The “Employer” invites sealed Bids in accordance with single stage one envelops Bidding Procedure for the project stated below from eligible firms / contractors licensed by the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) in Category C-4.
S.No / Package / Building / Date of Opening1. / 1 – (A) / Repair, Reconstruction & Retrofitting,
Infrastructure, building, surgical, water supply, Pathology lab, Emergency fire Exits Ayub Medical Complex, Abbottabad. / Date: 11 Nov, 2013
- A complete set of bidding documents should be obtained by any interested bidder or by authorized representative of the firm on submission of written application from the office of the Deputy Director PMIU (SFD & IDB) Jinnahabad, Abbottabad during the office working hours and upon payment of a non refundable fee of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten thousand only) in cash.
- Each bid must be accompanied by a Bid Security of least 2% of total bid price as mentioned in bidding documents in the form of Deposit of Call or Bank Guarantee from schedule bank in Pakistan, in the name of the Deputy Director PMIU IDB & SFD Abbottabad and must be delivered in the office of the undersigned at or before 12:00 noon on the date of opening as noted against each work. Bid will be opened at 1:00 pm on the same day in presence of the bidders / their representative who choose to attend at the same address in accordance with stage Two Envelops Bidding Procedure. Finance Bid shall be opened of the technically qualified bidders only.
- A pre bid meeting will take place at 11:00 hours on 4 Nov, 2013 in the office of the Director Technical, PMIU IDB & SFD Abbottabad. Attending the pre bid meeting is mandatory so that clarification regarding bidding procedure can be given to the bidders.
- Following guidelines must be noted.
- Both Technical and Financial Bids must be submitted in separate sealed envelops-two inner envelops and one outer envelope and marking the inner envelops “Technical Bid” and “The Financial”.
- Usage of correction fluids is strictly prohibited. As such discrepancies will render the bid our rightly non responsive.
- Conditional, incomplete, unsigned and bid filled with lead pencil are not acceptable at all.
- The contractor must provide 2 copies of the bid along with the original filled in bid.
- The employer reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.
6. The detail of advertisement is also available on the website of Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) i.e.
Chief Engineer PMIU KPK
HOUSE #435, Tameer-e-WatanPublic school Jinnahabad
link Road, Maindian Abbottabad.
Ph# 0992-384092-3