Educational Services Center
Board Room – First Floor
770 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90017
Friday, May 12, 2017
9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Committee: Alexa Victoriano, Chair; Maury Pearl, ESC; Sonia Lopez, ELAC; Earic Dixon-Peters, LAPC; Mandie Dixon, LACC; Andres Aquino, LAHC; Melissa Ramirez, LAMC; Amir Haghi, LAPC; J. Cesar Martinon, LATTC; Beatriz Medina, LAVC; and Mauricio Chavarria, WLAC.
The following colleges were present: ELAC, LAHC, LAMC, LATTC, LAVC, and WLAC. LACC, LAPC, and LASC were absent.
A quorum was present.
Student Trustee Victoriano called the meeting to order at 9:58 a.m.
Mr. Nicco Crofford, Student Trustee Candidate, LAMC introduced himself to the Committee. He stated that whether or not he wins the election, he will remain passionate about his participation in student government.
Ms. Camille Bonifacio, Student, LAHC, thanked the Committee for her being invited to the meeting.
Mr. William Davis, ASO Treasurer, WLAC, stated that there is a need to improve the emergency notification system at WLAC.
Mr. Jose Custodio, ASO President Elect, LAMC, introduced himself and stated that he looks forward to representing LAMC at future SAC meetings.
The following colleges gave reports: ELAC, LACC, LAHC, LAMC, LAPC, LAVC, and WLAC.
LASC and LATTC were absent.
Student Trustee Victoriano asked the Committee to entertain a motion to postpone her report and move to item VI, Liaison Reports.
Motion by LAVC to take VI. Liaison Reports out of order, moved by ELAC seconded by LAMC.
Approved. 6 Ayes (LACCD, LAPC, LASC)
Motion passed.
Educational Services Center Report – Bobbi Kimble
Ms. Kimble addressed the concerns that some of the Committee members expressed during the Associated Student Body President’s Reports about the decline in votes for this year’s Student Trustee Election. She stated that there is going to be an adjustment period for students as they make the transition to the new online voting process.
Ms. Kimble also reminded the Committee that the Student Trustee Election Committee would be convening at 12:00 p.m. today.
ASO/ASU/ASG Advisors’ Report – Sonia Lopez
There was no ASO/ASU/ASG report, as Ms. Lopez had not yet arrived for the meeting.
Chief Student Services Officers’ (CSSO) Report – Earic Dixon-Peters
Dr. Dixon-Peters updated the Committee on the District’s transition to the new Student Information System. He informed the Committee about resources that are available to students to assist them with accessing the new system, and encouraged the Committee to share the information with other students. He also suggested that the Committee consider reaching out to LACCD students majoring in marketing, communications, etc., as possible resources to help publicize student government elections at the colleges.
Dr. Dixon-Peter’s congratulated the members of the Committee who will be moving on from LACCD at the end of the academic year, and thanked them for being good advocates for their constituents.
*Ms. Lopez arrived at 10:36 a.m.*
College Presidents’ Report – Denise F. Noldon
There was no report, as President Noldon was unable to attend the meeting.
Student Rights/DACA Taskforce Updates, Student Trustee Victoriano, Aurora Paredes, ASO President, ELAC
Student Trustee Victoriano addressed the need to provide resources for DACA students beyond designating the LACCD colleges as safe spaces.
Ms. Paredes stated that Trustee Andra Hoffman had removed her resolution from the May 10, 2017 Board meeting agenda.
Student Trustee Victoriano stated that Trustee Hoffman’s concern was that the language for the resolution wasn’t broad enough. She added that the resolution would have a better chance of being considered, if rewritten in a more general context.
Meet Captain Armalin from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
Captain Rodrick Armalin, Community College Bureau, distributed a handout entitled “LASD and the Immigration FACTS-Frequently Asked Questions”
Captain Armalin discussed the most common questions and concerns that the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department receives regarding the rights of immigrants in their interactions with law enforcement, and their fear of deportation as a result. He discussed the policies that have been put in place to keep the LASD accountable in its treatment of all members of the communities in which they serve.
Reflections/Next Steps, Student Trustee Victoriano
Student Trustee Victoriano asked the Committee members to address any goals that they had hoped for the Student Affairs Committee to accomplish, but went unmet. She also asked the Committee which issues they would like to see incoming members address.
Mr. Bryant Woodert addressed Higher One as the LACCD’s chosen financial institution to disburse student financial aid. He discussed the benefits of credit unions, and encouraged others to consider joining them. He also stated that he would like ASO/G/U advisors to receive periodical training to keep them updated of any changes to student governmental policies and procedures.
Ms. Paredes stated that she would have liked to have had more consistent Committee Reports from the SAC representatives that were assigned to provide them. She added that she would have liked there to be more collective goals specific to the Student Affairs Committee.
Student Input, Bryant Woodert, DCOC Student Representative
Mr. Woodert encouraged the Committee to continue to express their thoughts and ideas about issues that affect students, such as LACCD’s food service vendor selections process, as a recent example. He emphasized the importance of representing his peers in matters that effect student life in LACCD.
Convene Student Trustee Election Committee at 12:00 p.m., Bobbi Kimble, Dean, ESC
The Student Affairs Committee meeting recessed at 12:00 p.m. to convene the Student Trustee Election Committee meeting.
There being no objection, the Student Affairs Committee meeting reconvened at 12:11 p.m.
*Motion by ELAC to extend the Student Affairs Committee Meeting by twenty minutes, moved by LAMC, seconded by LAVC.
Approved: 6 Ayes (Absent: LACC, LAPC, LASC)
Motion passed.
Student Trustee Forums, Student Trustee Alexa Victoriano
Student Trustee Alexa Victoriano distributed a resolution entitled “Student Trustee Election Forum”.
*Motion by ELAC to strikeout 233,00 and insert 233,000, moved by LAVC, seconded by LAMC.
Approved: 6 Ayes (Absent: LACC, LAPC, LASC)
Motion passed.
Student Trustee Report
Student Trustee Victoriano displayed a collection of pictures of the Student Affairs Committee taken throughout the year. She expressed her appreciation to the Committee, and reflected on her journey in student leadership. She thanked all of the peers, advisors, and educators who have supported her.
RESOURCE TABLE STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE – The May 10, 2017 Board Meeting was held at the Educational Services Center.
District Academic Senate Report
There was no report from Student Trustee Victoriano.
District Budget Committee Report
There was no report, as Ms. Mandie Dixon, ASG President, LACC, was not present at the meeting.
District Curriculum Committee Report
There was no report, as Mr. John Eleby, ASO Vice President, LATTC, was not present at the meeting.
District Planning Committee
There was no report from Mr. Aquino, ASO President, LAHC.
District Citizens’ Oversight Committee Report
Mr. Bryant Woodert, DCOC Student Representative, stated that he has recently gotten the information about unfinished LACCD building projects. He added that he will continue observing LACCD’s use of public funds.
LACCD Sheriff’s Oversight Committee Report
Student Trustee Victoriano stated that the Sheriff’s Oversight Committee had not met since Deputy Chancellor Adrianna Barrera’s retirement.
The next regular meeting of the Student Affairs Committee is scheduled for June 9, 2017 at 9:30 a.m. in the Board Room at the Educational Services Center. The deadline for submitting agenda items is May 30, 2017.
There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned at 12:34 p.m.
Student Affairs Committee - 5 - May 12, 2017