Theme - CONNECT to previous Thinking Skills and Applications
1. History [Connect from CMIV]
Advanced applications
2. Advanced application usage: Activities to reinforce skills in
word/ppt/(audio, video, webcam, scan, digicam, insert into files)
Activity 1: Using audio, video, webcam, scanner, digicam, insert into files. (saving in various formats)
Activity 2: Make banners using autoshapes, wordart and other interesting formatting options.
Activity 3: A report/magazine article/story to be given and formatting done with specific instructions. (saving in various formats)
Activity 4: Printing the 3 documents in various formats, mailing, uploading the files, writing on cd, pendrive erc..
Guideline/info boxes for:
- Multi-finger typing – correct finger typing (in one standard it is written that students master typing speed of 30 wpm using proper touch-keying,
- shortcut keys (ctrl v, ctrl c….)
wordprocessing (all)
- Spell check/grammar check/thesaurus
- Formatting
- Margins, page set up, line spacing, alignment
- View
- Page view, zoom, print preview, ruler, find and replace
- Insertion
- Symbols, superscript, Date/time, page break, page numbers, headers, footers
- Graphic options
- Word art, clip art, wrap text
- Autoshapes – shapes, line width, colour, 3-D, shadow, rotate, grouping, order/arrange,
- Printing and print set-up – page layout
- Save as – files in different formats, cross OS compatibility – .rtf/.odt/.doc
3. Advanced excel along with activity
(sorting, filtering, more functions, more charts and formatting in charts)
4. An activity involving multiple thinking skills, applications and representations:
Combining word, ppt, excel while creating a report/portfolio Combine software.
Problem-solving and decision-making tools
- Present more than one method for PS
- Select one method
- arrrive at the outcome
- Use required technology tools and skills for the above
Advanced Internet
5. Advanced Network Connectivity, Advanced Search
- LAN, N/w, remote desktop, within one network, file sharing across Pcs, getting net connectivity – broad net.
– (Tools – internet options, Install fonts).
- [Connect to gathering info, Evaluation of info]
6. Advanced applications
- (web 2.0 - Social networking, sharing resources - facebook, picasa, blogging, twitter, google docs, youtube) - along with Internet etiquette [connect to smart and aware ]
Advanced Programming
7. Flowchart to pseudo code (boolean, sorting, branching)
8. Advanced BASIC (Boolean, If then Else, For and Do until loops)