NNHS Introductory Physics 2012-2013
Letter to Parents/Guardians
Physics Teacher: Ms. Shu-Yee Chen
Please read the following letter, sign and return the bottom form.
Dear Parents or Guardians,
Welcome to the community of Newton North High School and the Introductory Physics Course. I would like to take this time to introduce myself, the NNHS physics curriculum, and some course support and structure to you.
My name is Shu-Yee Chen and this is my 8th year teaching the Introductory Physics Curriculum at Newton North High School. I have always loved studying sciences and am fortunate to have done my student teaching at NNHS. I quickly fell in love with teaching a wide variety of students, working with a supportive staff, and being part of the Newton Community, thus deciding that teaching high school would be my career.
The Introductory Physics Course is designed as the first course in the NNHS science sequence. The course is designed to give students the fundamental physical principles and skills of science so they will be successful in their future scientific exploration in high school and beyond. In addition, Massachusetts high school students are required to pass MCAS test in Science and Technology (STE), as well as in English Language and Arts and Mathematics in order to graduate from high school. The Introductory Physics course is also designed with helping students to meet the graduating requirement in the MCAS STE test. Students enrolled in this course will be taking the physics MCAS on June 4th, June 5th, 2013.
In order for students to be successful in this course and fulfill the graduation requirement, I have listed policy and expectations on the Expectation and Policy sheet. Please review that document carefully with your student. I would like to highlight and elaborate a few things here for clarification to you:
- Communication/Grading: I welcome you to communicate with me throughout this year. The best method of communication is via e-mail. If you would like me to call you instead, please be advised that I am often in the classroom and not in my office so you will have to leave a voice message. In addition, I will also have to call your cell or work number in order to speak with your personally. As stated in the Expectation and Policies, I will be giving students a printed mid-term progress report every term. It is their responsibility to share that with you. Of course, you can check on my course website for updated progress report anytime or contact me when you have concerns. I will contact you and student’s support staff if I see a significant change in student behavior/academic performances, however, ultimately, students should be the ones that are responsible for their learning progress in the high school setting.
- Extra Help: I understand that this is a big transitional period for many students developmentally, emotionally, and academically. Therefore, It is essential they begin to utilize all the resources and support set in place for them to be successful. Please emphasize the importance of X-block help session (Monday / Thursday 2:25-3:20), which is part of school day. Many students struggle with applying learned concepts in a different situation, analyzing data, writing conclusions, studying for an exam, test-taking strategies, these are all important skills they need to develop. They may need your encouragement to seek out and utilize extra help times, as well as reminder to visit my course website for information/extra practice/links to other resources. On a side note, if I ask your student to stay for X-block, it is a MANDATORY appointment because I am strongly concerned about your student’s progress at that moment. Failure to show-up for X-block appointment with me will result in a detention with the housemaster.
- Electronic Policy: I believe an important skill to develop in the 21st century is not only technology literacy, but also technology etiquette. In this course, I will happily incorporate many forms of technology to enhance student learning experiences and understanding. However, unless otherwise noted, I do not wish for them to turn on their cell phone at ANYTIME DURING CLASS. I will not hesitate to confiscate at the first offense, in addition, call home after 2nd offense and ask you to come to pick up the phone in person during school day. In case of emergency, please call the school Main Office number: 617-559-6400, the staff will be able to contact your student immediately anytime during class.
If you have any questions about this letter, or anything listed in the Policy and the Expectation Sheet, please feel free to contact me to discuss. Please sign below and ask your students to return the signed section to me. This is their first homework assignment that is due tomorrow! In addition, please remind them about their online homework assignment to fill out student information sheet by 9/7. (Go to click on Introductory Physics 614 Student/Guardian Information Sheet.)
Thank you and I look forward to meeting you on Back to School Night (10/4).
Shu-Yee Chen
September 2012
Student Name (print): ______
Parents/Guardians Names: ______
Parents/Guardians Signatures: ______
Date: ______