school year and submit to NYSED by July 14, 20171.
Three or four actionable and measurable goals to implement / 2.
Time Line
Start and end date of each action / 3.
Expected Outcome
What will change as goals are implemented? / 4.
Evaluation Strategy
How, and how often, will progress be reviewed? / E
N / 5.
Progress to date
Actual measured outcome (provide data) of each implemented goal / 6.
Next Steps
New goals, or additional planning to sustain positive results of goal(s)
Ø Reduce the number of violent and disruptive incidents
Ø Identify most common areas of incident occurrence
Ø Identify commonality in time of day for occurrences
Ø Make revisions necessary to increase student supervision and decrease number of assaults and reckless endangerment in school
Ø Reduce the number of weapons brought to school
Ø Review and observe
current screening process
during entry into building
Ø Implement additional mid-day screenings / September 2016 – June 2017
September 2016
October 2016
November and monthly thereafter through June 2017
September 2016 – June 2017
December 2016 / Increase supervision in most common areas
Reduction in number of incidents in common areas
Examine flow of daily schedule (mixing of age groups, classes, etc.) – revise if necessary
Use regular data review to
determine impact of increased supervision and schedule adjustment to decrease size or mixture of age/grade groups
Note any irregularities and/or gaps in screening process – correct them
School administrators collaborate with police/school safety officer to develop a plan for random weapons checks during the school day / Weekly review of data by instructional leadership team to monitor impact of revision to available supervision
Bi-Weekly review of impact of any revisions to schedule; record data and compare prior number of incidents with current number of incidents
Monthly review of incident data by leadership team and administrators to determine progress and/or adjustment necessary
Monthly review of irregularities/corrections to screening process by leadership team and police/school safety officer
Every two weeks plan, implementation, and data will be reviewed to share number of weapons recovered, whether used in weighted incident, and/or revise plan for increased screening throughout day / D
Ø Reduce incidents of intimidation, harassment, menacing, or bullying
Ø Conduct daily behavioral
reviews/discussions with
individual students,
classes, or groups of
Ø Instructional staff meet to
share student perception of
frequency and type
unobserved incidents
Ø Numbers of reported and anecdotal incidents will decrease as all school personnel review and discuss student and staff feedback on monthly basis / September 2016 – June 2017
Weekly through
December 2016
Every two weeks through December
Monthly – December 2016 through June 2017 / Students begin to identify issues as group problem rather than problem of individual
Instructional staff discuss, compare anecdotal data and recommend steps for interrupting/reducing incidents during school day
Instructional staff share anonymous student reports with all school personnel monthly; all school personnel collect observed data and anecdotal data / During weekly discussions with students, notes will be taken and reviewed by instructional staff indicating the students’ sense of unreported incidents
Data regarding reported incidents and anecdotally shared incidents will be collected, analyzed and shared every two weeks
School personnel discuss and share reports monthly to determine reportable incidents and important discussion topics for ongoing conversations with students