The citizens of the European Union and their family members may be refused entry on the territory of Romania in the following cases:

a) where they do not submit the appropriate documents laid down by the law and do not prove, by any other means, that they benefit from the right of free movement and residence on the territory of Romania;

b) where they were declared undesirable, under the law, or where the measure of the interdiction to enter the territory of Romania was instituted against them, under the conditions of this emergency ordinance;

c) there are serious indications that the person concerned represents a genuine and present threat affecting public order, national security or public health.

In the case under point a), before being notified the refusal to allow the entry on the territory of Romania, the person concerned is granted a period of time he/she deems necessary to prove the fulfilment of the entry conditions or the fact that he/she benefits from the right of free movement and residence on the territory of Romania. The border police shall grant all the necessary support to clarify the situation of the person concerned, including by issuing the entry visa for the family members who are non-EU citizens, in exceptional cases, after having analysed the situation of the person concerned.

The refusal to allow the entry on the territory of Romania shall be notified by the border police at once, in writing, stating the grounds underlying the ordering of this measure and indicating the competent court and the time limit for lodging and appeal against the measure.

An appeal against the refusal to allow the entry on the territory of Romania may be lodged with the competent court in whose jurisdiction are located the headquarters of the institution having issued the appealed administrative act.

The lodging of the administrative appeal against the refusal to allow the entry on the territory of Romania does not suspend the enforcement of the measure.