Charity Number SCIO XXXXXX (awaiting OSCR registration)
Chairman : John MacMillan
Application for Membership of the Trust
Please complete this form having read the notes below, and return it by post (with a signed cheque made out to the ‘Highland Velodrome Trust’ for the corresponding annual membership fee) to the Secretary at the following address :-
A M GREAVES, 6 Drum-Lewes, 105 Balmacaan Road, DRUMNADROCHIT, Inverness, IV63 6UY
Surname (or SC-affiliated Club name)First/other names (or your Club responsibility)
Date of Birth (day/month/year) unless a Club
Address (first line)
Address (second line)
Post code
Telephone number
Email address
Declaration : The club/I (delete one) wish to become a Member of the Highland Velodrome Trust and hereby confirm that it/I (delete one) will support the objects of the Trust as set out in clause 4 of the Constitution for the duration of its/my (delete one) membership. The club/personal information provided above is correct to the best of my knowledge and may only be used by the Trust for the purposes of its own administration activities. I have read the notes below and enclose my remittance for the appropriate fee.
Signature : Date :
1. Memberships are annual (running from 1st January to 31 December or the residual calendar period thereof) and non-transferable.
2. Clubs which are affiliated to the national governing body (Scottish Cycling) should apply for Club membership for which the annual fee is currently £50. Club members have special voting rights accorded by the Trust’s Constitution.
3. Individual memberships are available for persons aged 16 or over who wish to support the Trust and to use its facilities and the associated activities. These benefits will be restricted until such time as a regional velodrome is built and becomes operational. The annual fee is £10. A ‘family’ category of individual membership is also available to cover a spouse/partner and children at a cost of £20. Non SC-affiliated clubs and other organisations may also subscribe as individual Members for a fee of £30. Please note that all individual class memberships carry a single vote on a limited range of Trust matters in accordance with the Constitution.
4. The Trust will offer a Life category of individual membership in due course.
5. A discount of 50% on individual fees will be granted to persons who qualify on the grounds of age, infirmity or hardship. Please contact the Secretary for further information.
6. Admission to Trust membership is entirely at the discretion of the Board of Trustees. A letter or email will be sent as soon as possible after your application has been processed.