SE7 SEND Pathfinder Project Planning FrameworkVersion 2.0
1. Statement of Intent
This document outlines the SE7 group response to the opportunity to pilot reforms in the Green Paper Support and aspiration: a new approach to Special Educational Needs and disabilityas part of the national SEND Pathfinder programme. The SE7 group has been active in campaigning for fundamental reform to the SEND system and works from a basis of long-term regional collaboration over SEN and disability.
We believe that the benefits of this partnership approach to the pathfinder are:
- A firm basis for testing what core standards or expectations can be translated into local systems and processes to create consistent local reform, aiding the development of a new national framework
- A cost-effective pathfinder by sharing costs of professional advice, including legal advice on meeting obligations under the existing system, commissioning and contracting advice, and consultancy on pooling budgets
- An efficient pathfinder as initial research, development and planning on each strand will be lead by one authority and where appropriate we will commission contributions regionally
- A flexible pathfinder, able to respond to any gaps that emerge in the national testing by incorporating additional activity and cohorts – for example low-incidence needs - from our large population
- A strong collective understanding of the need for reform and how new processes can help – we have campaigned for these changes and are keen to put them in to practice
- The opportunity to learn from the best regional practice and current pilot work as we work on new processes and formats, and the opportunity for expert professionals to lead and champion change across the region to maximise the reach of reform
2. The SE7 group
The SE7 group includes the following areas:
- Brighton & Hove
- East Sussex
- Hampshire
- Kent
- Medway
- Surrey
- West Sussex
This is a multi-agency pathfinder, with shared leadership between Local Authorities and the NHS. The NHS PCT Clusters in the area are:-
- NHS Kent and Medway
- NHS Surrey
- NHS Sussex
- Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth PCT Cluster
SE7 SEND Pathfinder Project Plan v2.0 – P.1 of 15
3. Activity strands, intended outcomes, and milestones
The following table sets out key strands or projects within the SE7 Pathfinder programme. It seeks to give an overall framework for planning and monitoring the work of the Pathfinder, and a general picture of the phasing of element of work within those projects. It will be reviewed over time as the scope of each project and the overall programme aims are refined. For each strand or project the link to Pathfinder outcomes is stated, and indicative output measures noted. These aims and metrics are for further refinement by those approaching each strand and within the local evaluation scheme for the Pathfinder.
There are three categories of activity identified:
- Testing changes to the system – core activities
- Testing changes to the system – options
- Managing the work of the Pathfinder and securing strategic engagement
Acronyms used in this document:
SE7 SEND Pathfinder Project Plan v2.0 – P.1 of 15
RSG – Regional Steering Group
VCS – Voluntary and Community Sector
LO – Local Offer
LCB / CB – Local / Change Board
SE7 SEND Pathfinder Project Plan v2.0 – P.1 of 15
LAC – Looked After Children
3A. Testing changes to the system – core activities
New integrated assessment process / Children and young people and their families experience an easier and less repetitive assessment process where key professionals work together well, and in which they are supported to participate fully. / Number of CYP assessed under new multi-agency arrangements / Scope extent of assessment strand of work
Identify expectations of assessment pathway and journey
Agree common SE7 standards / Local models agreed and arrangements in place to trail new approach
Targeted families recruited
Process in place for those new to the system locally. / Assessment and planning takes place for identified families and with relevant practitioners, integrated with personal budget approaches where in use. / Assessment and planning takes place for identified families and with relevant practitioners, integrated with personal budget approaches where in use. / Evaluation cohort identified
Single Plan / Children and young people have their needs and programme of support and activity described in a single plan that includes their health, education and care needs and support and is developed with them and their family. / Number of CYP with single plans in place / Identify standards for Single Plan model, looking at existing practice.
Develop SE7 framework for single planning / Local plan formats agreed, and their interaction and status in relation to other personal plans locally
Local practitioners aware of new plan format.
Possible regional support for developing key worker skills
Strengthened multi-agency strategic commissioning and collaboration: / Public sector resources for disabled children and young people and those with SEN are aligned to get the best out of investment, reduce duplication, and simplify resource allocation both for the whole system and individual care plans. / Proportion of total investment for disabled CYP / SEN within aligned and pooled budgets.
Establishment of multi-agency resource panels / allocation systems
Needs of disabled CYP clearly expressed in JSNA
HWB strategically engaged in decision-making / Local areas agree outline approaches of Pathfinder activity with Health & Wellbeing Boards. / Sharing of models of budget alignment, pooling, and multi-agency resource allocation processes and review of extent across the group.
Local area decisions on proposals within this strand.
Sharing of JSNA coverage of disabled children and scoping of areas for improvement
. / Local alignment and joint commissioning project initiated, for example:
- joining of resource panels
-establishing pooled or aligned budgets / Local JSNA coverage extends to include SEND issues / Evaluation of changes undertaken locally by evaluation team.
Local Offer and greater transparency / Families are better able to understand the system of support and range of help available for disabled CYP and those with SEN, including in education, care and health, and can navigate available local support more easily. / Comprehensive Local Offer published for each local area, developed with parents and based on a common SE7 format. / Parent Partnership Services (PPS) take the lead and scope the project with parents, taking in to account existing best practice. / PPS work with parents to develop a local offer template for use across the SE7 area.
PPS propose communication strategy for new Local Offer
RSG agrees common template / format. / Local areas compile content for their own local offer and plan for local communication. / All local areas publish their local offer and publicise locally. / SE7 wide Local Offer available. / Analysis takes place of comparability of Local Offers between areas.
Review of content and effectiveness by PPS with parents.
3B. Testing changes to the system - options
Strand / Outcomes / Key indicative output measure/s / Sep – Dec 2011 / Jan – Mar 2012 / Apr – Jun 2012 / Jul – Sep 2012 / Sep – Dec 2012 / Jan – Mar 2012Personal budgets
Lead: West Sussex / Through having greater choice and control over the services and support they receive CYP and their families have better lives, and are happier with the way that support is agreed and provided to them. / Number of personal budgets in place
Proportion of personal budgets that include two sources of funding.
Proportion of personal budgets that include three or more sources of funding. / Personal Budget (PB) leads compare existing and planned approaches across SE7, including Resource Allocation Systems.
SE7 standards for PB programmes identified.
Application for health PB status coordinated between PCT Cluster. / Local negotiation on the inclusion of health and education costs.
Possible regional
Regional advice issued on unit costing mechanisms and market development.
Regional training for those involved in support planner / PB case work as appropriate. / Personal budgets in place for identified local cohorts in some authorities; further families being recruited. / Personal budgets in place for identified local cohorts in all participating authorities. / Regional analysis undertaken on changes in resource use in PB test group.
Banded Funding
Lead: Hampshire
Brighton & Hove / [For development] / [For development] / Research on existing banded funding models nationally and in the SE7 area.
Lead area scopes the extent of regional development / activity required and develop project plan. / [For development] / [For development] / [For development] / [For development] / [For development]
Age range and employment
-transition and employment
Lead: Surrey / Medway
East Sussex / The family and young person’s experience of the support system is better, particularly at key transition points, as there is a single coherent system that applies across the ages. Agencies are better able to develop provision as forecasts of projected needs are more joined-up. / Extent of inclusion of post-16 young people and early years cohort in test group for new assessment and plan.
[Further indicators ro be confirmed] / Collective work on the assessment and planning framework takes account of early years and post-19 issues.
Participating local areas identify local projects on transition and testing applicability of plan to transition.
Lead areas scope the extent of regional development / activity required and develop project plan. / Scoping and assessment of systems in place to forecast future provision needs.
Engagement of additional partners locally eg. Housing, economic development, ASC.
Participating areas ensure test cohort identification includes good coverage of those approaching transition. / [For development] / [For development] / [For development] / [For development]
Support to parents and carers
Lead: Brighton & Hove
All areas to some extent. / The Pathfinder tests reforms that are genuinely useful and make a difference to parents, and parents feel that they have been pivotal in the trial of new approaches.
Through Pathfinder tests generally and through specific initiatives the system of support is redesigned to be less adversarial, and reduce conflict. / [For development] / [For development] / [For development] / [For development] / [For development] / [For development] / [For development]
Support to vulnerable CYP: LAC and ethnic minority families
Lead: Kent / Surrey
All areas to some extent / Outcomes for Looked After Children with SEN or who are disabled are improved and are better served by the system of support.
[Activity plan for testing with ethnic minority families to be developed in addition] / Number of LAC CYP with a new single plan of support covering education, health and care needs and provision. / Heads of Virtual Schools for LAC / LAC leads agree scope of project and key issues to resolve.
LAC / Approach to using locally developed single plans with LAC agreed. / Single plan in use locally for test LAC cohort. / Review with LAC specialists of implementation of single plan. / Specific LAC cohort included in local evaluation: developments tested against success measures.
Any cases of relocation with a single plan evaluated.
Protocol agreed on inter-authority transfer of LAC CYP with SEN or who are disabled that reduces disruption in their lives and enables better continuation of suitable provision. / specialists involved in assessment and planning workstreams.
Success measures agreed. / Protocol for inter-LA transfer under development.
Protocol agreed by RSG and by local leadership teams. / Small-scale test of transfer protocol with 2/3 areas. / Transfer protocol refined and in place across SE7. / New protocol arrangements operating.
3C. Managing the work of the Pathfinder and ensuring strategic engagement
Strand / Outcomes / Key indicative output measure/s / Sep – Dec 2011 / Jan – Mar 2012 / Apr – Jun 2012 / Jul – Sep 2012 / Sep – Dec 2012 / Jan – Mar 2012Governance and programme management / The Pathfinder produces results supported by the range of agencies and partners involved across the region and makes use of economies of scale and the collective knowledge of the group.
All pathfinder areas benefit from a supportive relationship from the support and evaluation partners and work together efficiently on central reporting tasks. / [For development] / Terms of Reference for RSG and local Change Boards agreed.
SE7-wide project planning framework set out.
Forward planner for RSG developed.
Outline regional budget plan agreed.
Project Manager network established.
Secure website established for communication. / Regional project manager in place.
Reporting mechanisms from LCBs to RSG confirmed.
Refinement of work plans for strands overseen by regional PM.
Agreed regional commissioning takes place.
As strands confirm work plans, opportunities for economies of scale and group commissioning identified. / Ongoing monitoring of project planning framework and regional budget.
Project Manager assists with delivering strand work plans as appropriate.
Project Manager oversees local reporting in line with evaluation scheme agreed. / Ongoing monitoring of project planning framework and regional budget.
Project Manager assists with delivering strand work plans as appropriate.
Project Manager oversees local reporting in line with evaluation scheme agreed. / Ongoing monitoring of project planning framework and regional budget.
Project Manager assists with delivering strand work plans as appropriate.
Project Manager oversees local reporting in line with evaluation scheme agreed. / Sustainability review undertaken for RSG.
Project Manager assists in producing the final evaluation.
CYP involvement / [For development] / [For development] / [For development] / [For development] / [For development] / [For development] / [For development] / [For development]
Evaluation & review of impact / The outcomes of the Pathfinder for children, young people and families are properly evidenced and analysed, in particular the applicability of the models used across local areas, the value for money of new systems, the cost of reform, and the key contributing factors to success. / [For development] / Evaluation and monitoring scheme agreed by RSG.
Specification for any additional support on local evaluation scheme agreed and tender process begun if necessary.
Agreement on which areas are possible ‘case study’ sites for national evaluation. / Information / data sharing arrangements agreed by Pathfinder leads regarding test cohorts.
Overall estimated test group size agreed, including from targeted groups.
All strands of work confirm success measures to inform local evaluation scheme.
Benchmarking information exercise on key success measures and system costs. / Ongoing monitoring of test cohort takes place, advising areas on action to improve diversity of cohort.
Rationale developed for assessing the costs of change, using benchmarking information. / Cross-authority testing of systems and formats developed, eg for assessment and planning. / Selection of personal budget / support plans tested against availability of similar services in other areas, using Local Offer and professional knowledge.
Specific analysis of identified groups: eg. LAC / low incidence needs. / Comparison of the costs of change for each area.
Full local evaluation complete that complements national evaluation and meets scope agreed in Q4 2011/2012.
Workforce development & mutual support / [For development] / [For development] / [For development] / [For development] / [For development] / [For development] / [For development] / [For development]
Strategic engagement across sectors and professional groups / The Pathfinder activity is truly multi-agency, and multi-professional, and benefits from the skills, commitment, and strategic engagement of a diverse sector. / [For development] / [For development] / [For development] / [For development] / [For development] / [For development] / [For development]
4. Phasing and staging of project work
There are multiple strands to the Pathfinder activity with complex inter-relations and overlap, and different activities in each strand
across the seven pathfinder sites. Coordinating this successfully will require a robust programme management approach that allows
flexibility to respond to local conditions and existing activity and for the programme to flex in response to delays either a regional or local
The fullest implementation of reform requires the interaction of each of these strands but they can be approached with varying degrees of
independence in order to phase the work involved in the pathfinder and make progress quickly in making a difference to families.
The dependencies within this complex programme are key. The major programme dependency is on the revised approach to assessment and planning of support for disabled children and young people and those with SEN. A number of other strands rely on the completion of the regional framework for assessment and planning before commencing their own activity. In addition testing the applicability of the system to specific cohorts of children and young people is reliant on suitably diverse recruitment and engagement of families to take part in local test activity, and the completion of the local evaluation scheme.
5. Activity breakdown: Regional and local activity
The table below aims to distinguish between local responsibilities and regional activity within the Pathfinder. This will be updated to reflect the reviewed strands of work within the programme used in section 3 above.
Strand / element / SE7 activity / Local activity (all areas)Core testing areas / Integrated Assessment and single assessment process /
- Identify range of professionals that we would like to work together
- Examine possible models for a ‘single process’
- Bring together professionals to look at content of existing assessments
- Share models currently used in Early Support Programme and Transition programmes across area
- Agree a regional framework for the assessment process
- Identify a range of cohorts that we would like to try this approach for in the trial, including low-incidence cohorts across the region
- Agree local focus: what professionals, services, assessments will work together within the regional framework and with what cohort/s
- Put in place programme of testing the assessment process that ties in with the development of a single plan
- Consider how the process would apply to specific conditions and needs
- Explore school role in assessment and school practice in requesting assessment