15th Sunday of Ordinary Time
15thJuly 2018 / Vigil Mass 6.00pm / Mildred Hancock / Monmouth
9.15am / People of the Parish / Monmouth
11.00am / Private intention (Allen) / Ross-on-Wye
Monday / 16th / 9.15am / Special Intention (Walsh) / Monmouth
Tuesday / 17th / 7.00pm / Frederick Colbert / Ross-on-Wye
Wednesday / 18th / 12 noon / Bill Harris (Requiem) / Ross-on-Wye
6.30pm / Rosary / Ross-on-Wye
Thursday / 19th / 10.00am / School leavers’ Mass / Ross-on-Wye
Friday / 20th / 9.15am / Derricott thanksgiving / Monmouth
Saturday morning Mass at Usk prison
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Monmouth: Saturday 5.15pm - 5.45pm
Ross-on-Wye: Tuesday 6.15pm - 6.45pm
16th Sunday of Ordinary Time
22nd July 2018 / Vigil Mass Saturday 6.00pm / Tom Loome / Monmouth
9.15am / People of the Parish / Monmouth
11.00am / Digby Mullenger / Ross-on-Wye
Sunday evening Mass is celebrated regularly at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, Hereford at 6.30pm. 101 Belmont Road, Hereford HR2 7JR
Items for the Ross newsletter -
or items for the Monmouth newsletter: by12 noonThursday
If you wish to book the Parish Room for an event, or cancel a booking, please contact Ann McKnight
28/2018 Parish of the Archdiocese of Cardiff - Registered Charity 242380
St Frances of Rome
Sussex Avenue, Ross-on-Wye, HR9 5AL
01989 564514 (answer machine)
& St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Monmouth
Parish Priest: Fr. Nicholas James e-mail:
Tel: 01600 712029
15th Sunday of Ordinary Time
15thJuly 2018
Offertory 8th July 2018
Envelopes / £80.45
Loose plate / £156.19
Sea Sunday / £176.45
Strawberry Tea / £173.00
Other / £17.31
Total / £603.40
SICKPARISHIONERS: Please remember in your prayers: Rita Katrak, Ivan Merritt, Claire Niven, Paul Bennett, BridgitFrankland, Eileen & Roger Crosby, Margaret Collinson, Neil Hillyer, Kathy O’Connor, Mary McCrory, FaustaScarand, Janet and Andrew Baily, Margarete Denton, EithneHolcom, Pat Fennesy, Charles Reeve-Tucker.
Anniversaries:Catherine Webb, Beatrice Bullimore, Bessie Pierson, Jan Novy, Cecelia Moller.
THE REQUIEM MASS FOR BILL HARRISwill be held on Wednesday 18th July at 12 noon at St Frances of Rome, Ross-on-Wye.
STRAWBERRY TEA WITH MUSIC was a great success last weekend. Huge thanks go to our musicians who helped to make the event so enjoyable. Thanks also to all the helpers, those who donated cakes and to Maureen for the use of her garden.
ROME & ASSISI PILGRIMAGE: Updated meeting -For a number of reasons, the 19th July selected for the scheduled update meeting is proving to be problematic! Therefore, this meeting has now been CANCELLED & rescheduled for THURSDAY 2nd AUGUST at 7.00pm in the Parish Room. If you are still interested in receiving further information but you are unable to attend the meeting please let Honor know via email:
MARRIAGE CARE: The Archdiocesan Family Support Project is looking for volunteers who would be interested in joining their Marriage Preparation team. Further information is at the back of church or contact: .
OPEN CHURCH AT ST FRANCES: Thursday 2nd August 2018: 11.30-3.00pm
- Thank you to all who have given items for the above event - it is not too late to donate, so please leave any book or toy donations outside the parish office.
- Any parish groups who would like a display of their work included in the parish centre for this event, please contact Kim Howell/ or Erica Philp after Sunday Mass or email – by the 30th July.
- Refreshments – any donations of home baked cakes for the afternoon would be very gratefully received, please bring to the parish room on the morning of Thursday 2nd August. Thank you.
Please invite your family, friends and neighbours to visit our church for this event – there are flyers in this week’s newsletter and at the back of the church.
Rotas / Readers / Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers / Tea & Coffee15th Sunday
15th July 2018 / Jan / Jon, Lindsay, Erica / Katherine U
16th Sunday
22nd July 2018 / Lynne / Maureen, Claire + 1 / Pat & Kath
DAY OF REFLECTION ADVANCED NOTICE: Belmont Abbeyfrom10.00am - 4.00pm, Saturday 1st September 2018, organised bythe Padre Pio prayer group. If there is enough interest, a coach could be organised. This opportunity is open to all and it is hoped that many parishioners from St Frances and St Mary’s will join together and take time in our busy lives to reflect for a day. If you are interested please either sign up on the sheet provided at the back of church or send an e mail to either Neil Wareing or Honor Houghton
JOHN KEMBLE PILGIMAGE: Please note that this year’s Pilgrimage is on Sunday 19th August.
THE COMMUNITY LARDER BOX: Please keep the goods coming in! Thank you for your generosity.
Teas & Coffees are served every Sunday after Mass in the parish room.. Newcomers & visitors are most welcome to come and join us.