Creating a documentary project

Your group is going to film an interview style documentary about World War 2. Each group must have a commentator.

Requirements for the commentator

You must provide background information about the war, introduce the guests, and ask the questions each guest provides. Your background information should include major events in the war, what events led to World War 2, and the basic out comes of the war. This information should include 2 well written paragraphs of at least 5 sentences to turn in for your part of the script. Use the questions provided as a guide.

Requirements for the guests on the show (all other roles)

You must provide your commentator 7 questions to ask you and be ready with well written answers about your topic. 5 of the questions are provided for you. The other two you must come up with from your research. Be sure your research is accurate and your answers are complete and in your own words. DO NOT COPY FROM THE WEBSITES. Give complete answers each containing several sentences.

Roles for the documentary (choose your role, you do not have to have everyone in your group, you will learn when the other groups present!)

Commentator-Gives background knowledge about the causes of the war

A holocaust survivor that was liberated by the Allies (discuss the holocaust)

President Truman (decision for send the A bomb and why)

A soldier who fought on D-day

An Allied soldier who first saw the concentration camps and liberated them

Winston Churchill

Holocaust Survivor

  1. What exactly is the Holocaust?
  2. Why did the Nazi’s hate the Jewish people so much?
  3. Describe the Ghettos and the Concentration Camps.
  4. Describe the ride to get to these concentration camps.
  5. Other than simply sending the Jews to camps and Ghettos, the Nazis had a plan called the Final Solution. What was this plan?

(numbers 1-3)

(Numbers 4 -5)

President Truman

  1. When did you become president of the United States?
  2. How did you serve in World War 1?
  3. What are you known for?
  4. Do you regret dropping the atomic bomb on Japan? Why or Why not?
  5. What was one problem you dealt with after World War 2?

(number 1,3)

(number2,5 in after the war)


Soldier who fought on D –Day

  1. What was D-DAY
  2. How did you prepare for D-day and what did you do to deceive the Germans?
  3. Why was the weather important to the D-day invasion?
  4. Explain what happened during the invasion.
  5. What was the result of the invasion?

(all questions)

A liberator of the Concentration Camps

  1. What did soldiers like you encounter when you started to move across Europe?
  2. Can you explain what a death march is?
  3. Which group of soldiers found Auschwitz and what did you find there?
  4. Describe some things you saw as you liberated the camps.
  5. What did the American General, General Patton do because he was disgusted with what he found at the camps?

(Questions 1-3)

(Question 4-5 paragraphs 6-8)

Winston Churchill

  1. What country were you the leader of during WW2?
  2. Describe how you helped your country during WW2?
  3. Why did you enlist the help of the Soviet Union even though you did not like communism?
  4. What were some of your other accomplishments?
  5. What did you warn people about after WW2?

(Questions 1-4)

(Question 5)


Your response has to be guided by these questions, but written as a paragraph as you will not answer any of the questions, but instead provide background information and interview the guests.

  1. What was World War 2? Who Fought?
  2. When did World War 2 start?
  3. What caused World War 2?
  4. What were some of the effects of World War 2?
  5. How did WW2 end?

(Question 1-3)

(question 5)

(question 4)