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Ministry Covenant
Between __Edith L. Laktzian (CLM) and __Trinity United Methodist Church______(Congregation/Charge)
_____September 20, 2017______
- Local Church Description and Mission
Trinity United Methodist Church has an approximately 225 members located in East St. Louis, IL. Our mission is to make disciples for JESUS CHRIST for the transformation of the world.
- Members of the Mutual Ministry Team (MMT) Includes: LeverneBackstrom, Camille McCaskill, James Little, Jewel Birge, Sherry Sams, Darrell Smith, and TeeneeteDae.
- CertifiedLay Minister:
Edith L.Laktzian
Responsibilities: I am responsible in the area of nurture to support the Pastor on Sundays, to preach if needed, teach a Spiritual Growth Class for adults (Sunday School), coordinate the Children’s Ministry efforts, that includes Vacation Bible School, pray for the entire church and others, visit the sick and shut-in in the hospitals, and rehabilitation centers, have weekly meeting with the Pastor, meet monthly with supervising Pastor, and monthly with the MMT Team.
- Equipping Clergy (assigned by DS):
Rev. Dr. Daryl Fansler,
As a team of CLM we meet with our mentor. He has assigned different books for us to read in advance of the class. As we meet we discuss the relevance to Trinity Church. He encourages us to implement what we are learning to the church and the world.
- District Superintendent: Rev. Dr. Rose Booker-Jones
Responsibilities: Overseeing the work of the local church and participating with the Bishop in appointments.
- Congregation Members (names/roles):
Name: Lee Ola Johnson Role: Church Treasurer
Name: Barbara Sams Role: Finance Committee Chairperson
Name: LeverneBackstrom Role: Staff Pastor-Parish Relations Chairperson
Name: Peggy Lewis LeCompte Role: Church Council Chairperson
Responsibilities: Church Treasurer: Responsible for the receivership of the church funds and ensuring that said funds are deposited and designated into the appropriate account.
Finance Committee Chairperson: Ensures that all church accounts are appropriately balanced and designated funds are delegated in a responsible manner.
Staff pastor Parish Chairperson: Appropriately oversees the documentation and evaluation of paid church staff.
Church Council Chairperson: Facilitates the monthly communication of all church leaders.
- Others as agreed:
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- Pastoral Expectations of Certified Lay Minister: to assist the Pastor in the Morning Worship Service, visit the sick-and shut-in, make hospital visit, help to administer their communion, and meet with the mutual ministry team and the equipping clergy.
- Duties/Responsibilities: As a Certified Lay Minister I am expected to preach when asked by the Pastor, assist in the nurturing ministries of the church, pray daily with the prayer ministry team for the church and the world.
- Amount of time required: ______20______per week/month
- Learning Plan (process/method/time commitment): I, Edith L. Laktzian, have committed myself to completing these hours of service to the church. I will make myself available if more time is needed to fulfill the duties assigned to me. I am committed to completing any required yearly coursework for CLM’s.
- Time Away:
- Paid Vacation: __0___ # days per year including ___0__ # Sundays
- Continuing Education: 0 # days per year
- Renewal/Study Time:_____0______# days per year
- Emergency Situations:______0______# days per year
- Congregation’s Support of Certified Lay Minister
(through prayerful support and encouragement of the nurturing ministry)
- Financial Support (May need to adjust if not doing supply)
Church: ____0______
Annual Salary$0.00
Reimbursed Expense (per yr.) 0
Mileage 0
Professional Expenses0 (Committed to handling my personal expenses and not making it a burden of the church)
Continuing Education 0
Other (please list):
- Support of CLM Development (What will be done, and by whom)
- Training: Most of CLM training is done through the Mississippi River District
- Support: Equipping Clergy (Dr. Fansler), and our local (Pastor Dr. Lisa Scott-Joiner)
- Supervision: Dr. Lisa Scott-Joiner, Pastor
- Accountability: Trinity United Methodist Church
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- Stewardship
1. Conference apportionments: Is in accordance with the Apportionments Formula approved by the General Conference
2. Financial responsibilities to equipper: The Finance Committee annually compiles a Budget for supporting the Vision of the Trinity Church and submits it to the church leadership for review and adoption.
3. Local mission goal: Our Local Mission Goal is to serve GOD, our fellow person in and outside the church with the love of GOD guiding and directing us to help others know JESUS CHRIST.
5. Review Process: Explain how the congregation and the CLM will assess this form of ministry
foreffectiveness annually. The congregation knows that each CLM reports to the Pastor and the MMT. So, at any time if there is a concern the membership can speak with the Pastor or the MMT, who would come together with the CLM to resolve the issue.
a. When the review is to happen: The review will happen once a year.
b. How it will be accomplished? The completion of CLM coursework will be one measure and the recommendation of the Pastor and the Church Council membership team.
c. Who will be involved: Pastor, Church Council Team
d. What will be assessed: The effectiveness of the leadership of the CLM individual
e. Any plans for improvement: Improvement will be done each year based on the coursework and the individual’s giftedness.
f. Whether to celebrate mutual accomplishments: at present the celebration is completing the coursework
6. Provision for Covenant Reconsideration:
a. Steps to release and/or change the ministry covenant as necessary: Individual assessment has to be considered as GOD reveals His plan for spiritual growth. Also, if the Pastor or MMT see a concern that must be addressed, there would be recommendation to release or change ministry covenant.
b. OPTIONAL – terms for termination of covenant
7. Closing Statement (promise of mutual support and encouragement.): I, Edith L. Laktzian, will continue to pray and seek GOD’s directive in the Certified Lay Ministry commitment that I have made.
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8. Signatories
This covenant is agreed to this ____ day of ______in the year ______of our Lord Jesus
Christ, as witnessed to by our signatures.
Church Council Chairperson Lay Leader
Church Council Chairperson Lay Leader
Church Council Chairperson Lay Leader
This covenant is supported and approved by the connection (District Committee on Ministry and
Conference and District Superintendent) on this _____ day of ______in the year ______
Of our Lord Jesus Christ, as witnessed by the signatures below.
District Superintendent Equipping Clergyperson
This is to certify that I have received and accepted the terms of this covenant to serve as certified lay minister of ______United Methodist Church/Charge. It is understood by myself and all parties represented by the above signatories that as the certified lay minister, I will serve as part of a Mutual Ministry Team that includes members of the congregation and an equipping clergyperson assigned to guide my leadership. Further, I will complete the certification process and/or recertification courses and participate in additional events as required by the district superintendent. As a layperson I understand that I am not ordained with sacramental authority or eligible for clergy compensation or rights.
Date ____Monday, September 26, 2017______
Edith L. Laktzian-- Certified Lay Minister
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Also signed by those covenanting for faithful ministry on ______(date) on behalf of the mission and ministry of ______(congregation/charge).
MutualMinistry Team:
Staff – Parish Chairperson Position: ______
Position: ______Position: ______
Position: ______Position: ______
Position: ______Position: ______
Position: ______Position: ______
Position: ______Position: ______
Other Witnesses:
1-1-2017 CLM Coordinating Team