Fiscal Year July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2009
Due September11, 2009
Please call the Indiana State Library, Library Development Office at
1-800-451-6028 or 317-232-3697 if you have any questions about this survey.
Please provide the most current information available for the identification section.
1.Name of Institution:______
14.Population Served (Number of offenders or residents as of June 30, 2009):______
2.Street Address: ______3.P.O. Box:______
4.City: ______5. ZIP CODE:______
6.Name of respondent:______
7. Title of respondent:______
8. Phone:______9. FAX:______
10. E-mail address:______
The following information will not be published
Name and title of person to whom you report:
11. ______
12. Telephone number of person to whom you report:______
13. Email address of person to whom you report:______
Part B – Library staff forgeneral, law, school and staff library
Type of employee Number of employees Number of employees
Full time (35 hrs or Part time (less than more per week) 35 hours a week)
All other LawAll other Law
a b c d
15.ALA-MLS librarians who work in the library
16. Other degreed staff who work in the library
17. All other paid staff who work in the library
18. Offender(s)/resident(s)/student(s)who work in
the library
19.Other unpaid/volunteer staff who work
in thelibrary
Part C – Library Services Operating Expenditures
Include all library services expenditures (general, law, patient, school and staff).
All other Law
a b
20. Books and other print materials;
serial backfiles and all microforms
21. Periodicals
22. Audiovisual materials
23. Computer databases, Internet and
current electronic serials
24. Computer hardware & software
(include maintenance)
25. Total library services operating expenditures
Part D – Annual Library Services. Include all library services (general, law, patient, school and staff).
All other Law
a b
26.Number of hours open per week
27. Total number of items circulated
28. Total number of Interlibrary loans
29. Number of programs (Explain type)
30. a b
# of computers for use by # of computers for use by offenders /
offenders/ residents/ studentsresidents/ students connected to the
c d
# of library staff computers# of library staff computers connected
to the Internet
Part E – Selected Library Collections
Include all library collections (general, law, patient, school, and staff)
Total held at
end of fiscal year
All other Law
A b
31. Books, serial backfiles, and government
documents that are part of the library’s
collection; Include bound periodicals and
newspapers;Exclude microforms.
32. Current serials – include periodicals,
newspapers, & government documents.
33. Sound recording - includes cassettes,
CD-ROMs, phonograph records, talking
books, etc.
34. Film & video materials – include 16mm,
video-cassettes, DVDs
Total held at
end of fiscal year
All other Law
a b
35. Computer software (include CD, disk)
36.Realia (puzzles, games,
developmental/teaching tools)
37. Total Number of Titles
Part F - General Question
38. What is the greatest need for your library? (Fiction, non-fiction, reference books, shelving, etc?)
Thank you for completing this survey by September11, 2009.