Holbrook News

Holbrook Lane, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 0PS

Telephone (01225) 753708 Fax 01225 350034


14th July 2016

From the Headteacher

Newsletter: I hope you are keeping up to date with school events through this newsletter. If you require a paper copy, please inform the office and you can go on the list. Otherwise, we will post the newsletter on the website and make it available by email.

Reports: Your child(ren) received their annual report on Monday. I hope you found it useful. I am sorry the explanation about how we decide class placements was missing but this should have been sent out on Tuesday. Ask at the office if you still require a copy or look on the website in the letters section.

Class Placements for next year: On Monday, children spent time with their new teachers in their new classes. There will be a second transition opportunity on Monday. Mrs White, our new teacher, has been involved in all transition meetings despite currently working in her school in Westbury. We are grateful to her school for releasing her but it is important that her current class do not miss out on a proper finish with her. Parents can meet her in the first week of the new school year at an after school tea and cake session.

Summer Reading Challenge: Wiltshire Libraries launch their Summer Reading Challenge on Saturday. Two years ago, Holbrook did very well with a high number of participants but the numbers dropped off last year. We would like as many children as possible to take part this year. This includes our current Y6 pupils, as they will count on Holbrook’s list for the very last time, and any pupils who will be joining us in September. They, too, will count on Holbrook’s list.

Run to Rio: We made it! After six fun runs across the year, we finally made it to Rio and back to Trowbridge by collectively running over 11,390 miles. Thank you to all the parents who joined us as this made it a special occasion. You can see photographs of the final event on our Twitter page. Thank you to Miss Blake and Mr Percy for organising it.

The final newsletter of the year will be sent out next Thursday.

Roger Whitewick

Dates for your Diary

21st July / Noah’s Ark Trip – Brunel and Zephaniah, please note they will not return from the trip until 4pm
22nd July / Last day of term
1st and 2nd Sep / TD Days

Celebration Certificates

Congratulations to all our pupils who received Celebration Certificates on the field on Sports Day.

Kingsley / Liam Cane / Alfie Bracey
Nightingale / Tomas Chapman / Keaton Gulliford
Darwin / Charlotte Hutchins / Wiktoria Taterka
Kandinsky / Libby Dixon / Nakita Wright
Zephaniah / Lewis Wiltshire / Chelsy Coates
Brunel / Harvey Frayling / Luke Bridgwater
Somerville / Amelia Millard / Evan Muffet
Redgrave / Lily Rawlings / Billie Head

Assembly Music

Our assembly theme for this term is Peace and Conflict. This week we played ‘Sing’ by Gary Barlow.

The music in assembly last week was: ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’ by Queen.

Missing Book bag

Myla Watson has lost her book bag complete with work; please can you look out for it. Please return it to Myla or the office if found.

Somerville Class Teacher – Mrs White

Mrs White will be running a ‘meet the teacher’ session after school on Monday 5th September at 3pm. Please feel free to come in and meet her. This will be in addition to the usual class meetings - dates to be confirmed.

We are excited that she is joining our team!

Headlice in Nightingale Class

Please check your child’s head for head lice; we have a few cases at the moment in class. In the past, traditional insecticides were used to treat head lice infestations but head lice would often develop resistance to them. The NHS now recommends repeat ‘Wet Combing’.

Wet combing

The wet combing method involves removing the head lice by systematically combing the hair using a special fine-toothed comb in small sections.

Lice can be crushed ortrappedbetween the teeth of the comb and remain unseen.

To be effective, wet combing needs to be carried out regularly and thoroughly. The method you should use is described below.

·  Wash the hair using ordinary shampoo and apply plenty of conditioner, before using a normal comb to straighten and untangle the hair.

·  Once the comb moves freely through the hair without dragging, switch to the louse detection comb. Make sure the teeth of the comb slot into the hair at the roots, with the bevel-edge of the teeth lightly touching the scalp.

·  Draw the comb down to the ends of the hair with every stroke, and check the comb for lice.

·  Remove lice by wiping or rinsing the comb.

·  Work methodically through the hair, section by section, so that the whole head is combed through.

·  Rinse out conditioner and repeat the combing procedure.

·  Repeat the procedure on days three, six, nine, 12and 15, so that you clearyoung lice as they hatch, before they have time to reach maturity.

After School Club

We will be providing an After School Club at Holbrook Primary School,in addition toBreakfast Club,from September 5th 2016.

The clubwill runMonday toFriday, in term time,from 3pm until 5.15pm at a cost of £8.00,to include a snackand a drink. Alternatively if you would prefer to collectby 4.15pmit will be at the reduced rate of £5.50.

Childcare vouchers can be used, if youneed to provide your workplace with our registerednumber it is EY537149. Please collect a booking form from the school office

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

Job Vacancy

Due to an internal promotion, the opportunity for a Keyperson/Senco post has arisen.

Rainbow Early Years are looking for an enthusiastic Level 3 or above, dedicated to working within a well-established team. The successful applicant will be required to work 4 days a week (term time only) from September 2016.

Safeguarding is a priority therefore this post is subject to references and an enhanced DBS check. It is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.

For further details or to apply please contact REY Office on 01225 774478 or email

Closing date: 22-7-16 at 1pm Interviews date: 27-7-16 am