STP Review Guidance Notes

To be used in conjunction with the Cornwall Council School Travel Plan review template


2 / Introduction
3 - 8 / Guidance notes: sections 1 – 9

STP Review Guidance Notes


The following guidance notes have been created to help you to fill out the STP review template. They are split into sections corresponding to those in the review template. Please read them carefully and refer to them as you fill out the form. Some terms are explained and examples given for how specific tables should be completed.

The template is a guide and can be adapted as necessary, however the main structure should be followed. Hopefully there is nothing asked within the form which you should not have access to in school.

When your review is complete…

The Travel Plan is for the school and should be treated as a working document. Keep a copy handy so that planned actions can easily be referred to. Make sure that the whole school community knows that they have a travel plan and most importantly what the aims of the travel plan are and how they are expected to make them happen.

Remember that the review process is simply there to document your sustainable travel related activities and plan for the future. The most important work begins when you put the plan into action.

Guidance notes sections 1- 10

Section 1: School details

Date of original STPThis is the month and year that the STP was approved.

Relevant accreditation schemes or initiatives will have some element of sustainable or active travel related activities or education.

Section 2: Description of school

This is to provide basic details about the school and can be copied from your original travel plan/previous review, updating any changes which have happened since.

It may be most useful to include a map of key walking and cycling routes.

Include in this section any proposed developments at the School which will have an impact on travel to School, such as an increase in pupil numbers or changes to access arrangements.

The rest of this section should be self-explanatory.

Section 3: Travel/transport problems at the school

Include outstanding problems from the original Travel Plan or previous reviews as well as new problems/concerns that have arisen since.

Example table:

Details of issue/concern / How was issue identified? / Possible solutions
Speeding traffic on the A309 through the village / Through parent surveys / Traffic calming/variable speed limit. Speed camera workshop with year 6.
Parents parking on the zigzag lines outside the school / Through TAG meeting / Campaign carried out by JRSOs with local PCSO presence.
Reports of bad behaviour on buses / Through driver reports / Rewards scheme for good behaviour. Letter to parents for persistent bad behaviour. Buddy system on buses.

Include your proposals into Section 8 – Action Plan.

Section 4: Review of actions since last review

This section should build a picture of what you have done and evaluate how successful it has been so that you can easily decide whether the initiative/action is worth taking forward.

Have your previous review or original plan to hand and use this to review the actions you originally planned. Also include actions which you have undertaken which were not planned in your original STP or last review.

Everything in here should relate to promoting or educating on sustainable or active travel to school. E.g. a new wind turbine installation or an initiative to promote healthy eating at lunchtimes would not be considered relevant to this section.


  • Initiatives to promote sustainable travel e.g. Walk To School Week, WOW, cycle training, car-share schemes, walking diaries, walking buses, Bike Week activities, Park and Stride promotion, Road Safety education, JRSO scheme participation.
  • Curriculum work undertaken e.g.Road Safety education which will support sustainable modes of travel, cycling as part of the curriculum, investigations into how travel contributes to climate change, local pollution and congestion, police speed-check workshops.
  • Details of other relevant accreditation schemes e.g. Eco-schools, Sustrans Schoolmark, Healthy schools and any work containing a sustainable/active travel element completed towards them. E.g. a cycling activity held during a Healthy Schools Week
  • Engineering work carried out on or off site which has improved opportunities for sustainable travel to school These are permanent physical changes to the environment. For example; a cycle shelter, cycle path, separate pedestrian entrance, upgraded or lit pathway, crossing point or improved signage.

The final table includes questions related to the Curriculum, Campus & Community. Under each question you should include your response. Areas that have not been addressed should be included in your forward action plan.

An example of responses are below:

Curriculum / Campus / Community
 Does the school use the curriculum to address travel and traffic issues and reinforce this through activities in the school and the local area?
Included within PSHE.
First Steps Toolkit delivered to KS1.
Does professional development enable staff to address travel and traffic issues through the curriculum and in extra curricular activities?
Does the school use its own travel policies and measures in the curriculum, across key stages and subject areas?
Are teachers and pupils involved in schemes to address school travel issues?
School council, staff meetings and at Governors meetings. Annual questionnaires in January. / Have you undertaken a school travel audit?
Does your school improvement plan address school travel, or do you have a separate school travel plan with performance targets for walking, cycling, car-sharing and public transport, aimed at lessening your environmental impact and promoting healthier lifestyles?
Separate travel plan
Does the school monitor its travel plan and report on its progress toward agreed performance targets?
Travel plan is updated annually and monitored each term.
Does professional development prepare staff members to contribute to the school travel plan?
Is management of the school travel plan included in the remit of the school’s sustainable development co-ordinator, or part of a named person’s job description? / Does the school use its communications, services contracts and partnerships to promote awareness of the travel decisions among its stakeholders?
Does the school have links with the local authority or with outside bodies that support schools’ efforts to become models of sustainable travel?
Regular contact with CC and Healthy Schools Co-ordinator

Section 5: Consultation

It is important that an additional amount of consultation takes place to enable you to identify problems from all stakeholders, make your review relevant and to share its aims with the wider school community.

Please tick at least 2 of the following. One of these must be the staff survey. Please attach evidence as appendices.

Example table:

Stakeholder /  / How have you consulted? / Evidence can be found in appendix
Pupils /  / Classroom activities / 1
Staff /  / Staff survey / 2
Parents / 
Governors / 
Police / 
JRSOs / 
Local Councillor / 
Parish Councillor / 
TAG Group /  / Meeting to review plan / 3

Examples of ways in which you could consult

Stakeholder / Consultation and evidence
Pupils / Pupil survey, school council meeting, lesson plans on the School Travel Plan website: (
Staff / Staff survey which can be found on our website. Minutes of staff meetings where the school travel plan was raised
Parents / Parent survey which can be found on our website, minutes of parent meeting, letters home regarding STP or other sustainable travel related activities, letters home regarding road safety.
Governors, Police, local and Parish Councillors / Minutes of meetings where these stakeholders have been present. Relevant email or letter correspondence.
JRSOs (Junior Road Safety Officers.) / Minutes of meetings where sustainable travel has been discussed.
TAG* (Travel Action Group) / Minutes of meetings where the STP has been discussed.

*ATAG(Travel Action Group) is a collection of relevant stakeholders drawn together to discuss the STP and decide on a plan of action. E.g. Governors, teachers, parents, pupils, staff, councillors and PCSOs. By setting up a TAG, and meeting just once each time you review (i.e. annually) you will have automatically consulted with all your major stakeholders.

Section 6: Surveys, data and analysis

Pupil mode of travel data:

Complete the table with recent mode of travel data for all pupils.

Historical data up to 2011 can be found on our website at Follow the links to ‘reviewing your school travel plan’ and then ‘historic travel to school data.’

Include staff mode of travel survey information.

Additional surveys that you have undertaken


  • Walk to School Week hands-up survey
  • Bike Week survey
  • Surveys carried out as part of class work
  • Parent/staff surveys
  • Parking survey
  • Cycle parking counts

Please either include this information as an appendix or insert survey data directly into the review template. Make sure you include the date (month and year will suffice) when the survey was conducted.

Section 7: Objectives and Targets

To be achieved by ____ input the date of your next review which should be in a years’ time.

Objectives in words these should be your overall aims rather than detail of individual activities.

For example

  1. Increase sustainable forms of transport to school
  2. Provide opportunities to cover sustainable travel within the curriculum
  3. Focus on cycling education with a sustained approach
  4. Increase safety around the school
  5. Decrease congestion around the school

Associated mode of travel numerical targets

These should show in both numbers and percentages how you intend to impact on modes of travel to school. They will be your targets for the coming year. They should reflect the aims of your objectives listed above.

Other targets will also reflect your objectives but will cover those aims which are not covered by your mode of travel targets.

For example

  • 90% of year 6 to have completed cycle training by Summer 2014
  • 100% of pupils to have had the opportunity to address sustainable travel through the curriculum during the academic year 2014 – 2015
  • The number of cars parked outside the school between 8:30 and 9:00 to decrease from current levels. (surveys to be undertaken by JRSOs)

Section 8: Action Plan

The action plan is split into the following sections

  • Site facilities
  • Highways works
  • Site management
  • Information
  • Curriculum
  • Initiatives
  • Management and Monitoring

Not all of these will be relevant to your aims and objectives going forward and you may have additional areas you wish to include. Please adapt this to include those sections which are relevant to your plan going forward.

More detailed information of actions and suggested curriculum work to undertake as part of your plan can be found in the following documents listed at the end of this document.

Section 9: Monitoring and review

Complete the sentences relating to updating mode of travel data, carrying out a Walk to School Week survey and reviewing your Travel Plan. Remember to include appropriate dates and state a named person for each action.

A copy of your STP review should be signed by the listed individuals.

The following documents may also be helpful when reviewing your plan. These can be found on our website under Reviewing your School Travel Plan.

  1. Pupil Survey
  2. Staff Survey
  3. Parent Survey
  4. Lessons and resources from the STP team
  5. Walking initiatives
  6. Cycling initiatives
  7. Sustainable travel initiatives