Name of Portfolio Holder: Councillor Wretham
Portfolio: Housing Areas and Social Inclusion
Date of Decision: 27th September 2004
Democratic Services Officer present: Karen Linaker
Decision Venue: Room 151
Title: Changes to the Allocations Policy
Decisions Taken:
That the following proposals be agreed:
1. Increase the equity and savings limit to 75% of the cost of purchasing a suitable property. The reason for setting it at this level is that this level of equity should be sufficient to fund the purchase of a home to meet their needs. Officers will support individuals to purchase a new home by selling their existing property. Each case would be looked at individually.
2. Change the policy of selling to a housing association and adding the option of leasing to the Council. The lease would be for a minimum of five years and would cover the cost of full dilapidations. The lease payment would be below market rent levels but would not be lower than the total rent and service charge paid for future accommodation. Properties leased could be offered to homeless families or those on the housing register who are living in difficult circumstances.
3. Agree that time spent on the housing register whilst suspended (due to high equity or savings) would not count towards the overall time spent on the housing register.
4. If an applicant deliberately deprives themselves of capital, for example by signing over the ownership of a property to a relative, in order to qualify for re-housing, they will be treated as still having the equity or savings. The procedure will be based on the regulations governing housing benefit.
Status: Policy Issue
Key Decision: Yes
Published in Forward Plan: Yes
Declaration of Interests: None
Report/Information considered: See attached
None discussed.
Budget Implications: None.
Contact Officers: Keith Mitchell, Housing Needs Manager
Present at decision making:
Councillor: Bill Wretham
Officer: Karen Linaker
Public: 0
Signed: Councillor Wretham
Dated: 27th September 2004