MRA Meeting Minutes

June 21st2016, 7:00 pm via conference call

Call to Order: Jojo called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm

Attendance/Roll Call: highlight members in attendance. Underlined = nonvoting member

President: Jojo Wagner

VP: Dan Bergeson

Secretary:Jill Scott

Treasurer: Alicia Mengelkoch

Bull Riding:Kenny Betts & Mitch Muelken

Calf Roping:Cullen HewittBrett Hewitt

Over 40 CR: Royce LarsonQuinlann Thomas

Barrel Racing:Jill SundellCourtney Otto

Team Roping:Matt McCormick, Brad Scott, Jr Moseng, Eric Nelsen

Breakaway Roping:Jolene Loiseau & Kaycee Wilking

Steer Wrestling: Dylan Peper, Alan Oberfell

Judges Director:DruWilking

Bareback:Cory SchwartzTravis Fagen

Saddle Bronc: Ty Sonenstahl & Morgen Dwire

Queen Director: Lacey Huben

Stock Director: Scott Berends

PR Director:MRA Queen (Chelsea Ramer)

Finals Director:

General Members: Cheyanne Brown

Topic / Who / Decision/Action
Treasurers Report / Alicia / Jill gave treasurers report, $45,466.88 total in account right now, all checks are cleared.
Approval of June treasurers report: Chelsea MM to approve/Royce 2nd it. Motion Carried.
Secretaries Report / Jill Scott / 284 members at this time, very comparable to last year’s # at same time.
May meeting min are online and have been emailed to the board.
Approval of May Meeting Min:Jolene MM to approve/Courtney 2nd it. Motion Carried.
Queen Report / Lacey, Chelsea / Nothing to report per Chelsea
Stock Committee Report / Scott B, Kenny B,
Jolene L, Brad Scott / We need to start looking at stock bids for the finals.
Awards Committee / Jill Scott, Alicia, Jojo,
Jill Sundell / Jacket review – Jojo sent out an email with some jacket options, she asked for some feedback. All jacket options come in both women’s and men’s sizes. All jackets are within our budget. Some general discussion on jackets, some people did not get the email so Jill Scott will re send out. Directors will email Jill Scott which jacket they want, and next meeting we will vote of top 2.
Budget / Jojo, Alicia, Jill Scott / Nothing to report
Nominations / Jill Scott, / Nothing to report
Rules and Bylaws / Jojo, Jill Scott,
Scott Berends,
DruWilking / Cheyanne was on the call, there was an incident in Estelline SD where she was doing breakaway roping with a purple flag on her rope, she also did not pay her fee’s before she ran. The judge’s sheet did reflect a time, it did not reflect a D/Q. She then went on to state she did go to pay her fees right after her run, and later went to pick up her check and the secretaries told her she did not get a time due to not having her fee’s paid. When she looked at the posted sheets they indicated she had a time. Her question is, how much time the judges get to make a decision. Rules were reviewed via rule book, Judges rule states any dispute will not hold up the rodeo, the rodeo will proceed without delay. Jojo reviewed the situation that happened while Jojo was present at that rodeo, if you take your calf without paying your fee’s you are dis-qualified. Much discussion on why the rule is in place.
Finals / Jojo, Jill Scott,
Matt McCormick / Finals will be October 7th & 8th in Verndale. Jojo – update on status of contract and details.
No slack will be at this year finals, all participants will be in performance.
Old Business / All
New Business / All / We already approved Tomah but Simon’s are asking if we can co sanction with IRA. They would like us to approve MRA/IRA
Rodeo Name / Monroe County Championship Rodeo
Sanction / MRA/IRA
Stock Contractor / Dakota Rodeo
Address / Monroe County Fairgrounds
Performance / July 28th @6:30, July 29th @ 6:30 pm
Slack / After Perf on July 28th
Entries / July 25th 2pm-8pm, call 651-439-0640
Events / SB,BB, BR, CR, O40 CR, SW, TR, Breakaway, Barrels,
Entry Fee: / Per MRA Scale
Added Money / $500 BB and SB, $1000 Bulls, $500 in all other events ($500 total in TR)
Emergency # / 651-248-2663
Application Status / You must have your membership post marked by July 25th 2016 for your points to count
Cory MM to approve Tomah with 2nd association sanction/Cullen 2nd it. Motion Carried.
Entry Page on website updated: does it seem easier/better to read?
Late fee after April 15th. Could we look at changing this to apply to everyone, or get rid of the rule and have it be the same price all year? Right now, people forget to pay it, and I spend a lot of time tracking down the $10 to those it applies to. If we change it to have everyone pay, it might make is easier so the option is not available to pay just the $150 online they would only have one choice which would be to pay the late fee. I also have people send only the $10 thinking it is a renewal fee. In 2015 the $10 late fee was paid by 59 people.
PayPal, I would like there to be a way they need to fill out the application and electronically sign the application before they pay on Paypal. I spend a lot of time tracking down signed MRA applications. Also being someone under the age of 18 needs their application notarized, should we take the option for them to pay online off, because their membership needs to be signed and sent in?
Our rule does have verbage about memberships not being in good standing, and if they pay online and do not send this information in, they technically are not in good standing and should not be getting points. Reference Page 5 of the rule book, membership requirements.
Some general discussion on this, and the fact we MUST follow the rule for applicants to sign the membership form to get points. Jill asked for idea’s on how to make this more clear so people make sure they do this when paying online, and discussion on the fact if people do not get points if they are not a member in good standing. We will vote at next meeting on dues for next year membership, eliminating the late fee.
Nest meeting date and time:
Adjourn: / All / Potential next meeting date: July 19th @ 7:00 pm
Chelsea MM to adjourn meeting/Jolene 2nd it, motion carried. Adjourn at 8:00 pm.