BOARD MEETING – April 11, 2012

The YellowstoneRegionalAirportRegularBoard Meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m.

Present:ChairmanCraig Wilbur, John Newton, Bill Holder,Bob Whisonant andDoug Johnston

Absent:Bryan Edwards and Ché Eissinger

Also Present:Bob Hooper, Lisa Hannon, Nancy Werner, Tim Wick, Scott Bell, Rick Patton, Gene Wasia, Bob Adrian, Donny Anderson, Ryan Rickert, Maggie Rickert, Wes Hanson, Bruce Ransom, John Brouillette, Walt Castle, Todd Simmons, Joel Simmons, Jeff Higgs, Larry White, John Cordes, Bucky Hall, Harold Musser, Nicole Baggs, Mark Heinz, Kathleen Tobin and Matt O’Dell.

Pledge of Allegiance

Chairman Wilbur “Good Morning, before we get going, I would like to say a few things.

The Yellowstone Regional Airport Board and Staff, endeavors to make our facility as efficient and user friendly as possible. This includes the Aviation Community, Businesses and the General Public. Compromising the safety of anyone or the rules and parameters imposed upon us by government is untenable.

With that in mind, I am requesting that all in this room act with dignity and professionalism towards one another. We may have our philosophical differences, but we are all here for the greater good.

In an effort to streamline our meetings, I am respectfully requesting that all guests please limit their comments to under a couple of minutes. Thank you!”

Verification of Quorum:Chairman Craig Wilbur, presiding, verified there was a quorum.Bob Whisonant agreed.

Acceptance of Agenda: Bob Whisonant made a motion to approve the agenda as written. Bill Holder seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed.

Reading/ Approval of the March 14 and March 30, 2012Board Minutes:Bob Whisonant made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Bill Holder seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed.

Review / Approval of Bills and Bank Reconciliations:Bob Whisonant made a motion to approve the bills and bank reconciliations. Doug Johnston seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed.

Committee / Tenant Reports: Chairman Wilbur went around the room asking if anyone present had anything to report or any comments. Kathleen Tobin, Mark Heinz, Bob Adrian, Donny Anderson, John Brouilette and Bucky Hall all stated nothing to report. Nicole Baggs said everything is going well, everyone is trained on the new TSA machines.Todd Simmons introduced Joel Simmons as the Director of Line operations at Choice Aviation. Harold Musser stated nothing at this time.Walt Castle thanked Chairman Wilbur, Bob Hooper, Bob Whisonant and Bruce Ransom for attending the EAA meeting the previous night. He felt it was a very positive meeting.

Airport Manager’s Report:

Airport Gates and Fencing- Midwest Fence relocated the Emergency Crash Gate to the far west end of the General Aviation ramp area. This will allow for additional parking in the Choice Aviation area. Midwest also repaired the fence in the fuel farm area which was wind damaged.

Fly-In- Todd Simmons of Choice Aviation informed me that Cody will be hosting the Colorado Pilots Association Fly-In this September 1 – 3.

General Aviation Sign Area-The lights on the General Aviation Sign are being changed to a ground style light. This will eliminate the issue of frequent bulb replacement in the sign. Also, the style of light in the sign is in the process of being phased out of production. At the same time, the electrician will restore power to the smaller sign indicating the Airline directions. Our operations department will be assisting in the preparation work of this project to help keep the total cost down.

Tri-Annual Emergency Exercise- Our Tri-Annual Emergency Exercise is scheduled for Tuesday May 22 at 2:00 pm. Bob Hooper asked if any Board members would like to participate in the event either in a role play scenario or as a section coordinator. They would need to be available between 1 and 5 that day. We are also asking for volunteers from the community to participate in this event. We estimate we will need approximately 50 participants plus emergency personnel.

Unfinished Business:

ALP Update, Boundary Survey and ARFF Vehicle Acquisition Update–The New Oshkosh Striker 1500 Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Vehicle arrived on site March 27. Representatives from the OJ Watson Company are currently on site putting the vehicle into service and conducting training.

Morrison-Maierle is requesting Board approval to advertise Notice of Final Payment for Oshkosh Corporation per Section 16-6-116, Wyoming Statute. Doug Johnston made a motion to approve advertising Notice of Final Payment. Bill Holder seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY none motioned passed.

Morrison-Maierle requested Board approval for a pay request to Oshkosh Corporation in the amount of $546,917.00. A progress payment of 90% shall be processed upon delivery of equipment and acceptance by the owner. The 10% retainage will be lowered to 1% upon completion of on-site training. The remaining 1% will be released a final payment on the date of Notice of Final Payment specifies. Funding for this pay request is WYDOT State Grant COD-25 A/B and FAA Grant AIP 28. Bob Whisonant made a motion to approve this pay request. Bill Holder seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed.

Morrison-Maierle has updated the draft version of the Airport Layout Plan to include a new taxiway from the General Aviation area to the taxiway A in the area of Connector A3. Board approval was requested to submit the updated ALP to the FAA for review. Bob Whisonant asked if the taxiway is in the new ALP that gives the Airport the right to add the taxiway but does not necessarily mean they have to. Gene Wasia of Morrison-Maierle stated that was correct and a modification to this ALP could be filed if need be at a later date, depending on the needs of the Airport. Bob Whisonant stated there was a spot by the Choice hanger that was discussed previously to possibly add a hanger spot, he wondered if it was on the plan. Gene Wasia said not it was not added because of the 750 foot building restriction line. Bob then said he would support adding it so in the future there would be the flexibility to build there if it was decided to add a building below the building restriction line. Bob Hooper stated at the December Board Meeting the Board voted to not change the building restriction line. Scott Bell and Bob Hooper both agreed to change that decision the vote would have to be reversed. Gene Wasia said the taxiway was the last change the Board requested to have changed on the draft ALP before it was submitted to the FAA on their contracted day of the April meeting. Bob Hooper reminded them there is an opportunity to amend the ALP later on. Bob Whisonant asked if anyone else was in favor of adding the change to the building restriction line, there was no one else in agreement. Harold Musser said he had a question. Chairman Wilbur said there was a motion in flux and asked Bob Whisonant to continue.Bob Whisonant made a motion to submit the new draft ALP as modified to the FAA. Doug Johnston seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed.

Harold Musser said “Craig the proper way to run a meeting is to have a motion and then ask for comments after that. One of the things you just missed is where the car wash thing, there was quite a bit of discussion at the last work session about eliminating that from the position of that, from that. That just got dusted over as did where I wanted to put my hanger. So I don’t think it’s proper to run a meeting where you make a motion and then just go ahead and vote then ask for comments from the public.”

Chairman Wilbur noted Harold Musser's comments.

ARFF / Snow Removal Equipment Building- Morrison-Maierle presented specifications, plans and cost estimates for an ARFF/Snow Removal Equipment building at the special Board Meeting on March 30. MMI requested Board consideration to take the project out for contractor bids subject to WYDOT Aeronautics and FAA approval. This project will include an emergency stand by generator at the ARFF building that will run the runway and taxiway lights and the ARFF Building. It will not run the AWOS since that is an FAA item or the Beacon light since that is on a different power source. This will be an alternate bid item, there will also be an alternate bid item for a new fuel storage system. Bob Whisonant made a motion to take the project out to bid with the two alternate items subject to WYDOT Aeronautics and FAA approval. John Newton seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed.

General Aviation Ramp Rehab & Expansion- Bob Hooper provided an Engineer’s proposed GA Ramp Layout Plan to both Todd Simmons of Choice Aviation and John Brouillette so they can provide their aircraft parking recommendations to the Board and Engineers. Tim Wick said he would sit with Todd and John after the meeting to discuss their ideas.

Snow Removal Equipment Acquisition- Morrison-Maierle and members of staff provided information, cost analysis and recommendations for Board consideration to acquire Airport snow removal equipment. Tim Wick stated one of the questions that has come up is why does the Airport need to update the snow removal equipment. Today’s equipment they have out there has reached its life expectancy one is 18 years old the other is 20 the maintenance is getting more and more. They are severely underpowered for the bigger plows. The requirements for the FAA and the airlines have changed so what we are finding is the existing plows are not cleaning the runways well enough to keep the runways open. This is for public safety, snow removal equipment is important to insure continued safe and effective airport operations. The FAA and WYDOT support this acquisition. Scott Bell stated the funding sources are all aviation funded. AIP (Airport Improvement Projects) money is from when a pilot buys a tire or a battery or any aviation related item, those items are taxed and go into the AIP fund. This is not what Scott refers to as 1040 income tax money, it is all aviation generated money. The Airport gets a million dollars a year in AIP money that is what will fund the equipment. 97.5% of the funds come out of the AIP funds, 2.5% are local fundswhich are PFC funds. PFC (Passenger Facility Charge) funds are a charge on commercial airline ticket. When someone buys a ticket out of Cody there is a $4.50 charge on that ticket. The money comes back to the airport into the PFC account at YRA. PFC money has to be used on approved airport projects. According to the Airport Circular (AC) that the FAA puts out for airport snow removal regulations, airports the size of Cody need one high speed rotary snow blower, two displacement plow trucks, one self-propelled high speed broom and one hopper/spreader for deicing materials. Cody has the snow blower, two plow trucks that have met their life expectancy and no broom. Based on the AC, YRA needs a good self-propelled broom and two new snowplow trucks or one multi-unit vehicle with a snow plow and pull behind broom and an additional snowplow truck,this is what is felt to keep YRA operational. Several different types and manufacturers of equipment were discussed. In 2010/2011 there were 43 snow operations and in 2011/2012 there were 32 operations. So even though it was felt there were not many snow operations here, in the last two years there were 75 operations. Morrison-Maierle’s recommendations are a multi-task, cab over chassis, minimum of 425 horse power, with a 22 foot plow and a tow behind non-cradling 20 foot broom. Then in the near future replace the other plow truck. One reason for a multi-unit is the single operator operation and cab over chassis is felt to be safer. The benefits of this recommendation, it allows one man to take care of primary surfaces, it reduces the time it takes to clear those primary surfaces and it keeps the runways open longer and safer. Tim Wick quoted “Plan on spending your money on effective snow removal equipment or plan on putting your ARFF vehicles into use”. Most airports look at the snow removal equipment as safety vehicles. The staff has reviewed several types of equipment and all prefer a multi-task vehicle with the cab overchassis. Bob Whisonant stated he appreciated the presentation it helped him to understand the equipment. He agrees we need a plow/broom to meet the requirements. He summarized that the front mount broom is approximately $525,000 and to add a plow approximately another $25,000 making the total unit $550,000 and this unit you have to switch back and forth between the plow and broom. The multi-unit with the plow broom combo is approximately $620,000 to $650,000 so that would only be $70,000 to $100,000 difference to get the recommended multi-unit. Tim Wick stated it is also more effective to get the multi-unit because the broom has to be run in conjunction with a plow. Bob Hooper said it is not uncommon to have different snow conditions at each end of the runway where one end would require a broom and the other a plow. Harold Musser stated there were other trucks that could be purchased for a cheaper price to get more bang for your buck. He said they work just fine for the highway department. Tim Wick stated the vehicles the airport is considering are airport specific vehicles, which are felt to be safer on the airfield. John Brouillette stated a truck without the cab over chassis took the front of his plane off simply because the operator could not see around the plow blade. John Newton asked if the bid could be written to allow the integrated frame versus pivoted frame to both be bid. Tim Wick said yes that could be done. Doug Johnston made a motion to go to bid for a multi-function unit with a cab overchassis. Bill Holder seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed.

Pavement Maintenance Program- Morrison-Maierle is preparing plans and specs for WYDOT Aeronautics to be included in the State bid package for pavement painting and markings.

Business Park Lease Rate & Realtor Fee- This item was tabled last month. Bob Hooper included the recommendations from Board member Ché Eissinger in the Board packets for review and consideration. It was the Bob’s previous recommendation to lower the rental rate to .05 per square foot per year and to implement some type of compensation to realtors. This item was tabled.

New Business:

Ryan Rickert / Clean Slate Group Advertising Proposal- Ryan Rickert of Clean Slate Group addressed the Board regarding advertising for the baggage claim carousel and luggage slide. Bob Whisonant made a motion to approve advertising on the baggage claim carousel and luggage slide, also to give Bob Hooper authority to approve the types of advertising. Doug Johnston seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed.

Choice Aviation Gate Request- Yellowstone Regional Airport received a request from Choice Aviation to install the old gate, which was removed from the Fuel Farm, to an area between their terminal facility and their new hanger. We originally planned not to reuse this gate due to age and frequent mechanical issues. In order for the Board to evaluate this request, Bob Hooper obtained a cost estimate of approximately $13,000 form Olson Fencing to install the gate. Bob Hooper requested Board consideration of this request. John Newton asked who would pay the $13,000. Todd Simmons says that is debatable, if it is a gate that is salvage and they pick it up for nothing and they pay for the entire install it would be their gate and their property to maintain. The other side of it is the airport owns all the other gates and access points would it be appropriate for a tenant to own a gate. He sees it as a direct benefit to many it would be their primary access to the ramp including UPS and different carriers, so for safety and convenience it makes sense. They are committed to seeing a gate there, whether they take responsibility of ownership, whether itssplit or the airport installs it. John Newton said he would like to accommodate Choices request if Choice was willing to take responsibility for the cost and maintenance he would not mind. Bob Whisonant agreed. Bob Hooper stated this would have to be approved by the TSA on the security plan. Doug Johnston stated the tenant would have to have a TSA approved security plan to control a gate. Doug also clarified money for installing or maintaining a new gate is not in the budget. The Board agreed they would have no problem donating the gate as long as Choice was willing to pay for installing and maintaining the gate. Bob Hooper said the Airport would have to control access to the gate. Todd Simmons said first Choice would like the support of the board to pursue adding a gate, second would the Board be willing to donate the old gate, he also would like to know if the Airport would be interested in helping to install a gate. Doug Johnston clarified there was no opposition to the location of the proposed gate and the Board was willing to donate the old gate to them. Bob Hooper said that would be fine as long as the security issues were handled properly. Doug said the only issue is the cost and ongoing maintenance. Todd said if Choice owns, operates and maintains the gate they want to control access to the gate and no one else can use it. He was told that because of security Choice was not allowed to control access to the gate. Todd said he felt if that were the case the Airport should own, operate and maintain the gate. John Newton said Choice could either accept the offer or the Board would take it under advisement then, when and if funds were ever available, the Board would consider installing a gate.Todd asked for Board approval for the location and for the gate to do with what they will or they may decide to put in a new gate. Bob Hooper asked for plans and drawings to be sent in for TSA approval before anything was done.Bob Whisonant made a motion to give Choice Aviation the surplus gate and approval to pursue the option of adding an additional gate with the contingency the Airport approve the design and location of the gate and TSA approval is received.Bill Holder seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed.