Lohocla is a development-stage company focused on the therapy and diagnosis of pain, psychiatric and addictive disorders. The lead product, DCUK (dichloro diphenyl ureido kynurenate ethyl ester) was developed through a process of rational drug design by Lohocla’s founder. DCUK is a patent protected, novel compound that has demonstrated biological activity in animals for pain, anxiety, and alcohol dependence. The lead indications are for treatment of pain and alcohol dependence. Lohocla has been funded to date by SBIR phase I and II grants.
Lohocla has identified a significant opportunity in solving the unmet medical needs of individuals suffering from alcohol dependence. Alcoholism afflicts 17.6 million people in the USA. The costs are $185 billion in direct and indirect expenses. 1.5 million patients seek treatment yearly in the USA.
Lohocla’s solution to treating alcoholism is DCUK. This novel compound targets overactive NMDA receptors and controls high frequency conduction in C-fibers through voltage sensitive sodium channels. Modulators of NMDAR glutamate receptors and NMDAR channels have produced dose dependent reduction of alcohol consumption during alcohol deprivation in animal models.
Lohocla’s management team consists of Boris Tabakoff, Ph.D., Founder and CEO, Vivian Dullien, Ph.D and COO, and Emelia Johnson, PharmD, CFO. Dr Tabakoff is also Chair and Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Colorado Health Science Center. Dr Dullien‘s previous experience includes CEO and Founder of a venture-capital backed biomedical company. Lohocla has also hired manufacturing consultants (Hauser) for GMP production of the product, and an FDA preclinical toxicology expert to help with filing an IND.
Lohocla has a startup management team with experience in developing drugs, working with the FDA, and venture capital investors. Lohocla is seeking a first-round of financing to supplement NIH funding to conduct pivotal preclinical FDA trials to file an IND.
The student team would help Lohocla explore the market size for a product that could reduce alcohol craving. The product could be sold initially by prescription and later OTC. The student team could help with a feasibility study including market size projections, competition, price point. The team would work mostly with Vivian Dullien. For students that may have a future interest in working in the Biomedical Industry and commercial drug development this experience should be very worthwhile.
Vivian K. Dullien, Ph.D
COO Lohocla
Telephone: (303) 499-6777
Mobile: (303) 257-2461