Why the Industrial Revolution Happened Here (BBC Film)

  1. What natural resource kick started the Industrial Revolution in England?
  2. How much more efficient and power powerful was coal compared to wood?
  3. The world’s first steam engine was used to pump water out of coal mines; it could do the same work as ______horses.
  4. The time of new scientific knowledge was referred to as the “Age of ______”
  5. James Watt was determined to make the most efficient Steam______ever created.
  6. Watt’s engine produced the same amount of power as his competitors, but ran off of a ______of resources/coal.
  7. What was the small toy fish used for?
  8. How much did Birmingham grow because of the Industrial Revolution?
  9. Great Britain was a Parliamentary Monarchy. Who had the power to create and pass laws?
  10. What kind of government did France have?
  11. England differed from France in the belief of expansion. France believed that if you wanted to expand, you needed to take over by conquest. England believe that wealth could be ______.
  12. Where was the one place that could generate all the wealth needed for the Industrial Revolution? West______
  13. What types of goods were taken from North America?
  14. What was the terrible cost of the wealth created from the production on the West Indies?
  15. During the 18th century, how many slaves were transported across the Atlantic by the British?
  16. What economic class started to grow during this time frame in Britain?
  17. Wedgwood is considered to be the father of what?
  18. Who did Wedgwood direct his advertising towards?
  19. Who was responsible for taking care of roads in England?
  20. In 70 years, how much did the road system improve? From 300 Miles, to ______
  21. What did the French roads connect?
  22. How long did it take to build the Harecastle Tunnel?
  23. How much of the world’s coal was produced in Great Britain?______How much of the world’s iron was produced in Great Britain?______

Professor Jeremy Black examines one of the most extraordinary periods in British history: the Industrial Revolution. He explains the unique economic, social and political conditions that by the 19th century, led to Britain becoming the richest, most powerful nation on Earth. It was a time that transformed the way people think, work and play forever.

He traces the unprecedented explosion of new ideas and technological inventions that transformed Britain's agricultural society into an increasingly industrial and urbanized one. Why the Industrial Revolution Happened Here explores two fascinating questions - why did the industrial revolution happen when it did, and why did it happen in Britain?

Professor Black discusses the reasons behind this transformation; from Britain's coal reserves, which gave it a seemingly inexhaustible source of power, to the ascendency of political liberalism, with engineers and industrialists able to meet and share ideas and inventions. He explains the influence that geniuses like Josiah Wedgewood had on the consumer revolution and travels to Antigua to examine the impact Britain's empire had on this extraordinary period of growth.