Daily Keyboarding Homework I Can Keyboard Lesson 18

5f 5f 5f5 5f5 f5 f5 f5f f5f 55f 55f 5f 5 55 forks; 5 ft.; 555 fathoms; February 5 Order 55 fish, 55 fries, 555 fruit pies. 91 91 919 919 19 19 191 191 991 991 91 9 99 lbs.; 999 liters; July 9; 999 million Fill 999 boxes, 9 lbs. each, in 99 mins. 5f5 f5f 5f5 5f f5 5f 191 19 919 91 19 91 55 for 99 for 555 for 999 for 59 for 959 Take Route 59 to 7, then Route 7 to 595. Joy has 9 books and 57 maps. They show 39 states. Pat fixed her room. She did a good job. Her sister helped her clean.

Cinderella; 77 Castly Square Dorothy; 5993 Rainbow Arches Fox, Freddy; 359 Forest Street Goldilocks; 537 Brown Bear Lane Jack: 9375 Vine Street Lamb, Little; 95 Woolly Way Peter; 7955 Pumpkin Place Quite Contrary, Mary; 75 Garden Row Thumb, Tom; 3579 Thimble Hollow Zookeeper; 9953 Zebra Circle

Full Name ______Homeroom Teacher’s name______

□ I used perfect keyboarding technique-eyes on copy; perfect position, posture, and hands at the keyboard.

Please practice at least 10 minutes each day. Parents, please record minutes typed, then sign and return each Monday, or the first day of the week. Thanks. Parent’s signature ______

Mon. ______Tues. ______Wed. ______Thurs. ______Fri. ______Extra ______

Daily Keyboarding Homework I Can Keyboard Lesson 18

5f 5f 5f5 5f5 f5 f5 f5f f5f 55f 55f 5f 5 55 forks; 5 ft.; 555 fathoms; February 5 Order 55 fish, 55 fries, 555 fruit pies. 91 91 919 919 19 19 191 191 991 991 91 9 99 lbs.; 999 liters; July 9; 999 million Fill 999 boxes, 9 lbs. each, in 99 mins. 5f5 f5f 5f5 5f f5 5f 191 19 919 91 19 91 55 for 99 for 555 for 999 for 59 for 959 Take Route 59 to 7, then Route 7 to 595. Joy has 9 books and 57 maps. They show 39 states. Pat fixed her room. She did a good job. Her sister helped her clean.

Cinderella; 77 Castly Square Dorothy; 5993 Rainbow Arches Fox, Freddy; 359 Forest Street Goldilocks; 537 Brown Bear Lane Jack: 9375 Vine Street Lamb, Little; 95 Woolly Way Peter; 7955 Pumpkin Place Quite Contrary, Mary; 75 Garden Row Thumb, Tom; 3579 Thimble Hollow Zookeeper; 9953 Zebra Circle

Full Name ______Homeroom Teacher’s name______

□ I used perfect keyboarding technique-eyes on copy; perfect position, posture, and hands at the keyboard.

Please practice at least 10 minutes each day. Parents, please record minutes typed, then sign and return each Monday, or the first day of the week. Thanks. Parent’s signature ______

Mon. ______Tues. ______Wed. ______Thurs. ______Fri. ______Extra ______