SL-tivity 3

[6:55] Gesture Male - Bored is missing from database.

[6:55] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...

[6:55] Connected

[6:55] Eowyn Atlass: Have you finished the diploma program yet?

[6:56] Aixia Castaignede: No, I'll take my fourth module next month.

[6:56] Eowyn Atlass: Hello Ruth!

[6:56] Eowyn Atlass: That's good

[6:56] Aixia Castaignede: Hi Ruth!

[6:56] Dracena McIntyre: Hello Ruth!

[6:56] Ruth2008 Seid: hello everyone

[6:56] You: Hi Aixia, Dracena!

[6:56] Aixia Castaignede: Hi!

[6:56] Ruth2008 Seid: you all look very smart today

[6:56] Dracena McIntyre: Hi!

[6:56] Eowyn Atlass: You, too!

[6:56] Ruth2008 Seid: hardly recognise you all

[6:57] Eowyn Atlass: :)

[6:57] Aixia Castaignede: Not as cool as you do!

[6:57] Dracena McIntyre: :)

[6:57] Ruth2008 Seid: I think as we're all here we coudl start - any questions before we get going?

[6:57] Eowyn Atlass: No

[6:57] Dracena McIntyre: No.

[6:57] Aixia Castaignede: No

[6:58] Ruth2008 Seid: great - well today w're going to start the tour of the Kalasha village and valley

[6:59] Ruth2008 Seid: we 've prepared a series of short powerpoint presentations at differnt stages in the village and valley to intorduce you to the Kalasha and the way they use space

[6:59] Ruth2008 Seid: have any of you been to northern Pakistan or the Kalasha valleys, or know anything about them?

[6:59] Eowyn Atlass: No

[6:59] Dracena McIntyre: I haven´t been there, but I read a bit about them.

[7:00] Aixia Castaignede: I've never been there, but I know that they live in the north-west and that they are supposed to be descendants of Alexander's soldiers.

[7:00] Eowyn Atlass: Sounds interesting.

[7:00] Voltaire Abbott is Online

[7:00] Ruth2008 Seid: they do live in the north west, but the Alexander coonection owes more to romance than any fat

[7:00] Ruth2008 Seid: fact - not fat

[7:00] Aixia Castaignede: Hi Voltaire!

[7:01] Dracena McIntyre: Hi!

[7:01] Ruth2008 Seid: hello voltaire, welcome to this session

[7:01] Eowyn Atlass: Hi Voltaire!

[7:01] Ruth2008 Seid: voltaire, i'm \just aksing if any one has been to northern Pakistan or the Kalasha valleys

[7:01] Voltaire Abbott: hi everyone. Back after Bulgaria and West Wales. I followed last two transcript

[7:02] Ruth2008 Seid: lets go up to the first power point and get started

[7:02] Dracena McIntyre: ok

[7:02] Aixia Castaignede: OK

[7:02] Voltaire Abbott: ok

[7:03] You: remember your camera controls!

[7:03] Ruth2008 Seid: fist slide

[7:03] Ruth2008 Seid: can you all see this one?

[7:03] Eowyn Atlass: Yes.

[7:03] Dracena McIntyre: yes

[7:03] Aixia Castaignede: Yes

[7:04] Ruth2008 Seid: and can you see where Chitral is on the map? up in the north west next to Afghanistan

[7:04] Ruth2008 Seid: next slide

[7:04] Ruth2008 Seid: ok?

[7:04] Dracena McIntyre: ok

[7:04] Eowyn Atlass: `Yes

[7:05] Aixia Castaignede: Ok

[7:05] Voltaire Abbott: ok

[7:05] Ruth2008 Seid: this slide shows a close up of north west frontier province and the location of the Kalasha valleys

[7:05] Ruth2008 Seid: can you all see it ok?

[7:06] Aixia Castaignede: Yes

[7:06] Dracena McIntyre: yes

[7:06] Eowyn Atlass: Yes

[7:06] Voltaire Abbott: yes

[7:07] Voltaire Abbott: yes

[7:07] Ruth2008 Seid: this (for us) is the key thing - that the Kalasha people have very clear divisions of space in village and valley that affect all aspects oftheir lvies and interactions

[7:08] Ruth2008 Seid: this gives us avery stylised model of Kalasha valleys - village in the bottom along with agricultural land, then orchards, then summer grazing land high up in the mountains

[7:08] Voltaire Abbott: so this is transhumance

[7:08] Ruth2008 Seid: any questions so far?

[7:08] Aixia Castaignede: No

[7:08] Dracena McIntyre: no

[7:08] Eowyn Atlass: No, not yet

[7:09] Voltaire Abbott: no

[7:09] Ruth2008 Seid: yes Voltaire, this is transhumance - very good example of it

[7:09] Ruth2008 Seid: do you all know what transhumance is?

[7:09] Dracena McIntyre: no

[7:09] Aixia Castaignede: Yes

[7:09] Eowyn Atlass: No

[7:09] Voltaire Abbott: yes

[7:10] Ruth2008 Seid: ok, transhumance is the seasonal movment of people with animals - quite often up and down mountains so that good summer grazing at the top of mountains can be used, and during winter to take advantag of shleter lower down mountains, but it can take many forms. Somteimes whole villages might move with the animals, sometimes only selected groups of people

[7:11] Eowyn Atlass: Thank you

[7:11] Dracena McIntyre: thank you!

[7:11] Voltaire Abbott: thanks

[7:11] Ruth2008 Seid: the Kalasha are transhumants, where only selected people (male) move with the animals, and we'll talk more about this soon

[7:12] Ruth2008 Seid: next slide

[7:12] Voltaire Abbott: similar to pirenees?

[7:12] Aixia Castaignede: Stop! You're moving too fast. My computer is not fast enough

[7:12] Ruth2008 Seid: yes - Pyrenees, Greece - many placs round the world where people move in a seasonal round with animals

[7:13] Ruth2008 Seid: sorry aixia - we'll slow down - let us know when you have read everything an if you have questions

[7:13] Aixia Castaignede: OK now

[7:13] Eowyn Atlass: Okay

[7:13] Dracena McIntyre: ok, thanks

[7:14] Ruth2008 Seid: ok everyone?

[7:14] Aixia Castaignede: OK

[7:14] Eowyn Atlass: Ok, thanks

[7:14] Voltaire Abbott: ok

[7:14] Dracena McIntyre: thanks

[7:14] Ruth2008 Seid: follow me up to the next powerpoint place

[7:15] Eowyn Atlass: Ok

[7:15] Ruth2008 Seid: ok, everyone here?

[7:15] Ruth2008 Seid: questions?

[7:15] Aixia Castaignede: No

[7:15] Eowyn Atlass: No

[7:15] Dracena McIntyre: no

[7:15] Voltaire Abbott: yes

[7:16] Voltaire Abbott: no questions

[7:16] Ruth2008 Seid: let's start the slide show then...

[7:17] Ruth2008 Seid: next one?

[7:17] Eowyn Atlass: Okay

[7:17] Dracena McIntyre: ok

[7:17] Aixia Castaignede: OK

[7:18] Ruth2008 Seid: let me know when this slide has loaded and you've all read it

[7:18] Aixia Castaignede: OK

[7:18] Dracena McIntyre: ok

[7:18] Eowyn Atlass: Okay

[7:19] Voltaire Abbott: ok noe i have problems in focussing

[7:19] You: Voltaire - Sim will help you through IM

[7:20] Ruth2008 Seid: any questions about Kalasha valleys so far?

[7:20] Eowyn Atlass: No

[7:20] Dracena McIntyre: no

[7:20] Aixia Castaignede: No

[7:20] Voltaire Abbott: no

[7:20] Ruth2008 Seid: next week we can do more in terms of explroing sapce as 'people' and seeing how gender (and age) affect what we can do in different places

[7:20] Ruth2008 Seid: but for slide

[7:21] Aixia Castaignede: OK

[7:21] Dracena McIntyre: ok

[7:21] Eowyn Atlass: Okay

[7:22] Voltaire Abbott: ok

[7:22] Ruth2008 Seid: next

[7:22] Voltaire Abbott: ok

[7:23] Ruth2008 Seid: ok - that's it for that pp - any questions?

[7:23] Aixia Castaignede: Didn't see the lt one

[7:23] Ruth2008 Seid: ok we'll go back

[7:23] Voltaire Abbott: ok

[7:23] Aixia Castaignede: OK

[7:23] Dracena McIntyre: ok, thanks

[7:23] Eowyn Atlass: Ruth, does that mean animal houses are higher up on the hillsides?

[7:24] Ruth2008 Seid: so the villages are made up of private houses, and hten a series of more public or communal buildings, each with different functions. the animal houses are indeed above the houses, so they are higher up the valley

[7:24] Eowyn Atlass: Okay, thank you.

[7:25] Ruth2008 Seid: because of the importance of agriculture (and irrigation to agriculture) land lower down is valuable, so animals tend to be housed above prime agriculturalland

[7:25] Eowyn Atlass: I see.

[7:25] Aixia Castaignede: Makes sense

[7:25] Ruth2008 Seid: any more questions anyone/

[7:25] Aixia Castaignede: No

[7:25] Voltaire Abbott: clear

[7:25] Ruth2008 Seid: lets go up to the next powerpoint place then - follow me

[7:26] You: we are about to move to the 'birthing hut' which you can enter by clicking the door way if you choose but you'll have more time next week to explore...

[7:26] Tiki Hut Door whispers: Welcome!

[7:26] Ruth2008 Seid: ok, lets start this one

[7:27] Ruth2008 Seid: can you all see it ok?

[7:27] Dracena McIntyre: yes

[7:27] Aixia Castaignede: Yes

[7:27] Eowyn Atlass: yes

[7:28] Ruth2008 Seid: ok, next one

[7:28] Eowyn Atlass: Okay

[7:29] Aixia Castaignede: OK

[7:29] Eowyn Atlass: Okay

[7:29] Dracena McIntyre: ok

[7:29] Voltaire Abbott: ok

[7:29] Ruth2008 Seid: ok, next one

[7:30] You: you'll see some pictures in next weeks session!

[7:30] Voltaire Abbott: understood

[7:30] Aixia Castaignede: OK

[7:30] Eowyn Atlass: Okay

[7:30] Dracena McIntyre: ok

[7:30] Ruth2008 Seid: yes, i think seeing pictures of the valleys, buildings and people will really help

[7:30] Ruth2008 Seid: also, they look nice!

[7:31] Eowyn Atlass: Yes, that would be helpful!

[7:31] Ruth2008 Seid: next slide

[7:32] Voltaire Abbott: ok

[7:32] Aixia Castaignede: OK

[7:32] Eowyn Atlass: Okay

[7:32] Dracena McIntyre: ok

[7:32] Ruth2008 Seid: so this contrast between the Muslim majority (Kho) in Chitral district, and the Kalasha (non-muslim) people in three valleys is clear?

[7:32] Dracena McIntyre: yes

[7:32] Eowyn Atlass: Yes

[7:32] Voltaire Abbott: yes

[7:32] Aixia Castaignede: yes

[7:33] Ruth2008 Seid: good - it would also be interesting (I think) to look at women and space in Islam, but sadly (or luckily for you) we wont have time to go into that, and will concentrate on the Kalasha

[7:33] Ruth2008 Seid: ok, next slide

[7:34] Ruth2008 Seid: next slide then

[7:34] Aixia Castaignede: Go back, please

[7:35] Aixia Castaignede: OK

[7:35] Ruth2008 Seid: end of that power point - any questions about women, buldings etc?

[7:35] Dracena McIntyre: no

[7:35] Aixia Castaignede: No

[7:35] Eowyn Atlass: No

[7:35] Voltaire Abbott: no

[7:35] Ruth2008 Seid: great - lets go up to the next place then, in the cemetery

[7:36] Eowyn Atlass: Sorry Aixia :)

[7:36] Ruth2008 Seid: great - questions?

[7:36] Dracena McIntyre: no

[7:36] Eowyn Atlass: no

[7:36] Aixia Castaignede: No.

[7:36] Voltaire Abbott: no

[7:37] Voltaire Abbott: ok#

[7:38] Ruth2008 Seid: ready for next slide?

[7:38] Dracena McIntyre: yes

[7:38] Eowyn Atlass: Okay

[7:38] Aixia Castaignede: Yes

[7:38] Voltaire Abbott: yes

[7:38] Ruth2008 Seid: next week some good slides of coffins and ancestor statues

[7:38] Aixia Castaignede: OK

[7:39] Eowyn Atlass: Okay

[7:39] Dracena McIntyre: ok

[7:39] Voltaire Abbott: ok

[7:39] Ruth2008 Seid: next slide

[7:40] Aixia Castaignede: OK

[7:40] You: don't forget your environmental settings

[7:40] Dracena McIntyre: ok

[7:40] Eowyn Atlass: Okay

[7:40] Voltaire Abbott: ok

[7:40] Ruth2008 Seid: ah light to see by!

[7:40] Ruth2008 Seid: next slide then..

[7:40] Ruth2008 Seid: ok, end of that pp - any questions about burial?

[7:40] Eowyn Atlass: No

[7:40] Dracena McIntyre: no

[7:41] Aixia Castaignede: Any differences between men nd women?

[7:41] Voltaire Abbott: no

[7:41] Ruth2008 Seid: good question - no difference between men and women for actual burial, but hte ancestor statues tend ot be of men

[7:41] You: can I ask a question please?

[7:41] Ruth2008 Seid: yes

[7:42] You: Do they use different woods/components depending on presitge/status of the person buried?

[7:42] You: the pictures I saw (you showed me)... all look tghe same?

[7:42] Aixia Castaignede: Or colours on the statues?

[7:43] Ruth2008 Seid: yes, interesting point - wood today in the Kalasha valleys is in short supply - deforestation by the kalasha and the kho

[7:43] Voltaire Abbott: is the depth of burial very little as in european muslim cemetries

[7:43] Ruth2008 Seid: this means that any wood that can be found is used, and also means that the production of ancestor statues is dying out

[7:43] Eowyn Atlass: Is that why they don't use coffins? The small supply of wood?

[7:43] Aixia Castaignede: Have they started using different material for the statues?

[7:44] Ruth2008 Seid: and because wood rots away quite quickly when exposed, we don't really know so much about what happened some eyar ago, only very recent burials

[7:44] Ruth2008 Seid: votlaire first - the traditional burials and 'buried' - the coffins are placed above ground, and you'll see this in the photos next week

[7:44] Voltaire Abbott: understood

[7:45] Ruth2008 Seid: Eowyn - the bodies are place din wooden 'coffins' and this is the traditional practice, the coffins are then just left above ground to rot away

[7:45] Eowyn Atlass: I see, thanks.

[7:45] Ruth2008 Seid: however, recently Muslim practices are starting to prevail and bodies ar ehaving to be buried according to muslim traditin

[7:46] Ruth2008 Seid: Aixia - interesting idea, but I haven't seen any trend at all to make statues out of different materials 0

[7:46] Ruth2008 Seid: I will look out for this if I go there again soon though

[7:46] Aixia Castaignede: OK, than

[7:46] Ruth2008 Seid: shall we more up to the last few popwerpoints?

[7:46] Aixia Castaignede: Yes

[7:46] Voltaire Abbott: ok

[7:46] Dracena McIntyre: ok

[7:47] You: if you have sound - click on a sheep! :-)

[7:47] Eowyn Atlass: Cute :)

[7:47] Aixia Castaignede: Nice!

[7:47] Dracena McIntyre: :))

[7:47] You: makes me smile! ol

[7:47] Eowyn Atlass: Me, too

[7:48] Ruth2008 Seid: ok, lets start with this pp first- right hand facing us with sheep in front

[7:49] You: I have another question

[7:49] Ruth2008 Seid: yes

[7:49] You: ok Ruth

[7:49] You: Sorry peeps bear with me

[7:49] Aixia Castaignede: Are women the ones working in the fields?

[7:50] You: women seem to do a lot of the work in the Kalasha people but the men take the glory

[7:50] Ruth2008 Seid: yes the women are the ones doing most of the work in the fields

[7:50] You: is this less obvious in today's society?

[7:50] Aixia Castaignede: How about herding?

[7:50] Ruth2008 Seid: yes - men kind of come in and do the showy things, like deciding who gets how much water for irrigation, but it is women who water the fields, weed them and harvest - men might do the ploughing

[7:51] Aixia Castaignede: Because they are impure, men do not want to have anything to do with it? Smart ...

[7:51] Ruth2008 Seid: herding is the men's area - we'll see that in the next pp

[7:51] Ruth2008 Seid: Humphrey - today's soceity here or in kalasha?

[7:51] You: can I say both?

[7:51] You: :-)

[7:51] Ruth2008 Seid: you can

[7:52] Ruth2008 Seid: in the Kalasha valleys women do still carry out the agriucltural work in and around the villages - preparing everyday food, weaving and so on, while men go up to the high pastures with eh anaimals and have fun

[7:53] Aixia Castaignede: But at the same time, women have a say in their marriages. This does not really fit together.

[7:53] Ruth2008 Seid: in society here, well i guess that depends more on individuals - do you think gender roles are less defined here than in the Kalasha valleys?

[7:53] Dracena McIntyre: They are defined, definitely.

[7:53] You: Well I'm a modern man, but my parents still have 'Gender' roles!

[7:53] Ruth2008 Seid: ah yes, Aixia, i see what you mean. you think that if women have freedom in some areas they should have it in all areas?

[7:53] Eowyn Atlass: I think it's less defined here, but still defined

[7:54] Aixia Castaignede: I'm just astonished that their freedom is so limited.

[7:54] Dracena McIntyre: Even "modern" men have their roles, don´t they? :)

[7:54] Ruth2008 Seid: and do gender roles here restrict where we (women) can go? spaces only for women?

[7:55] Ruth2008 Seid: here - both Kalasha and here - our western world

[7:55] Aixia Castaignede: I guess you can probably go everywhere, but might ris looking tupid or out of place.

[7:55] Aixia Castaignede: My keyboard i killing me!

[7:56] Eowyn Atlass: I think it's not too restricted here

[7:56] Ruth2008 Seid: interesting - but would you risk hving social scorn or even being cast out of your family/village for going into the wrong space/place?

[7:56] Voltaire Abbott: this has changed .there were places that women could not go like bars on their own and were restrict to entrances

[7:56] Dracena McIntyre: I cannot think of restrictions, but it sometimes looks strange if we do...

[7:57] Ruth2008 Seid: I've just been reminded we're getting near the end of time - we cna talk more about gender and space next week but for now, lets finish this background pp and move onto the last one

[7:57] Voltaire Abbott: i think who went into bars alone would be despised.

[7:57] Eowyn Atlass: And if it looks strange, I don't think we'd be scorned for going there

[7:57] Aixia Castaignede: In some traditional fmilies you will still might have problems But in Germany it will mostly be young girls from immigrant communities who will risk having major problems in their fmilies if trying to go to some plces

[7:58] Ruth2008 Seid: that's very interesting Aixia - this idea that different people or groups might have dfferent apporaches to space and in a new environemnt might risk breaking unspoken laws

[7:58] Aixia Castaignede: We just had a case of an Afghan girl being killed by her brother becue she wanted to live a western life

[7:58] Ruth2008 Seid: well yes - sad.

[7:58] Eowyn Atlass: That's very sad.

[7:58] Ruth2008 Seid: have you all read current screen?

[7:58] Eowyn Atlass: Yes

[7:58] Aixia Castaignede: Yes

[7:58] Voltaire Abbott: yes

[7:58] Dracena McIntyre: yes

[7:59] Ruth2008 Seid: ready for nxt one?

[7:59] Aixia Castaignede: OK

[7:59] Dracena McIntyre: ok

[7:59] Eowyn Atlass: Okay

[7:59] Voltaire Abbott: ok

[8:00] Ruth2008 Seid: and the next...

[8:00] Aixia Castaignede: OK

[8:00] Dracena McIntyre: ok

[8:00] Eowyn Atlass: okay

[8:00] Voltaire Abbott: ok

[8:01] Aixia Castaignede: Are there religious reason for the pure/impure division or do they just result from tradition?

[8:01] Ruth2008 Seid: ok - that's the end of female / impure pp - oe final pp on men and purity in Kalasha

[8:01] Voltaire Abbott: ok

[8:02] Ruth2008 Seid: would you like to read it through yourselves now and we can then use it as our strating point next week?

[8:02] Voltaire Abbott: yes

[8:02] Aixia Castaignede: OK

[8:02] Eowyn Atlass: Okay

[8:02] Dracena McIntyre: ok

[8:02] Ruth2008 Seid: any questions or thougths before we finish this session?

[8:02] Eowyn Atlass: No

[8:02] Dracena McIntyre: no

[8:02] Voltaire Abbott: no

[8:03] Ruth2008 Seid: sorry it's been so powerpoint heavy, but we needed to have some idea of the kalasha before next week, so we can explore gender and space

[8:03] Aixia Castaignede: Can we viit the birthhouse? I did not mange to enter

[8:03] Ruth2008 Seid: yes you can go to the birthing house - but it should be much more exciting next week

[8:03] Eowyn Atlass: Ruth, next week I'll be traveling in Scotland so I don't think I'll be able to log on.

[8:03] Eowyn Atlass: Will I be able to get the slides online?

[8:04] Ruth2008 Seid: ok - enjoy Scotland - why not visit Leicester too?

[8:04] Dracena McIntyre: Have a nice holiday, Eowyn!

[8:04] Eowyn Atlass: I would like to! Perhaps... :)

[8:04] Aixia Castaignede: Enjoy!

[8:04] Ruth2008 Seid: yes. humphrey says slides will be online in blog

[8:04] Eowyn Atlass: Thank you, Dracena, Aixia

[8:04] You: I'll email you about next weeks session - same place and time as this week - you will have some space to ask questions to both Mark & Ruth...

[8:04] Eowyn Atlass: Okay, thanks.

[8:04] Aixia Castaignede: Great!

[8:04] Dracena McIntyre: Thanks!

[8:04] Ruth2008 Seid: thanks all of you, good bye until next week

[8:04] Voltaire Abbott: thanks a lot

[8:04] Eowyn Atlass: Thanks, it's been an interesting class!

[8:05] Dracena McIntyre: Bye, and thanks a lot! This has been intersting!

[8:05] Voltaire Abbott: bye

[8:05] Aixia Castaignede: see you next wee

[8:05] Aixia Castaignede: Bye!

[8:05] Eowyn Atlass: Bye all!

[8:05] Eowyn Atlass: Aixia good luck with your new job.

[8:05] Aixia Castaignede: Thank you!

[8:06] Eowyn Atlass: Thanks ofr the teleports earlier Humphrey

[8:06] You: no worries