Name: Lexie Baker
Committee: ['CampusImprovements']
Date: 11/5/13
Campus Improvements did not meet this week.
Campus improvements did not meet this week, because I was out of town in Memphis TN at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital with another student organization executive board-Up 'til Dawn. I was in contact with my committee via email to briefly explain the veto situation which occurred for the Bill in support of KwikBoost Charging Stations.
Name: Ashlee Manley
Committee: ['LegislativeResearch']
Date: 11-05-2013
Grace Babbs
Alyson Manley
Final edits were made to the KwikBoost resolution and to the parking structure resolution.
Name: Megan A. Skaggs
Committee: ['AcademicAffairs']
Date: November 5, 2013
Chris McKenna
Katie Ernwine
Linda Cruz
Samantha Johnson
We were finally able to hand out the last round of scholarship applications and grant applications. As I wanted the bill up for at least first read the next week, members took it upon themselves to bring in the final round of the applications before the following Friday. We had reviewed over 100 applications for study abroad and 20 or so applications for development grants. We were excited to see the increase in interest!
Name: Liz Koehler
Committee: ['OrganizationalAid']
Date: 11/6/2013
Ashley Presnell
Nikki Seay
Ross Nowland
Jody Dahmer
Kaleb Satterly
Kaleb made a motion to make a policy to only allow Travel reimbursement for Competitions, Community Service events and Conferences. Liz seconded the motion and it was passed. Kaleb made a motion to allocate 500 dollars to Hilltopper Organization of Latin American Students, Ross seconded the motion and it was passed. Ross made a motion to allocate 500 dollars to WKU Wesley Foundation, Ashley seconded the motion and it was passed. Kaleb made a motion to not allocate any money to Art Guild due to the policy we made about Travel Reimbursement. The Art Guild wanted the money for gas to go on a recreational trip. Ashley seconded this motion, and it was passed. Ashley made a motion to allocate 500 dollars to WKU AID, Ross seconded this motion and it was passed. Ross made a motion to allocate 240 dollars to WKU Student Chapter of the American Society for Microbiology, Jody seconded this motion and it was passed.
Name: Nolan Miles
Committee: ['StudentAffairs']
Date: 11-5-13
Jay Todd Richey, Josh Knight, Timothy Gilliam, Taylor Ruby
Decided the vice chair for the Student Affairs committee.