Mark Leggett
A successful, charismatic and inspiring leader and advisor with a track record of implementing substantial and complex organisational and business improvement. Infectious drive, energy and commitment together with strong focus on Corporate Governance generates confidence and long term relationships with customers, stakeholders and employees. Experience gained over 30 yrsworking in a number of key roles in multiple business environments, covering many industry areas across both the Public and Private sectors, holding Global P&L and responsibility.
Square1 Limited -Owner and Chief Executive – Providing specialist businessturnaround, M&A, startup, expansionand consultancy services, deliveringstrategic advice and support to acrossmultiple business sectors andindustries. Bringing executive knowledge and expertise, strong network and relationships across private and government sectors, extensive project/programme management, change management, financialand business improvement, strategy formulation and review experience. Key clients include:
Blue Bear Capital – Venture Partner; The Blue Bear Capital fund is focused on fast growing companies that apply data driven digital technologies and innovative business models to the global energy industry. Identifying potential investment Target Companies, provide due diligence on target companies, energy industry network, experience and guidance to investments, board role and governance of executive management teams.
Marubeni Corporation - Senior Vice President– Start up and establish a new Offshore Power business, to win and delivermajor Offshore Wind projects across the UK and EU, building on the Marubeni global power sector experience and capability. Engaged by Marubeni to develop and lead its strategic entry into the European Offshore power market. Establishment of strategic business relationships and built a world class team to win and deliver major EPC projects in the sector. Support of the Business M&A activity in acquiring new sites and facilities to grow the overall capacity footprint across Europe. Project Development from concept, through planning application and consent, Government subsidy application/competition, Financial closure, then through front end design, construction and commissioning. Also developed an Operations and Maintenance venture to deliver improved operational performance.
Better Capital LLP- Supported Better Capital on a number of business reviews in both acquisition diligence and investment performance
Altec Limited - Engaged to provide specific industry expertise to support the entry into a new market for their existing products. Gave an industry briefing to all divisions of the company. This lead to a gap analysis followed by the development of a a strategic path for market entry.
Silverdel PLC (HSBC Bank)- HSBC appointed Turnaround Director at Silverdell PLC. Short term business stabilisation, Development and implementation of Turnaround and exit strategies. Delisting of PLC and strategic de merger and sale of global business and assets, successful sale and disposal of assets Dec 2013
Tekmar Ltd (Elysian Capital)–Provided strategic support to CEO through critical business phase
Offshore Marine Management Ltd - Strategic advisor to CEO - developing restructuring and marketing positioning strategies through downturn to enable business improvement
Global Marine Systems Energy Ltd(Bridgehouse Capital)– Interim CEO – Developing strategic business improvement and growth strategy in the offshore wind, tidal and wave infrastructure industry. Restructuring business and positioning for significant expansion to meet the market demands and position business for existing shareholder exit. Improved EPC Management capabilities, including HSE, engineering standards, procurement processes and installation services. Introduced risk management, and improved business development and proposal management processes.Full P+L accountability, successful exit and sale to Prysmian Powerlink Nov 2012.
Global Marine Energy Inc (DC Capital) - Supporting the start up of a new US entity for a leading UK based subsea cable installation provider. Bringing experience and lessons learned from EPC contracting sector and recent UK offshore wind power generation market to support business establishmentand develop a deliverable strategy for success.
Subocean Ltd(Lloyds Development Capital/HSBC) -Business review and exit strategy for failing Subsea services business specialising in offshore renewables. Intense situation analysis, strategic planning and implementation of exit strategy, Management of interface with key customers, investors, staff and suppliers. Management of sales process and interface with administrator on pre pack administration arrangements. Successful sale to Technip.
Pcubed. Non Exec role supporting the energy division of this leading programme management consultancy, Developing business relationships and providing governance to the exec team.
SMD (Hydrovision Capital)Development and implementation of business and marketing strategy to diversify existing subsea product range and service capability into new markets, in particular the Nuclear market in the UK and USA.
British Telecom: Strategic consultancy support, developing business relationships and industry entry strategy for the UK Nuclear Market. Leveraging BTs core skills and in house Business processes to support the nuclear sector at the highest levels. Interfacing with Treasury, Decc, Shareholder Executive, NDA and NNB in both decommissioning and clean up.
Gaia Power (Gaia Capital): Director, Development of project execution and delivery strategy on behalf of Gaia Power for a new 50MW Waste to Energy plant in Teesside UK.
Gaia Metals (Gaia Capital): Director, Development of a 1 MMT scrap to billet Electric Arc Furnace project in the UK,
Moorhouse Consulting: Strategic and operational assistance in entering the UK private sector energy market, particularly nuclear and renewable.
LBH Consultants: (Director) Development and implementation of a growth and expansion strategy for an international recruitment company in the EPC sector.
Bringing in-depth industry specific knowledge and expertise, strong network and relationships across private and government bodies, extensive change management and major bid formulation and review experience.Strategic Business improvement and directional support to senior executives.
Simon Carves Limited – Global Engineering Construction company specialising in Petrochemicals, Chemicals and Renewable Energy EPC projects in the $200M to $750M range.
Mar 2008 to July 2009President and Chief Executive Officer – Holding P&L accountability, responsible for the strategic restructuring,fast track operational turnaround and post acquisition integration of a$500M business with over 1500 staff into the Punj Lloyd Group.Development of strategy, modernisation of policy, introduction of governance and control processes, corporate and legal restructure, relocation of HQ to Abu Dhabi, recruitment of Global leadership team. Clean up and turnaround of legacy project portfolio,isolation and management of significant liabilities, major litigation management, negotiation and settlement of claims.Introduction of risk managementand corporate control processes for executive project reviews, creating transparency of performance and numbers, cost reduction and margin protection. Downsizing and divestment/closure of non performing units. Negotiation of loans and working capital facilities.Creation of new contracting and business models to create competitive advantage. Reinvigorate poor performing dormant business lines and relationships. Introduce Shared Services model across non core functions. Global operations include UK, Europe, Middle East, Asia and SE Asia, South America and FSU.
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) - A £3.5Bn turnover government body responsible for 20 nuclear sites across the UK with accountability forclean up decommissioning and ongoing operations.
2006 to 2008Commercial Director – Executive Director of NDA accountable for the restructuring and improved performance of ongoing commercial operations with an annual turnover of $3Bn per annum, creating visibility of numbers and developing strategy to restructure and create a nuclear future in the UK. Responsible for rebuilding and growing International relationships and negotiating long term business relationships at the highest level between the USA, Europe and Japan, also responsible for the privatisation of site operations through the creation of operational model and competitive procurement processes to enable outsourcing of the operation and maintenance of the manufacturing assets, power generation assets and the clean up of the legacy portfolio(e.g. $30Bn for Sellafield contract).Divestment of; Electricity trading company, Westinghouse and Magnox Power.Development and implementation of Shared Services across the Industry.Management of NDA land bank and strategy for new build and alternate use. Primary interface with central government departments i.e. Treasury. Responsible for diversification of nuclear assets and businesses into other sectors. Held directorships in four NDA subsidiaries and was Chairman of Direct Rail Services Ltd.
Aker Kvaerner
2004 to 2006Managing Director and President Engineering Services –Turnaround ofComplex Multi Industrial Pan European Business with Profit and loss responsibility for annual sales of over $700M circa 2000 staff.Improved performance from a significant loss to break even in one year, extensive cost reduction programme, negotiation with unions, renegotiation of revenue streams,complete change of executive and senior management team, substantial outsourcing exercise and introduction of new operating model, control and Management systems. Managed significant legacy issues: Poor contracts, damaged relationships, Final salary pension scheme. Reorganisation of business into industry focused vertical segments with shared functional capabilityto reduce cost and increase utilisation of resources. Reengineered procedures and policy to best practice and fit for purpose.
2002 to 2004President Global Pharmaceuticals– Business turnaround and unit management with profit & loss responsibility, annual sales over $400M, circa 500 staff. Extensive Market Research and strategic planning, development of Global Business plan, Marketing plan and Brand. Turnaround of underperforming projects and rebuilding of damaged relationships. Restructuring of Division to focus on core business areas. Downsizing and closure of non core areas, cost reduction programme. Developed core competence through strategic hiring and training and development programmes.
2000 to 2002Managing Director North West UK – Business turnaround: Profit & loss responsibility for regional Business unit with annual sales over $150M, circa 200 staff. Strategic Business unit providing local services to Key Global customers.
1998 to 2000DirectorCommercial Services Global–Management and negotiation ofHead contracts and major subcontracts/Joint ventures, multimillion claims preparation andsettlement negotiations.Introduction of commercial awareness and risk mitigation programmes.
1995to 1998ProjectManager – Hydro-processing Products - Management anddevelopment of the Global Hydro-processing business. Working closely with licensor partner built an integrated team to optimise EPC products and improve competitive market advantage. Team managed to increase yield and capacity at the same time as reducing risk and total installed costof typical plant by 40% through engineering optimisation, constructability and developing key vendor relationships.Protection and patent of intellectual property, negotiate exclusivity and risk/reward structure and contract with licensor and key suppliers. Marketing and business development to launch product, negotiation with customers and project oversite through delivery.
Aker Kvaerner (Formerly JOHN BROWN E&C LIMITED)
1990 to 1995Project Manager–Revamp project for GSK, Manager of Project Services -Responsible for planning and cost oversite across all projects being executed.Project Manager - Reporting to and deputy for the Project Manager on a S$100M pharmaceutical project for Singapore. Full project lifecycle exposure from concept through to commissioning, start up and handover.
1987 - 1990Project Control Manager - Responsible for total cost management and risk management on a US$150MChemicalproject for Saudi Aabia and a $160M Chemical project for Australia.
Cookson and Zinn Ltd
1986 - 1987Manager of Construction - Responsible for all construction sites and direct hire construction personnel, subcontracting and procurement. UK wide portfolio of projects.
Richards Shipbuilders Ltd
1981 - 1986Project Engineer:Supervision of multi-disciplines engineering teams.
Apprentice Marine Engineer: SITB full indentured apprenticeship.
Date of Birth:20th September 1964
Qualifications:Fellow IOD. C.Eng, B.Eng Hons (Mech), MICostE,, C&G Marine Eng.
Other interests:Golf, Rugby,Boating, Travel
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