Theme - CONNECT to previous Thinking Skills and Applications

1. History [Connect from CMIV]


Advanced applications

2. Advanced application usage: Activities to reinforce skills in

word/ppt/(audio, video, webcam, scan, digicam, insert into files)

Activity 1: Using audio, video, webcam, scanner, digicam, insert into files. (saving in various formats)

Activity 2: Make banners using autoshapes, wordart and other interesting formatting options.

Activity 3: A report/magazine article/story to be given and formatting done with specific instructions. (saving in various formats)

Activity 4: Printing the 3 documents in various formats, mailing, uploading the files, writing on cd, pendrive erc..

Guideline/info boxes for:

  1. Multi-finger typing – correct finger typing (in one standard it is written that students master typing speed of 30 wpm using proper touch-keying,
  2. shortcut keys (ctrl v, ctrl c….)

wordprocessing (all)

  1. Spell check/grammar check/thesaurus
  2. Formatting
  3. Margins, page set up, line spacing, alignment
  4. View
  5. Page view, zoom, print preview, ruler, find and replace
  6. Insertion
  7. Symbols, superscript, Date/time, page break, page numbers, headers, footers
  8. Graphic options
  9. Word art, clip art, wrap text
  10. Autoshapes – shapes, line width, colour, 3-D, shadow, rotate, grouping, order/arrange,
  11. Printing and print set-up – page layout
  12. Save as – files in different formats, cross OS compatibility – .rtf/.odt/.doc

3. Advanced excel along with activity

(sorting, filtering, more functions, more charts and formatting in charts)

4. An activity involving multiple thinking skills, applications and representations:

Combining word, ppt, excel while creating a report/portfolio Combine software.

Problem-solving and decision-making tools

  1. Present more than one method for PS
  2. Select one method
  3. arrrive at the outcome
  4. Use required technology tools and skills for the above


Advanced Internet

5. Advanced Network Connectivity, Advanced Search

- LAN, N/w, remote desktop, within one network, file sharing across Pcs, getting net connectivity – broad net.

– (Tools – internet options, Install fonts).

- [Connect to gathering info, Evaluation of info]

6. Advanced applications

- (web 2.0 - Social networking, sharing resources - facebook, picasa, blogging, twitter, google docs, youtube) - along with Internet etiquette [connect to smart and aware ]


Advanced Programming

7. Flowchart to pseudo code (boolean, sorting, branching)

8. Advanced BASIC (Boolean, If then Else, For and Do until loops)
